Aeries Ideas
113 results found
Gradebook Lock Options
Gradebook Lock Areas - Add Narrative Grades to the available Gradebook Lock areas.
4 votes -
Excuse Assignments imported from Google Classroom
As of 12/23, teachers are able to excuse students from Assignments in Google Classroom, however when the scores are imported to Aeries, those assignments aren't marked as NA.
Please convert excused assignments in Google Classroom to NA in Aeries Gradebook so that teachers don't have to do this manually.
6 votes -
Gradebook Assignment Types display in Portal
Gradebook Details - Add a District Option to display the Gradebook Assignment Types Formative and Summative to the Student and Parent Portals
4 votes -
Gradebook Templates and Final Marks
Gradebook Templates - Add an Option for the creator of a template to be able to select which Final Marks can be seen and used. This would assist in visually eliminating extraneous grades which sometimes cause confusion to teacher. Ex: Ability to eliminate any Final Marks that have both a Low and High % of 0.00
3 votes -
Store Gradebook Summary grades for end of term so they can be queried
Be able to query the Gradebook score and Mark for a specific term.
2 votes -
Gradebook Custom Colors Per School
Add an "SC" column to the GCC table so that custom color bands can be set on a per-school level.
1 vote -
Updating Options page in Aeries Gradebook
If no new UI is coming soon, please consider the revisions in the document attached for the Options page in Aeries Gradebook.
Here is the link to the Google Doc in case the attached document cannot be accessed:
1 vote -
Allow for an assignment due date to be different for an individual student
Allow for an assignment to be designated with a different assignment due date for individual students.
Currently we can do this for an entire class, but it would be very helpful per individual.5 votes -
Edit an assignment and PUSH changes to identical/pushed assignments in other gradebooks.
Edit an assignment and PUSH changes to identical/pushed assignments in other gradebooks.
Currently you have to indivually make changes, which can add up to significant loading times.
1 vote -
Gradebook - Canvas Sync - Autocheck "rubric grading" for every assignment
It was reported many teachers had inaccurate Gradebooks for Standards Based Grades because they have to remember to check the "rubric grading" box every day after the autosync from Canvas. One idea is if there can be a master box that can check all or if the default is checked vs not checked.
2 votes -
Hide Overall Percentage on Gradebook Details page
When a teacher selects the option to "Hide the Overall Percentage" in their gradebook, it only applies to the Class Summary. The percentage is still visible on the Gradebook Details page. We would like for this option to hide the percentage everywhere in the system so parents are not able to see it at all.
1 vote -
Gradebook Summary Report - Add option to print the actual missing assignments instead of the number missing
Gradebook Summary report - add option to print the actual missing assignments instead of just the number of missing assignments. This would help our VP and Counselors see a true gradebook summary profile of their students. Ref ticket 379338
6 votes -
Gradebook - Assignment Defaults
I would like the ability to set defaults when creating a new assignment. For example, I would like the date due to be the date on which I am creating the assignment (they are posted on Teams) the date assigned to be the previous day's date and scoring completed to be checked automatically.
Other teachers might appreciate the ability to always set the due date 2 days in the future or something like that.
3 votes -
Gradebook - Histogram generation for assignments in gradebook
Incorporate the option to generate a histogram of the scores for any assignment in gradebook.
-include ability to specify sub-interval lengths
-include option to combine linked assignments from linked gradebooks
-include other neat stuff that you can think of.1 vote -
Gradebook - Have "SAVE" turn blue after entering Categories or changing Final Marks
Many times I have entered all my categories + percentages and changed all the final marks percentages, only to forget to click the 'SAVE' button -and then have to start all over entering them. I feel the SAVE button should turn blue once changes are made so it's easy to see and can't be forgotten.
1 vote -
Gradebook - Color coded scores
When a grade is not entered for a student and the grading is complete on that assignment, the empty box shows up as orange. I would like to be able to color code boxes that have scores in them. For example, if a student completes only 1 assignment out of 5 in a week, I would like to have that score show up in red so that parents see it. Most of my parents only look for the empty red scores. They don't actually look at the scores that are filled in until it is too late. Maybe there is…
2 votes -
Allow for an assignment to be designated as "do not drop" for an individual
Allow for an assignment to be designated as "do not drop" for an individual.
Currently we can do this for an entire class, but it would be very helpful per individual.
An example is when a student is caught cheating on a quiz and earns a ZERO. If we allow
for one quiz drop for the semester, I want to make sure THAT quiz is not dropped and the
student keeps that zero.4 votes -
Gradebook Final Marks for SBG - Allow to edit the marks for each Gradebook
In recent updates the ability to have different final marks within the gradebook when using SBG was removed. Now all schools have to utilize the same final marks within the gradebook. I believe it would be more appropriate for schools to be able to customize their marks based on their school's needs/approach to grading since different school communities are unique.
3 votes -
Gradebook - Allow Teachers to Select SBG or GRD Gradebook Type
In schools that administer both SBG and GRD grades, allow teachers to select the type of gradebook they are creating or editing (either SBG or GRD) even if the school is not using Grading Periods.
10 votes -
Allow for an escape button to be used when inputting scores.
Allow for an escape button to be used when inputting scores.
Sometimes an accidental click in the gradebook happens. If there was data there,
it is immediately deleted upon the accidental click in the cell.
If we could escape out of that cell and retain the original data, that would be amazing.
Without it, I need to track down the original paper that had the score on it....that's
super annoying.3 votes
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