Aeries Ideas
3054 results found
Default to District School in Special Programs
In Special Programs the student's enrollment will be followed in Aeries for CALPADS reporting if the school is populated with the District. So making the PGM.SC default to populate itself to the District instead of the school the student is currently enrolled in would save a lot of time on data clean up while reporting to CALPADS.
49 votes -
Disable 'Nickname' field in Online Enrollment
Is it possible to disable the "Nick Name" (First Name Alias) Field in Aeries Online Enrollment?
49 votesThank you for your feedback, and please tell us more. Why would you not want to collect the student’s nickname? Please use the comments to elaborate.
Emulate Parent in Online Enrollment
Our Enrollment Technicians would like the ability to emulate a parent in the Aeries Online Enrollment product so that they can see the errors parents are experiencing on their current steps to better assist them with the process.
48 votes -
Ability to hide a "preferred name" and gender from parent accounts as well as hide email accounts due to name/gender change.
Students are supposed to be able to have a preferred name/gender at school without being required to disclose to their parents. However, parents are able to see the preferred name/gender in the homelink account as well as the email accounts. They can also see gender on the data confirmation page. I have students who want to do a name/gender change, but do not have supportive parents at home and are choosing not to because their parents will be able to see the change.
47 votes -
All Tables and Reports in Aeries to use Student ID instead of SN
It would be so helpful for all tables to use the student ID as the unique identifier instead of School Code/Student Number. This would avoid the need to query the STU table to obtain the ID number.
47 votes -
Sub Account for Users
I recently learned of creating a teacher sub account and I think it's a great feature. Could we get something similar for user sub accounts, too, please? :)
47 votes -
MST Board- Allow an option to skip inactive sections
Add an option to Skip Inactive classes on the MST Board. We have the Skip TA button, it would be great to add Skip Inactive Classes, we don't always delete inactive sections right away and then the teachers are calling about the inactive ones.
47 votes -
Classes - Add the ability for Aeries to recognize a future change in scheduling
Currently, Aeries is programmed to treat all changes as immediate changes, regardless of an effective date. This does not work with how school staff efficiently process known changes. When a future schedule change is added to Aeries, the response from Aeries is to drop students from classes they are still in, and this wreaks havoc on attendance, grades, and reporting. We were told that Aeries is working as designed when it does this. If that is true, I respectfully request that you redesign this function. It causes a lot of confusion for teachers and students and causes many staff countless…
46 votes -
Allow Contacts to be Defined at the Family Level
If parent/guardian is updated on sibling, parent/guardian gets updated on all siblings.
Use case: Staff at school site only have access to update contacts at their school site. A contact (ie. Parent/Guardian) is on a sibling record at another school site and we would like to keep the data (,, email, address, all phone #'s) sync'd.
46 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminMinott Opdyke (Quality Control, Aeries Software) responded
Hello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system. Stay tuned!
Please add Custom Labels to Query
I would like to create customized Query labels in Aeries Web. They are only available in Aeries Client.
46 votes -
Email staff users when a new account is created for them
It would be nice for there to be an option to email the User or Staff member for updates done to their account.
When we hit save if a pup up could say "email user with updates" Yes or No.
New accounts to incule username, password and link for the signon page. to also include the permissions that have been assigned to the staff member.
Changes to the account to include a comment box were we can state the change. i.e. "Legal Name updated", "Room Number Udpated", etc.
45 votes -
Automate SSA Date
Consider adding a district option to remove SSA dates after three years. Allow districts to decide if that want the date updated automatically. Currently, it needs to be managed manually.
45 votes -
Aeries Academy Management
Please allow individual districts to manage users completing Aeries Academy. We would love to be able to see who is doing it and where they are at in the cert process
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Participation Option on PFT Dropdown Status
This is the third year that the CDE is requiring Participation Only. I spoke on the phone with a CDE PFT representative and she said to reach out to our SiS vendors to ask that a drop-down option be added that is "Participated" or "Not Participated. Currently in all our status is Undetermined or Not Tested because the PFT since 2021 administration year is no longer a Pass-Not Pass test. It would be great to add the two additional options under Test Status and each of the five required components.
44 votes -
Exclude record from SDEM flag for STF records
It would be ideal if there was a flag for excluding certain STF records from being pulled in SDEM files. We now have virtually all staff records in Aeries for ParentSquare, which we use for COVID daily screening, and we need a better way to exclude classified staff and sub teachers who have SEIDs. We have more of these than you might think, as many people got a SEID as a sub or they failed a credentialing program and now work in classified roles, like Instructional Assistants or Clerical staff. Right now we load all staff data from Escape (HRIS),…
44 votes -
Electronic Score Report Processing - Update Verbiage on Completion Email When No Scores Available
When no test scores are available for any students based on the settings marked on the Configure Electronic Score Reporting Manager page, the process emails that it failed even though it really was that there were no test scores available.
Please change the email the verbiage to "No scores were available" instead of "failed to complete".
44 votes -
Please provide a way for (Long Term Independent Study) School to utilize the LCAP Dashboard
Please provide a way for (Long Term Independent Study) School to utilize the LCAP Dashboard for Chronic Absenteeism when having to use the Incomplete/Verified Not Absent code.
44 votes -
CALPADS STAS - Do not extract for students in NPS or Private Schools
As of 4/2024, CALPADS no longer accepts STAS records for students in an NPS or Private Schools (School of Attendance = 0000001) or private school group (School of Attendance = 0000002). Adjust the logic in Aeries to no longer extract automatically for these schools. Currently, Aeries automatically populates an exemption indicator for all NPS students. Remove logic that inserts the Exemption indicator.
43 votes -
Add Test ID "CAST" for California Science Test to the LCAP dashboard so we can pull information through LCAP Dashboard process.
Add Test ID "CAST" for California Science Test to the LCAP dashboard so we can pull information through LCAP Dashboard process.
43 votes -
PBIS Page for Documenting Behaviors for Teacher Referrals
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is a discipline methodology and practice that we would like to have incorporated in either discipline or interventions pages. If there was a page to document behaviors - positive & negative, to be able to run daily reports for the PBIS teams to use data to form decisions about students behavior and to create interventions before it becomes an assertive discipline issue. There are some data elements available on different pages, but not all in one place or available in reports/dashboards to work in the way we would like it to. This would be…
43 votes
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