Aeries Ideas
3054 results found
Parent Ed Level in Contacts - Allow Required for Parent/Guardian Only
Parent Ed Level and Required fields: Please tie the 'Required' status of the con.elv field to only be required if the field matches the selected fields in District Settings: "Codes Identifying Parent/Guardian in Contacts (CON.CD)". So, if we choose to make the con.elv a required field -- it will only be required when the cd = those in district settings.
109 votes -
504 Plans: Allow parents to sign the 504 electronically.
Currently the 504 plan Stakeholders sign a printed report. Requesting a feature to allow Stakeholders to sign the 504 plan electronically.
107 votes -
Online Enrollment - Add Notification Preference (CON.NP)
Allow Notification Preference from Contacts to be available in Aeries Online Enrollment.
104 votes -
Import Data to Aeries - allow importing into the PGS - Program Services table
Need to allow for Mass Adding Programs Services to the PGS Table.
Previously this was possible with a change query, however since Program Services is now a separate table this needs to be refined.
102 votes -
Academic Plan Show Grade for transcript courses
Currently the Academic Plan shows courses transcript courses the student has taken. It would be nice to also show the grade the student received in these courses as well.
Ex: Failed Courses Academic Plan-student earned a D in spring semester Biology, which shouldn't count toward meeting A-G. but on his academic plan, it shows that it does count (UC College Requirements tab). This is misleading for students, parents, and school staff.92 votes -
DocuSign Integration
If Aeries and DocuSign had an integration (or, if Aeries developed it's own secure, digital signature capture), we would be able to go fully digital with all of our annual documentation.
Aeries Online Enrollment now allows for document uploads, and Data Confirmation supports annual authorizations, but neither of these options solve for required digital signature captures in a secure and approved environment like DocuSign. I would love to support Aeries if they developed one internally, or move forward with supporting an approved 3rd party integration.
The need for this is critical as our model for schooling is evolving to meet…
91 votes -
Online Enrollment - Make Primary Contact and Educational Rights Fields Required
We are working on Data Validations and have a ton of missing Primary contact and educational rights boxes not checked for parents and guardians. Can there be a way in Online Enrollment to make these fields require? This would save so much time.
90 votes -
Change Sped import process to use latest data files from CALPADS
Since Special Education information is synched nightly to CALPADS directly from the SpEd systems, it would be great if we could use ODS extracts for the SpEd information and could use the Sped import process to update the special ed info. It could also update the new SWD Indicator to keep it reconciled with CALPADS.
90 votes -
Academic Plans - Add a Report
Provide a print button or some means for counselors to print a copy of a student's Individualized Academic Plan.
90 votes -
CALPADS Summer ELPAC Testing tab - Adjust to work with SSID Match Tool Redesign
The CALPADS Summer ELPAC Testing tab in CALPADS Extracts needs to be updated to align with the CALPADS SSID Match Tools redesign.
88 votesWe recognize this is a need and the project is scheduled for release in early 2025 to facilitate summer ELPAC testing.
Data Confirmation Income Survey - Add Record to FRE Table If Declined
When a parent marks declines to participate on the income survey still add a FRE table record of Not Eligible or Paid along with coding the "Declined Partic" field so we can easily query these families to know they just didn't do the Income Survey confirmation.
88 votes -
Online Enrollment - Send an Email When Parent Confirms
When a parent is done entering information in the Online Enrollment process and confirms/submits their data, allow the option for an automated email to be sent to the parent so they have a confirmation of the transaction.
We are doing all of our enrollment online and parents call non-stop to ask if we have theirs. It would be very helpful if the confirmation email was customizable so that we could tell them when they will hear from us.
87 votes -
Parent Data Confirmation - Allow option to transfer to another school
The Parent Data Confirmation currently does not follow the student if they change schools because of the possibility of different questions, authorizations etc.
When a student changes schools, allow the Parent Data Confirmation records from ICL table to be copied to the new school. This will allow parents the ability to complete the process at the new school and finish where they left off. Many documents are Districtwide documents and are the same for each school.
86 votes -
Parent Data Confirmation and Medical Insurance
Be able to capture health insurance information and to populate the fields for Health Insurance Name and Student Medical Record Number/Policy Number in the Medical Insurance Page in Parent Data Confirmation.
In addition, Please add the following fields to the Medical Insurance Page: Medi-Cal True/False checkbox, Medi-Cal #, DHCS Confirmation Number, and Primary Care Physician, First and Last Name of the Policy Holder and if the insurance Is Primary or Secondary
86 votes -
Enrollment History Displaying Teacher Name with Flex Scheduling
Now that we are using Flex scheduling district-wide, teachers names are not appearing in Enrollment History. The office staff and teachers find that information in Enrollment History extremely useful. I understand you can see who the teacher is in Course Attendance but it's only for the current year. The sites need historical data including teacher names from past years.
Please find a way to add the teacher's name back to Enrollment History when working with Flex Scheduling. Thank you.83 votes -
Add function to update CCI for all students
Please add a function to update the CCI - College Career Indicator table for all students. Currently the CCI table is updated as the page is accessed for a student.
83 votes -
Demographics - Add New Field for Student Pronouns
Students who self identify differently need to have field where they can declare which pronouns they are.
82 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminTamika Sloan (Senior Business Analyst, Aeries Software) responded
This idea is being planned for the Next Generation of Aeries.
CALPADS Extract Should ALLOW LEAs to NOT Auto-Populate End Dates for SPRG Files
When districts generate SPRG files within the last 30 calendar days of the school year, the SPRG file created by Aeries will automatically close out all program records with the last day of school. The 'Do Not Extract Future Dates' does NOT apply to SPRG, it only applies to SENR. CALPADS and TOMS have both stated multiple times that if LEAs are still CAASPP/ELPAC Testing, program records should not be submitted with future end dates. Otherwise, accommodations for 504 plan students in particular will be lost. Aeries should allow DISTRICTS to determine if/when they auto-close program records in CALPADS prior…
80 votes -
Option to not include headers when exporting to Excel and format as one row for each item
When running an Aeries report and exporting to Excel add an option to not include headers. Currently reports exported to Excel have repeating headers, and extra formatting that is not desirable for analyzing data.
78 votes -
Attendance Notes - Allow Uploading Documents
We have the ability to add notes to attendance, it would be helpful to add an upload feature for Dr notes and such. We are currently having our parents email us pictures of documents instead of handling paper. The system is working well with our parents, it would be great if we could then attach the picture directly to the Notes in attendance.
76 votes
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