Academic Plan and Summer Courses
The academic plan has the option to input courses for a summer term. We would like to leverage that in the same way the plan can be used to import course request during scheduling for year, fall or spring courses. If there was a was to take the summer courses that are put into the plan and import them into summer school course request that would save some time for the students that failed a class the first semester.

Alicia Nava commented
Be able to make adjustments to the current school year. Changes are sometimes needed to adjust the Graduation Status of a student. Example we need the ability to add a summer school course that the student needs to repeat at the end of the current school year. The system only allows to add to the summer school year for next school year.
Sara Kong commented
The Academic Plan currently overrides the current year with current classes. Students that want to add a summer course are not allowed to because it is in the same academic year. We use summer as term 5, so this is causing a headache with our students that plan to take a summer course this year. Please open up the summer term for our students to add classes during the same grade level/academic year.