CALPADS Extract Should ALLOW LEAs to NOT Auto-Populate End Dates for SPRG Files
When districts generate SPRG files within the last 30 calendar days of the school year, the SPRG file created by Aeries will automatically close out all program records with the last day of school. The 'Do Not Extract Future Dates' does NOT apply to SPRG, it only applies to SENR. CALPADS and TOMS have both stated multiple times that if LEAs are still CAASPP/ELPAC Testing, program records should not be submitted with future end dates. Otherwise, accommodations for 504 plan students in particular will be lost. Aeries should allow DISTRICTS to determine if/when they auto-close program records in CALPADS prior to the end of school, similar to SENR records.

CJ Behling commented
This has caused me so many hours and grief. Aeries adds the day before school starts to end the participation programs - EVEN when I have already populated those end dates with the correct end of school date for the year.
It happens on all types of SPRG records - Super frustrated
Mary Masters commented
We started using the 504 plans where the counselor will enter a new plan record - with no end date - after each annual meeting. Once a meeting is held - the counselor will 'copy' the record, put an end date in the prev one and make any changes in the new record. This preserves the previous plan notes and accommodations, and gives us a way to query any 'current' plans by the fact that they don't have an end date. It is also important to know that Calpads does not ask us to close the record at the end of the year.
Lu Spurbeck commented
The SPRG should allow a similar option like the SENR (Auto-close Enrollment (E155 & E156) 14 Days Before the End of the School Year) in Other Options so that programs that auto-close like the LIP and 504 are still opened until CAASPP and ELPAC testing is complete. If the 504 closes prematurely and the student hasn't completed testing, the student may not be able to test with their accommodations.
Laura White commented
Also a warning on the SPRG tab that this will occur would be extremely helpful.
To clarify a point in the idea: the SPRG doesn't put an end date to LIP programs. so the ELPAC testing is not effected.