Aeries Ideas
57 results found
Daily Medical Log Page
Enhance the Daily Medical Log page to provide auto-documentation of Employee ID and Date/Timestamp information to meet compliance standards for medical record documentation.
6 votes -
Medication Schedule Page
The entries are in a random order. Not alphabetically, not by time. It's just completely random.
6 votes -
medication schedule
Add the following option to the Administer Dose options:
Student Absent2 votes -
Medical - Food Allergies
Create a section next to medical problems where staff can enter the students food allergies. This will help the kitchen staff quickly identify students with food allergies.
4 votes -
Medical Log Alert
Our local health department wants parents to be notified whenever their child goes to the office. We'd like the ability for parents to receive an "alert" (email) when a Medical Log record is created or perhaps at the end of the day?
2 votes -
Make the missing immunization letter process more like the truancy letter process.
I would like to see the missing immunization letter updated to the same process as the truancy letters. Instead of having to run the missing immunization report, then use the query tag to run the letters, you just have an immunization letter process similar to running truancy letters. it's an all year process just like truancy and is a lot of work so I think it would be easier for sites. With these features if possible:
-A report option screen that gives you a field to enter the "due date" of bringing in your shot records instead of having to…2 votes -
Dental - Changing Typed Fields to Drop Boxes
Under Dental (and other areas as well), an option to change the typed field (Follow Up for example) to a dropdown box with certain selections such as "Parent Notified", "Scheduled" or "Received Care". It keeps it clean and helps for state reporting so we can run accurate queries without having to filter through words used.
1 vote -
Alert for Scheduled Medications
An alert to certain staff when Scheduled Medication(s) are due for students.
Daily Medication Schedule page is nice but an alert would be very helpful.4 votes -
Immunizations - Extend time for data entry on immunization page
Extend time for data entry on immunization page
2 votes -
Medication Schedule Page - Add field that calculates remaining doses
Parents are providing pill bottles or various amounts of medication to the Health clerks.
It would be beneficial to track in Aeries how much the parent provided and how much of that medication is left after the dose is administered.
This would involve a calculation where the user can enter the total amount the parent provided, and as the doses are administered, it would subtract from that total to show the remaining doses left.
3 votes -
Medical - Tool/Feature to link a QR Code or Barcode to Student's Care Plan
Emergency Preparedness Tool/Feature to link a QR Code or Barcode to a Student's care plan or medical field.
This will aid in the event of a school evacuation for students who need medicine administered, for knowledge of student allergies, or any medical necessities in general.
Something to easily grab and scan; such as a QR code on student IDs or Lanyards rather than digging through printed-out material in emergencies, school relocations, etc. End goal: ensuring the safety of students throughout the LEA.
1 vote -
Tracking Athletic Physicals (date & exp. date) and Participation in Sports & Activities
We need a place to track Athletic Physicals by date/ expiration date. Additionally, it would be nice to track participation in sports, clubs, etc. at the middle school level.
1 vote -
Ability to select multiple codes in Medical Log
When a child arrives with nausea however we note that hey are coughing and experiencing asthma symptoms, I would like to be able to select both an option for both reasons for the visit.
3 votes -
Medical - The ability to add pictures to the medical section
Be able to upload photos under the Medical section. The reasoning behind the need would be for the Safety aand Securtiy of the Health Technicians and students; Potential and future litigations.
2 votes -
Immunization show legal name AND GENDER
I can print Legal name using Print Student Immunization Cards Report Options, however it prints the preferred Gender and not the LEGAL Gender. Can we have it the option to Print Legal Name automatically include Legal Gender as well?
8 votes -
Medical Care Plan Page
I would like to request a Care Plan Page for Medical that Teachers can see (similiar to a 504 plan screen) so that care plans can be entered and viewed by all even if the student has a schedule change or the teachers misplace the hard copy care plan given to them at the beginning of the year.
2 votes -
Create Medical Documents Page Which Can Be Secured
We would like a page in Aeries where nurses can upload documents like Medical Orders which can be kept highly secure. (Treated similarly to the Medical Notes (MNO) where maybe nurses can view and insert, but only the nurse admins can delete. Possibly even ways to limit the uploaded document to only be viewed by the user that uploaded the document and those with administrative access to the page.
The nurses are using outside systems to store medical documents, but it would be great to integrate their work within Aeries. This would allow nurses to share digital vetted information while…
2 votes -
Data Audit for Immunizations
Create a data audit that looks for conditional statuses versus the number of doses by vaccine. We currently have many students that show they have met all requirements but they truly don't. These student's end up slipping through the cracks. It would also help in scenarios where a student has the same date populated for multiple doses of the same vaccine.
1 vote -
Medical History
Create a way to condense medical history. Right now for instance, when a student has asthma and the parent enters it while enrolling every school year, there is a new entry made each time. So under medical history there can be numerous repeat entries. It would be great if there were an option for parents to just continue a medical condition rather than enter it all over again.
3 votes -
Add exclusion date to Status of Requirements in Immunizations
We are looking to add an exclusion date field to Status of Requirements in the Immunizations section.
2 votes
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