Print Multiple Reports at once
Allow the ability to print multiple reports as a "report packet" or "report group". Even further to combine reports into a single PDF as an option.
Example, withdrawal packet report: withdrawal form, fees and fines, assets, grades (GBS/GRD), and absence totals.
A similar feature called Report Printing Packets used to exist in the Aeries Client.

Madison Curtiss commented
I wanted to come back and say that two years later and I still wish we had this!
Patricia Dorough commented
Create a printing packet button/report for IEP's that prints all the required documents for an IEP. Aeries Client had a button for Packets that printed Transcript, Grades, Attendance... Can this be recreated for .Net or for Next Gen?
cayala commented
This would be so helpful to have, especially when a student transfers to another school. We can then print all the required documents to exit the student.
Jamie Nascimento commented
This would be soooooo helpful!
Shannon Beltrami commented
This is a great idea! It was a great idea back in the CS days and still holds true today.
Jamie Nascimento commented
It would be SOOOOOO helpful if each report would offer Attendance, Assertive Discipline, Fees and Fines, Immunizations, Test Scores and Transcripts. This is the information we send to the next school anytime a student withdrawals.
Madison Curtiss commented
I went to go and write this idea right now when I found yours! This would be so helpful when we are dropping a student and need to print out 4 different reports! Hoping this will become an option soon!
Jason Y commented
I spoke with Juan and Kirsten during open forum regarding pulling a student transcript, graduation status, and visitation record all at once rather than having to click on each page of the student profile. There may be more steps if we also need an individual student report for immunizations, attendance, assertive discipline, etc.
Printing multiple reports would certainly help make it much easier so that we do not need to download each report individually and then combine the files/pages together outside of AERIES.
Samantha Brown commented
YES!! This was available on the CS version and it was wonderful. I was able to use it often for attendance packets for SART/SARB & SST meetings. PLEASE BRING THIS OPTION TO US for single and multiple students (groups)
Anonymous commented
It would be great if you could select several reports to print out at once for a student. Such as for SART or SARB: Student Profile Page, Demographics Page, Attendance, Visitation, Assertive Discipline Record, Grades, etc. This would save so much time.
Ginny Creger commented
This would be nice. We always run the "Students Without Portal Accounts" and "Data Confirmation Status" reports as a package. I often have to present a report to Cabinet that shows how many students are missing portal accounts and how many students are missing data confirmation by site.