CALPADS Log should ignore CON.ELV
Please include CON.ELV as one of the fields ignored from date changes for the SINF extract, even if just temporarily, to help us navigate through Fall 1.
Many districts are actively addressing the issue of thousands of CALPADS fatal errors with code SINF0453F1, related to the missing Parent Guardian Highest Education Level. When school sites update CON.ELV, a CALPADS log is generated for the change, and the SINF extract reflects this alteration date. However, this process is creating a new SINF record in CALPADS, using the change date from the CALPADS log, instead of updating the original SINF record from the beginning of the 23-24 school year. CALPADS logic considers the entire 23-24 school year, so these fatal errors are not being resolved as a result.

Shanna Foster commented
Bringing this to attention again due to SINF0453E3 showing up as a fatal error, under Data Discrepancies, for End of Year 3. To ensure all students' records are updated from the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, the CALPADS log should ignore any change dates made to CON.ELV.
Laura White commented
We are constantly updating and having to hand fix in CALPADS