Aeries Ideas
40 results found
Academic Plan - Sort Courses Like Graduation Status
Academic Plan does not place course like the graduation status would do. Once a course fulfills an required subject area i.e.10 credits required for Fine Arts the first course should be applied to Fine Arts but any additional fine arts classes should be placed under electives.
In other words Subject 2, 3, 4 and 5 logic should be used to correctly mimic the graduation status. Otherwords, the planner is highly misleading for students. There is no "plan" if the plan is incorrectly sorting graduation requirements, it really defeats the purpose of the "Planner" if it is incorrect.
15 votes -
Display Pathway on Academic Plan
Adding a field that displays a student's pathway and has a link to a student's pathway will provide the counseling team with the information needed to monitor progress on the pathway and ensure the academic plan is configured to support a student's progress within the pathway.
10 votes -
Mass Approve Academic Plan
Add ability to mass approve academic plan to a group of students.
29 votes -
Acadmic Plan - Add Report to print all or selected students, Print button from APC Page
Academic Plan - Please add Print button from Academic Plan Page and From Reports (similar to the CSU eligibility report) in an easy to read one page format.
Ref Ticket 38164522 votes -
drop academic plan courses when student transfer
Hello could we have an option to drop the future academic plan courses when student transfers? Similar to the Drop Course Attendance box when exiting a student.
The purpose is, not all our high schools use Academic Plan therefore when a student transfers it still shows Planned courses in the Grad Status which creates a problem for the site.
2 votes -
Transfer Course Requests to Academic Plan
Input course requests on course request page, then transfer them to the academic plan with the click of one button. OR add the "add many new records" feature to the Academic plan.
16 votes -
Academic Plan Allow Lock by Subject/Grade/Students
Add the ability to mass lock Academic Plans for students by subject, grade, and students.
2 votes -
Academic Plan - Only display tagged courses in Course list
Honor the tagged courses in Academic Plan Course Options whether a student searches by specific Subject or All Courses. Currently, the tagged courses only show when they select a specific subject area.
27 votes -
Academic Plan - Option to remove Summer
When students are entering into their academic plan, it would be nice to disable the summer column. Only a specific set of courses are offered in the summer and we only allow make up of credit deficient work, so we do not want students to add summer as a plan on their own. It is great as an option for counselors to fill in on the back end and to see what courses were taken in the summer.
6 votes -
Communicate with Course Requests
It would be nice to have the academic plan communicate with course request changes. We used academic plans in the class with students and students rely on it but now that we are in course requests the is a mix-up. Students still have access to academic plans when they are not longer accurate.
14 votes -
Academic Plan: UC/CSU requirements tracking
Currently, A-G requirements that are above and beyond basic requirements (such as a third year of Science or Language) do not 'roll over' to satisfy the elective requirement, even though the student has a plan to satisfy the requirement.
Suggested change: Allow A-G courses in this category to show that the area G elective is satisfied. See attached example; highlighted courses should all satisfy the G elective.
13 votes -
Academic Plan / Update Graduation Track
Have the ability to update a student's graduation track from the Academic Plan page.
23 votes -
Academic Plan Failed Courses
Currently failed courses disappear on the academic plan. Please keep the course that was failed, highlight in a different color so we can at least view the course that was failed. Otherwise, it just disappears. This would be so helpful to know what course and when it wasn't passed.
55 votes -
Term Column and dropdown on Academic Plans should honor terms - exclude Summer when not set as a term
We do not want 'Summer' Term to show up on our Academic Plans when a school does not have a 'Summer' Term configured. The documentation states that the terms on the Academic Plan follows the Terms that are configured -- but this is not the case regarding Summer.
2 votes -
Academic Plan: courses of default term F or S are not always being placed in the correct term
When a course sequence contains F or S default term courses, they are not always being placed in the default term.
9 votes -
Add Edit to Academic Plan
Add the edit feature to the courses added in academic plan. At the moment we only have the delete button which requires us to delete and then add a course, if we had the edit button we would save so much time.
12 votes -
Academic Plan Counseling Comment
When counselor accepts or rejects a parent- or student-requested change to student's academic plan, allow counselor to comment on the reason for the rejection. Right away, the student/family will know the rationale, which could really support peace and ongoing rapport.
30 votes -
Academic Plan - Course Descriptions
allow for students to see course descriptions when they are choosing a course or course sequence
12 votes -
Academic Plan Course Sequence maximum
Academic Plan Course Sequence maximum - please allow 12 courses in a sequence, since we have Quarter classes.
14 votes -
Alternate course options in the individualized academic plan
Please create option for alternate course requests to be inputted in the Individualized Academic Plan. When courses roll into course requests from academic plan, you still have to go into course requests and get alternates from students. Right now it is only available in course requests. It could be more user friendly and having that feature in academic plan would be so helpful!
17 votes
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