Aeries Ideas
3052 results found
Communications / ParentSquare - data passback into Visitation or Intervention Notes
Currently our attendance staff send out mass communications to families about students' absences and tardies. They then login to each students' Aeries account individually to enter the same information in Intervention an Visitation notes. The Aeries side of the process takes quite a lot of time. If there were a way to passback the message from ParentSquare into a notes field of their choosing, that would save a huge amount of time for our staff.
Thank you for your consideration.
1 vote -
Calculate ELPI by student and load level into Aeries
The CA School Dashboard just started reporting the ELPI again based on a new calculation.
Current ELPI Tech Guide:
Previous ELPI Tech Guide: we would like is for the ELPI to be calculated by-student and for each English Learner student's ELPI level to be loaded into the LAC table, Field: LAC.U3
6 votes -
Pre-Referral Interventions - Save button for all tabs instead of each tab
Tiered Gen Ed Interventions tab is not user friendly. Each tab within Tiered Gen Ed intervention needs to be "saved" each time you change between the tabs if you want to save your progress. Is there a way to have a save button to save all the progress that a teacher has worked on without having to save per each tab?
2 votes -
Enable the homepage widget for student birthdays available to all school staff.
Currently, teachers can see the birthdays of students in their class by using a widget on their Aeries homepage. The ability to have the same birthday widget would be appreciated by our counselors, student advocates, and other staff. I propose making it an option for any school personnel possessing appropriate Aeries access to enable the student birthday widget.
1 vote -
Calculation of Partial-Credits for Foster Youth
It would be great to have an option for calculating partial credits in Aeries. When exiting a student who is flagged as foster youth through special programs, there could be an alert that asks (if they are high school) if you awarded them partial credits? Like a pop-up to remind the registrar. And somewhere in Aeries a place to calculate partial credits from within Aeries that would give registrars the option to select: by enrollment, by period attendance/seat time, and then enter the grades of the student and award partial credits.
1 vote -
Access to "Copy Grades to Transcript" page with read only access to HIS table
Currently you need to have insert access to transcripts to be able to copy grades to transcripts. We need the ability to have clerks who deal with grading run this copy grade to transcript function while only having read only access to HIS. Specially since it's listed under the grade reporting dashboard, there should be a separate permission to allow use of this function that is separate from the permissions to the HIS table.
1 voteThank you for sharing your idea! Unfortunately, this request falls outside our security best practices, so we are unable to move forward with it. Read-only users are limited to viewing data and cannot perform actions that write to a table. If certain users need to run this process, they will require the appropriate access in HIS.
If temporary access is needed, your district can assign an Expiration Date to the permission at the individual or group level in security settings.
Special Education Import- Adjust for 23/24 Redesign
Special Education Import- Adjust for 23/24 Redesign"
52 votes -
Query labels and page break
On query reports we have the ability to page break on the sorted field. We would like to be able to page break on printing query labels on that same sorted field
14 votes -
College/ Career Indicator (CCI) - Add Print Button on the Page
Counselors would like a print button on the College/Career Indicator Page.
8 votes -
Online Enrollment - Make Enrollment History Mandatory
Can we make the enrollment history a mandatory page for parents to fill out during online enrollments?
In the event the child has no enrollment history, then the parent clicks some checkbox that indicates the student has never attended school.
2 votes -
Acadmic Plan - Add Report to print all or selected students, Print button from APC Page
Academic Plan - Please add Print button from Academic Plan Page and From Reports (similar to the CSU eligibility report) in an easy to read one page format.
Ref Ticket 38164512 votes -
District Assets and Query
District Assets - Create a relationship with DRA and STF so when using a query with these two tables at school level data is returned. Currently it only returns data at District level
4 votes -
Students with Duplicate Enrollments needs to look for Inactive students in current year
This report needs to look for duplicate enrollments within the current academic year to ensure that a student has not garnered ADA for overlapping days. It should also print the Special Program field (perhaps only in CA) so they can tell which enrollments are secondary and which are primary enrollments.
4 votes -
Assertive Discipline Table - Rename to Incidents Table
Update the Assertive Discipline table name to reflect the CALPADS verbiage of Incidents.
In CALPADS, the data we report from Assertive Discipline is captured and reported as Incidents. I feel renaming the Assertive Discipline table to reflect the CALPADS verbiage of Incidents would be better aligned for staff.
1 vote -
"Pass" pending enrollments to another school within your district.
I would love the ability to send a pending enrollment in my "holding tank" to another school in our district. Our district allows for transfers to other district schools and during enrollment season there is a LOT of movement between schools and a lot of double work since enrollments drop into the school of attendance based on address. It would be fantastic to be able to "pass" a pending enrollment to one of the other schools "holding tank" of pending enrollments.
1 vote -
Substitute Teachers - Access to Primary Teachers' Attendance Records to Avoid Recreating Rosters
Can you give access to the primary teachers Attendance by photo and attendance by photo old for substitutes? Currently a substitute teacher needs to create their own Attendance By Photo - old roster. Makes it hard for a sub to recreate 6 periods for students they do not even know.
2 votes -
Academic Plan Allow Lock by Subject/Grade/Students
Add the ability to mass lock Academic Plans for students by subject, grade, and students.
1 vote -
Academic Plan - Only display tagged courses in Course list
Honor the tagged courses in Academic Plan Course Options whether a student searches by specific Subject or All Courses. Currently, the tagged courses only show when they select a specific subject area.
27 votes -
Disaster reunification to be managed within the SIS.
Function Goal Example 1 (before): Equip the school community to carry out an orderly
reunification protocol under potentially high-stress conditions and/or in the aftermath of a
• Function Goal Example 2 (during): Safely reunify students with verified and authorized
families and/or guardians.
• Function Goal Example 3 (after): Use lessons learned from administering reunification
procedures to improve long-term planning efforts. votes -
College Articulation - Credit Hours Criteria Needed for Transcript TTP
When we add College Articulations(CCC) on transcripts as Things to Print (TTP), Aeries uses the following CCC fields as a criteria to enable printing:
CCC.RPT - Required Mark Points (1,2,3,4)
CCC.FGO - Required on Final Grade Only (y/n)
CCC.RCC - Required Credit Comp (e.g. 5.00)We would like an additional requirement criteria for Credit Hours used to enable printing. This would look for a minimum value in the HIS.CH (Credit Hours) field.
Currently all of our students that receive a minimum mark in an articulated class have College articulation printing on their transcript. However, there are some additional requirements that…
18 votes
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