Aeries Ideas
75 results found
Save show all terms option in class summary
In the profile page under class summary, is it possible to have it save our selection to show all terms so we don't have to check it every time we go to that screen.
5 votes -
Enrollment History Entry Type Field (ENR.ET)
Enhance the Fix ENR process so the ENR.ET field is incorporated when the process is run.
3 votes -
Student data field for name phonetic spelling
It would be beneficial to have a student data field with the student name phonetic spelling to help staff pronounce unusual names.
2 votes -
Allow No Show Permissions to be Separate in Security
We are having issues with schools no-showing students that have been in attendance and deleting all of their data.
I would like a way to lock out certain security groups from using the No-Show tag while still allowing other departments to use it. We have year round enrollment additions (including newcomers) that need to be no-showed. However, we also end up with year round no-shows that were wrong. I need a way to allow the right people to use No-Shows while denying permissions to others.
4 votes -
Demographics - Add a field for a Community College ID
As Dual Enrollment programs increase in California, there must be a place to store Community College information in Aeries. By creating a field that can be queried, it would allow K12 staff to identify students and create a more streamlined communication with community college partners.
25 votes -
In Student Search Allow for Searching by Gender
When accessing Student Search, add an option to display students based on a designated gender.
2 votes -
Primary Telephone - Make a Linked Contact
Can you make the Primary Phone Number a Linkable Contact as well? Most don't have home phone numbers anymore and it would be helpful for that number to become a linked contact and get updated when parents are updating their contact information. The Primary number on Demographics tends to be a parent's cell phone now and not home phone numbers.
1 vote -
Print Exiting Student Records Requests
Add the print option to the Exiting Student Records Request (like the New Student Records Requests) that can go in the physical file.
1 vote -
Student Enrollment - Auto-fill grade level based on birthdate
We have secretaries who enroll students in the wrong grade-level from time-to-time. It would be great if, upon entering a DOB, Aeries would auto-populate the Grade Level.
7 votes -
Auto calculate US enrollment < 3 years Indicator
Have the "US Schl < 3 Yrs" indicator auto-calculate based on the "US School K-12" field.
4 votesAccording to CALPADS, the US School Enrollment < 3 years indicator calculates as a cumulative time, not consecutive. Therefore we cannot calculate this value from the Initial US School Enter Date.
Demographics - Calculate Cohort Based on Expected Grad Year
The Cohort year field STU.CHT should be advanced based on the first enrollment date ENR.ED, not the grade ENR.GR.
For high school districts, students do not always start with us in grade nine. For those that don't, the STU.CHT does not display the correct cohort year and is useless to us.2 votes -
Secondary Student Data - Post Secondary Survey Highlights
Secondary Student Data - Post Secondary Survey
Add the green state reporting highlight to the Educational Institution Type field for codes specified by Calpads Ex: 370 - 'Other Job Training' are selected3 votes -
CALPADS SENR0654E3 Error - Regarding student initial enrollment in us
When pulling a SINF record do not pull the Student Initial US school enrollment date for students with a language status of EO or IFEP.
These students are not required to have Initial US school start dates and entering them is causing a SENR0654E3 error in some cases.
1 voteAccording to CALPADS Update Flash 280, the validations for this error have been modified to only trigger on EL students. This idea is no longer necessary.
For Secondary Schools - Need a Next Counselor Field from Staff
Next teacher field should be Next Counselor. This should come from the STF table instead of teacher table also.
1 vote -
Demographics - Mass add counselor function
Can we get a way for counselors to mass add themselves on the STU.CU field? This is an issue for us every year. We don't like giving them change query capability for data integrity/security reasons.
1 vote -
Mass Add Pictures - Validate correct student before importing picture
Utilize new AI technology to analyze photos while importing. If photo does not match current student, cause that picture to reject and send a reject report to user for analysis.
5 votes -
Demographics - "Would you like to copy this code" message options should be Yes or No, not OK or Cancel
When entering IntDist or ResDist on the Demographics page, a message pops up asking "Would you like to copy this code to" Next IntDist (or Next ResDist) with the options "OK" or "Cancel". This is confusing to staff. They think clicking Cancel will cancel the data that they just entered into IntDist or ResDist. I think the options to click "Yes" or "No" would be less confusing.
1 vote -
Secondary Stu Data - Update Descriptions for SSD.SUS
Please update code table descriptions for SSD.SUS (US Schl < 3 yrs). Ideally they would be changed to something similar to below.
Y = Attended US school Less than 3 years
N= Attended US school More than 3 years
Otherwise please update the field label to be more easily understood. We have a lot of staff that have difficulty understanding the < character.2 votes -
Add a field for Old First Name and Old Last Name in LSI and/or STU
Add a field for Old First Name and Old Last Name in the LSI table, for reference, when there has been a legal name change.
9 votes -
Demographics Address Alerts
Enhance the Alert messages displayed on Demographics when Address changes are made and Decision Insite is enabled to give more detail. and more of a user friendly response.
Currently if a Low or Medium GeoCode Confidence happens the message only says "Address cannot be precisely located"4 votes
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