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  1. Dispositions Distribution Report

    We would like a Dispositions Distribution Report that is like the Discipline Distribution Report. I have gotten several requests for this in the past couple of months.

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  2. Adjust the Student Counts Reports for new SocioEcon Disadvantaged Status based on Contacts page Parent Ed Level (CON.ELV)

    Adjust the Student Counts (Census Day) Reports to align with the new CALPADS guidelines for calculating Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Status. This calculation should now be based on the Parent Education Level (CON.ELV) from the Contacts page, instead of using the Parent Education Level (STU.PED) from the Student Demographics.

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  3. New Monthly Attendance report - 2305

    The state requires the attached report for preschool classes but there isn't one like it in Aeries.

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  4. Hiding Staff ID/Teacher Number Student Locator Cards Report

    Enhance Student Locator Cards Report to Add Option for Hiding Staff ID (Tch#) Column for Specific Layouts

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  5. Gain and Loss Report Duplicates

    Gain and Loss Report Duplicates - Currently some students may display duplicates on this report due to sections being counted on dates before they are active and causing double entries on dates when only one section should be active.

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  6. NSLP Import - Do not include perfect matches on email report

    When the NSLP Import is run, a report is emailed with the changes affected by the import, i.e. Existing FRE Record deleted - coincided with or overlapped another record. Since the import can include records that have already been imported with perfect matches, the report is generating a log of those records that have a perfect match. Adjust the logic to not include records in the Email report that have perfect matches from the NSLP import file.

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  7. Enrollment by Teacher Report

    Enhancement: Allow the Enrollment by Teacher Report to be run by date.

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  8. Student Data Audit Translation Error

    Student Data Audit - For Calpads audit the report is currently printing an error of not translated for PGM.CD = 190 Foster Program. Since this code is not used with Calpads anymore the report should not give the error.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Letter in Aeries for Intra/Inters

    I would like to create a letter in Aeries for our Inter/Intra parents. I would like it to be custom to populate the following, pulling these numbers from Aereis according to the student under an intra/inter district transfer.

    number of absences
    number of tardies
    % of attendance
    number of discipline incidents

    It would be similar to the absence / attendance letters that we mail weekly.

    Would we be able to set this up?

    Here is what I am working with at the moment, but I feel there is more of an efficient way to input this information if we already…

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  11. Emergency Card Report at District level

    Emergency Card Report at District level - The report currently prints by school number order first and then by the sort option selected. Add an option to skip the initial school number sort that occurs.

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  12. Avery labels - Add Option "To the Parent or Guardian of:" to allow printing to ALL Students

    Add an option to the Avery Labels that allows a school to print "To the Parent or Guardian of:" in the label when addressing to parents instead of pulling the name from Demographics (STU.PG).

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  13. Have Attendance Class Roster Reflect Custom Bell Schedule

    The current attendance class roster reflects only the default bell schedule times even for a custom bell schedule attendance date. This is becoming a point of confusion for substitute teachers when they are taking period attendance on paper rosters. Please update the attendance class roster to reflect custom bell schedule times for the days that the custom bell schedule is assigned.

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  14. Enrollment Audit Listing Report to honor STU.SP

    Enrollment Audit Listing Report should honor STU.SP. We are a large district with Hundreds of concurrent enrollment and my Enrollment Audit Listing Report is not a true reflection of overlapping enrollment. It would also be useful to have a School Group option similar to the Student Data Audit.

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  15. Letter Text Editor - I would like the permissions to be separate for attendance and discipline

    We have set all of the attendance letters for the district and don't want anyone editing the info as they include ed. code and last year a site decided to make up their own. We took away editing permissions. However, that also affects the permissions for the APs to edit the suspension letters. It's all or none and I'd love for it to be separate so they can send what they need for discipline but have no access to change the attendance letters.

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  16. Create an all-inclusive report for withdrawing students

    Add a report that combines multiple report data so that it can be placed in cum for students leaving a district. This report would include: Demographic Data, Medical Profile, Scheduling, Attendance and Programs.

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  17. Language Assessment Report - Allow Teachers to Access Report from View All Reports

    My admin would like teachers to have access to the Language Assessment report so that they can see the information on their English Learners- how they scores on the ELPAC, how long they have been EL, etc. She feels it will provide valuable info for them to assist them in class.

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  18. View All Reports "Students with Absences" should be available at the district level

    Students with Absences can only be run at the school level. Make the report available at the district level.

    1. Aeries > School > Reports > View All Reports > Filter for Students with Absences > Run the report

    Make this report available to the district level.

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  19. Add Student Alias to the Off Campus Pass report options

    Add Student Alias to the Off-Campus Pass report options

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  20. Add Student Alias to the Readmit Slips report options

    Add Student Alias to the Readmit Slip report options

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