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3024 results found

  1. Parent Data Confirmation and Universal Benefits Application

    Be able to capture information to fulfill the Universal Benefits Application information in Parent Data Confirmation. CDE-UBA Form -

    86 votes
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  2. CALPADS Fall 2 PSTS Extract

    Adjust the logic to not evaluate the Cohort year. CDE indicates the PSTS extract should extract regardless of cohort, the logic needs to be modified to no longer use this as a factor when the extract process is generated.

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  3. Add New CDE Attendance Recovery to Aeries to be reported to CALPADS

    I am currently on a CDE webinar and they are discussing a new way to have attendance recovery which must be tracked separately from Reg School Day ADA and Saturday School. It was also stated that this would be reported to CALPADS to contribute to an Alternate Absenteeism Rate and be included in P2/Annual Attendance reporting. How will Aeries build this to keep it separate from Saturday School and allow for accounting for multiple days to make up the daily minute allowance? This Attendance Recovery will also be capped at 10 days per student. Can Aeries also include that when…

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  4. AB 176

    Clarifies that LEAs providing traditional independent study must document time value in hours or fraction of an hour for both work products and time spent in computer-based programs (Education Code (EC) Section 51747.5(b)(2)(A)(ii)).

    The documentation of time value in increments of an hour or fraction of an hour must occur before converting the associated time to a day of average daily attendance (ADA) but is not required to be done on an hour-by-hour basis.

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    We are tracking info from the CDE on what the changes for Attendance Accounting will be for the various types of instruction covered by AB 176. As soon as we have all the information they intend to collect, and what the draft audit guidelines are, we can begin development on what changes we need to make for the upcoming school year, to be sure our customers can track the information needed for this reporting.

  5. CALPADS: Exclude Standards Grade Level Range for Specific State Course Codes and Instructional Levels 23 or 24

    To prevent the CALPADS fatal error CRSC0636, enhance the CRSC extract file to not automatically insert a Standards Grade Level Range (CRS.SGR) for courses with the following State Course Codes (CRS.C3): 7000 - 8999, 9020, 9082, 9096, 9120, 9154, 9200, 9227, 9273, 9303, 9358, and Course Instructional Level Codes (CRS.CL): 23 (College Credit Only) or 24 (Dual Credit).

    11 votes
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    We have planned solution to address this soon, however, we are unable to provide an exact ETA at this time. As soon as we are able to get it scheduled, we will update the status so that everyone knows that development has started. Thank you for your understanding.

  6. CALPADS Extract Should ALLOW LEAs to NOT Auto-Populate End Dates for SPRG Files

    When districts generate SPRG files within the last 30 calendar days of the school year, the SPRG file created by Aeries will automatically close out all program records with the last day of school. The 'Do Not Extract Future Dates' does NOT apply to SPRG, it only applies to SENR. CALPADS and TOMS have both stated multiple times that if LEAs are still CAASPP/ELPAC Testing, program records should not be submitted with future end dates. Otherwise, accommodations for 504 plan students in particular will be lost. Aeries should allow DISTRICTS to determine if/when they auto-close program records in CALPADS prior…

    87 votes
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  7. Academic Plan Mass Import replacing current entries

    There is already request to create a MASS IMPORT feature. However, please make sure that the MASS IMPORT feature allows to override any entry already made.

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  8. Add Terms to GRADES Page

    Please add terms to the "GRADES" page similar to how they appear in "CLASSES". It is difficult to tell which courses belong to which term in "GRADES" when the course numbers and teachers are the same.

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  9. Enhance Field Level Permissions for More Tables

    Add the Field Level permissions option for more tables in Aeries

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  10. Birthday Listing Report Year Selector

    Birthday Listing Report - Add an option to specify year to run report. Currently if a month is past Ex: January 2025 and the report is run with the January month option after January 2025 it prints the future year (2026) month information.

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  11. CA only - Include IS Complete in Days Present under Attendance summary bubble on Student Attendance page

    In CA only, include the Days Independent Study complete (ABS.IS) numbers into Days Present and Att Percentage in the Attendance Summary bubble on the Student Attendance page. This change will not impact Attendance History page or the STAS extract.

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  12. Academic Plan - Sort Courses Like Graduation Status

    Academic Plan does not place course like the graduation status would do. Once a course fulfills an required subject area i.e.10 credits required for Fine Arts the first course should be applied to Fine Arts but any additional fine arts classes should be placed under electives.

    In other words Subject 2, 3, 4 and 5 logic should be used to correctly mimic the graduation status. Otherwords, the planner is highly misleading for students. There is no "plan" if the plan is incorrectly sorting graduation requirements, it really defeats the purpose of the "Planner" if it is incorrect.

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  13. CALPADS STAS - Do not extract for students in NPS or Private Schools

    As of 4/2024, CALPADS no longer accepts STAS records for students in an NPS or Private Schools (School of Attendance = 0000001) or private school group (School of Attendance = 0000002). Adjust the logic in Aeries to no longer extract automatically for these schools. Currently, Aeries automatically populates an exemption indicator for all NPS students. Remove logic that inserts the Exemption indicator.

    57 votes
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  14. Classes - Add the ability for Aeries to recognize a future change in scheduling

    Currently, Aeries is programmed to treat all changes as immediate changes, regardless of an effective date. This does not work with how school staff efficiently process known changes. When a future schedule change is added to Aeries, the response from Aeries is to drop students from classes they are still in, and this wreaks havoc on attendance, grades, and reporting. We were told that Aeries is working as designed when it does this. If that is true, I respectfully request that you redesign this function. It causes a lot of confusion for teachers and students and causes many staff countless…

    52 votes
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  15. Enhance CALPADS SENR Extract to Insert Exit E156 For Returning Students Coded with a STU.GR/STU.NG Translated to Grade 12

    Enhance the CALPADS SENR Extract to insert an exit reason code of E156 for returning students coded with a STU.GR/STU.NG that is translated to grade 12 in Code Translations (XRF).
    i.e. local STU.GR/NG = 14-16 and XRF Student Grade (STU.GR) 14-16 = 12.

    37 votes
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  16. Import CALPADS Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12

    When importing the SSID Extract, import the CALPADS Field 2.36 – Student Initial US School Enrollment Date K-12 into LAC.USS (US School K-12).

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  17. Add the 3-Character Language Codes to STU.HL/STU.CL

    Add the new 3-character language codes to STU.HL/STU.CL according to the CALPADS Code Sets.

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  18. Dispositions Distribution Report

    We would like a Dispositions Distribution Report that is like the Discipline Distribution Report. I have gotten several requests for this in the past couple of months.

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  19. CAPSDAC Phase 2

    On 3/6/25 CAPSDAC announced Phase 2 of their data collection, which will greatly expand the type of data collected for PreSchool students. There will be multiple new files, similar to CALPADS. We will be meeting with them to try and get the layouts once they are finalized, so we can program it into our system. Please subscribe to this idea if you wish to be informed about the progress.

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  20. 504 Plan Meeting - Enhance to allow multiple meeting dates rather than adding a new plan

    Also, in the 504 table, there should be a way to add a new "meeting" date to the existing 504 plan. The plan is the same plan and should be kept open until it is closed for a new plan. For annual meetings, there should be a tab to keep track of the annual meetings on the same plan, instead of adding a new plan every year.

    56 votes
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