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  1. Calculation of Partial-Credits for Foster Youth

    It would be great to have an option for calculating partial credits in Aeries. When exiting a student who is flagged as foster youth through special programs, there could be an alert that asks (if they are high school) if you awarded them partial credits? Like a pop-up to remind the registrar. And somewhere in Aeries a place to calculate partial credits from within Aeries that would give registrars the option to select: by enrollment, by period attendance/seat time, and then enter the grades of the student and award partial credits.

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  2. College Articulation - Credit Hours Criteria Needed for Transcript TTP

    When we add College Articulations(CCC) on transcripts as Things to Print (TTP), Aeries uses the following CCC fields as a criteria to enable printing:
    CCC.RPT - Required Mark Points (1,2,3,4)
    CCC.FGO - Required on Final Grade Only (y/n)
    CCC.RCC - Required Credit Comp (e.g. 5.00)

    We would like an additional requirement criteria for Credit Hours used to enable printing. This would look for a minimum value in the HIS.CH (Credit Hours) field.

    Currently all of our students that receive a minimum mark in an articulated class have College articulation printing on their transcript. However, there are some additional requirements that…

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  3. One-Column Transcript - Replicate Headers on Each Page

    Have transcript
    1) headers print on each page of the transcript. Header must include student name, birthday, grade, student ID#, campus & district name, campus address,

    2) Include credit total counts on transcripts like: total credit earned each semester & total credits attempted, cumulative attempted credit, the cumulative state earned credit and cumulative local earned credit.

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  4. Add Option to Transcript Report to ONLY print students without HIS records

    Add the option to only print students without transcript records. This will permit registrars to quickly inventory students who were added who might not have been routed to their desk and to easily follow up with getting those transcripts from previous districts.

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  5. Transcript Definition - Things to Print

    Transcript Definition Things to Print - Enhance the Transcript Definition Things to Print area to add the capability to define which TTP item is associated with which Transcript style (1 column, 3 column)

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  6. Expand Student Name on transcript report.

    Transcript Student full Name needs to be expanded when printing transcripts. We have students with very long names and this is causing the name to display very small, making illegible. Currently the expansion of student name is only available if you exclude the Perm ID or Birthdate.

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  7. Algebra 1 Requirement Met - Nightly Process

    This field "Algebra 1 Requirement Met" is only accurate after running several reports. Students are meeting the requirement mid quarter individually through credit recovery making scheduling for summer school a challenge as well as scheduling for next year difficult. I'd like those reports to run automatically nightly so the next day is accurate.

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  8. 1- column Transcript header format - Remove spacing between Address and Phone number

    The School phone number is separated from the school address
    The Parent phone number is separated from the parent address

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  9. Include absence and tardy totals on Transcripts to show the value of school attendance and the correlation of attendance and grades.

    Even though report cards include absences and tardies. It would beneficial to include absence and tardy totals on Transcripts. The hope is to show the importance of school attendance ( and impact between attendance and grades).

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  10. 3 Column Transcript and Score translations

    3 Column Transcript and Score translations- Allow the 3 column Transcript to support score translations. Currently only 1 column does.

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  11. Transcript Update

    Transcript to show A-G graduation track option next to graduation summary as an option on the transcript. We would prefer on the left side instead of the picture.

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  12. Transcripts - Edit all records in one term at the same time

    Open a term and be able to edit all transcript marks, schools, etc at one time instead of manually opening each transcript record individually.

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  13. Add option to Print College Board School Code on the 3 column transcript.

    In TTP on transcripts - Add option to Print College Board School Code on the 3 column transcript.

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  14. Transcripts - TX - Modify Pass/Fail Logic

    Update pass/fail logic to better meet PEIMS reporting definitions and reduce manual data entry/updates; specifically,

    When attendance-based grade reporting is set to "Yes" and a class is failed, the failing grade should take reporting precedence for reporting purposes. Texas schools need to be able to see that had the student passed the course, they would have had course credit denied.

    Build logic for grade of incomplete. If the student's semester average is "I," the reporting code should be 09 - Coursework Incomplete/No Credit Awarded.

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  15. Transcripts and Long Descriptions for ACT codes

    Enhance the spacing on the one column transcript after the Date and before Hours columns so longer descriptions of Events for ACT.CD and ACT.RS combined will display in full.

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  16. UC/CSU GPAs

    Would like to be able to have the UC/CSU GPA generate only the highest 8 GPAs

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  17. Transcripts Do Not Print When Cohort Does Not Have a Primary GPA

    As of the 12/21/2023 update single-column transcripts will not print from the Transcripts page or from View All Reports when the Transcript Definition > GPA Options > Print Which Term GPA is set to "Applicable Primary District GPA" and the student's cohort does not have a Primary GPA set up in GPA Configurations.

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  18. Course History institutions (CHI) - Add a method to "move" CHI referenced records to new CHI number

    Course History institutions (CHI) is a "mess" in our installation, as historically users entered data with misspellings or not checking to see if it was already there. It's tedious and "dangerous" to consolidate and realign these CHI records and the referenced records. Please provide a way to combine and/or move referenced records to a new CHI number?

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  19. Transcript Definition TTP - Add CER table

    We believe that displaying College Entrance Requirements on transcripts will help raise student awareness of their progress toward eligibility for UC/CSU schools, which will help them stay on track.

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  20. Remove the Limit Grade Range option button and always show/print grade 9-12 (based on grade levels at school)

    We hate that the limit grade range low grade and high grade doesn't seem to stick to default 9-12. Please either remove the option button and always limit to 9-12. Off Course grades will still print no matter what the grade range. We really want the high grade to always be 12. Thank you.

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