Aeries Ideas
73 results found
Student Document upload in Assertive Discipline
Have the ability to upload/ review documents from the assertive discipline page similar to how interventions is set.
30 votes -
Mirroring suspension codes as entered when printing letters
When printing suspension or any discipline letter, Aeries organizes the codes in an Alpha then Numeric order. This disregards the severity of the offenses listed. We should be able to print the letters, mirroring the order that the offenses are entered into Aeries. Keeping what the school feels is the more severe actions on top.
Please allow this to be an option when printing discipline letters.
1 vote -
Assertive Discipline Table - Rename to Incidents Table
Update the Assertive Discipline table name to reflect the CALPADS verbiage of Incidents.
In CALPADS, the data we report from Assertive Discipline is captured and reported as Incidents. I feel renaming the Assertive Discipline table to reflect the CALPADS verbiage of Incidents would be better aligned for staff.
1 vote -
Assertive Discipline - Add Incident ID to the selection list and dropdown
Show the Incident# on the Assertive Discipline selection list and dropdown so we don't have to open up each discipline record in order to find the incident# we are looking for. This would be helpful when auditing discipline data during Data Validations and CALPADS errors. Thank you.
5 votes -
Code and Consequence Choice Multiple Answers
Is there a way to make the Code and Consequence choice multiple answers. There are times when a student is coded for multiple reasons and receives multiple consequences.
2 votes -
Auto populate intervention in discipline to pre-referral tab
I have received many requests from teachers to auto populate interventions entered in discipline to auto populate into pre-referral intervention. Currently our teachers are doing double documentation entering in discipline and also pre-referral.
1 vote -
Assertive Discipline Read Only - ability to select fields available to view
It would be beneficial to be able to select the fields in permissions for ADS like we can for STU, CON, and STF. This is essential for teacher and student rights to both be protected.
2 votes -
Assertive Discipline - Demerits letter
We have letters for discipline but we have not way to incorporate a letter for demerits. We us demerits in conjunction with detention up to a certain point. This would be so helpful!
1 vote -
Assertive Discipline - Have a warning/message when populating a record with an incident ID that matches an incident on a different date.
Please add a warning/message when populating a record with an incident ID that matches an incident on a different date.
1 vote -
Copy Letter text (suspension, discipline, attendance, Illness etc.) to multiple schools
As an Administrator, I would like to be able to copy letter text to other schools without having to cut and paste to each school. We often update letters district wide or by school level and being able to update in one file and copy to other schools with the same Letter ID would be helpful.
23 votes -
Option to Print ALL Administrative Decisions on Suspension Letter
There needs to be an option to include ALL administrative decisions (dispositions) to suspension letters. Only allowing for one administrative decision leaves out critical information in the letter.
1 vote -
Custom footers for each Discipline letter type
After creating your letter types (Expulsion, Suspension and In-house suspension), being able to create footers that are specific to each letter type. Samples as follows.
Susp Text 1
The incident that caused this in-house suspension to occur is as follows:
The incident that caused this suspension to occur is as follows:
The incident that caused this expulsion is as follows:
Susp Text 2
Your student has been given an in-house suspension for [days] day(s) which makes a total of [total days] this year.
Your student has been suspended for [days] day(s) which makes a total of [total days] this year.…2 votes -
Method in assertive discipline to automatically email teachers of student suspension
It would be really nice to have an action button in assertive discipline that admin could click to automatically send to the students teacher that they have earned a suspension.
1 vote -
Assertive Discipline Emails
Currently emails only go out when a teacher inputs something to assertive discipline. We would like an email to go out whenever anyone adds to assertive discipline especially if causes suspension or expulsion.
24 votes -
Discipline: Referrer field
Update Staff ID in Discipline to "Referrer" as it is in Assertive Dis.
1 vote -
Adding a red flag click box in discipline for auto red flag additions so it is automatic
Per California Ed Code 49079, a student’s teacher must be notified three years from the last infraction where the student violated the SSA. If the SSA Date field is populated, an asterisk (*) prints next to the student name on teacher rosters.
It would be convenient if there were a space in discipline where you could click a box to have the violation code automatically appear in the red flag, so it was not another step to go into the red flags to add a flag there.
1 vote -
Create capability for notification. When a referral is generated notification is also generated. As admin, we go back into entry and enter our notes/interventions/actions, but this isn't known unless teacher goes back to the log. We would like the ability for automatic notification after going back in to add our notes/interventions/actions to the person that originally created the referral/entry.
8 votes -
Assertive Discipline Report that aligns with CA Dashboard
We have a need to monitor Suspension data and compare it with the California Dashboard. There is currently no report that can be easily pulled and compared to the dashboard. We want to see the actual number of students who have been suspended at least once in the school year, broken down by subgroup (gender, ethnicity/race and disability) as well as overall. We also want to see a total days of suspension for each student and we would like to be able to see the Suspension rate indicator that is on the CA Dashboard.
We thought about Analytics first but…
41 votes -
A queue showing discipline referrals sent from teacher discipline to admin active discipline.
A queue showing discipline referrals submitted by teachers to administrators and the progress that admins have made in the active discipline . Admins want to see what teachers have submitted without copying and pasting into active discipline. teachers want to see that the admins have processed the discipline- even if the details are not completely visible.
7 votes -
Discipline emails for Teachers
There are occasions that would be helpful if a teacher/staff were notified of discipline issues for specific students. Perhaps adding a field to enter a teacher/staff email address to notify them when the discipline has been entered. Thank you.
2 votes
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