Aeries Ideas
3052 results found
Student Document upload in Assertive Discipline
Have the ability to upload/ review documents from the assertive discipline page similar to how interventions is set.
28 votes -
Weekly Progress Report Rubric Display
Suppress percentage display for rubric gradebooks in the Weekly Progress Report
5 votes -
Gain and Loss Report
When the school type is Flex-Daily & Primary Class Tracking is enabled. Not all student names appear on the report, but the gain/loss totals are accurate.
Workaround: Remove future dates and from section staff members.7 votes -
CCGI Extract- StudentTemplate - Virtual Schools
Improve the CCGI process to support virtual schools in the StudentTemplate, eliminating the need for users to manually input CDS codes.
8 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that development is starting on this item and it will be shipped when testing is completed.
Save show all terms option in class summary
In the profile page under class summary, is it possible to have it save our selection to show all terms so we don't have to check it every time we go to that screen.
3 votes -
Gradebook Lock Options
Gradebook Lock Areas - Add Narrative Grades to the available Gradebook Lock areas.
4 votes -
3 votes
Enhance Alt Ed Scheduling to allow placeholder sections with multiple attributes (CALPADS)
Enhance Alt Ed Scheduling to allow one placeholder section to have many different course attributes, such as Independent Study, Distance Learning, CTE
36 votes -
Adjust the RACE extended query multiple race categories to align with CALPADS documentation.
Adjust the RACE extended query multiple race categories to align with CALPADS documentation.
6 votes -
CCGI - Update for future data specs in 2025
CCGI - Update for future data specs in 2025
11 votes -
Table Permissions
Update the "Table Permissions" page to reflect global permissions for ADMIN accounts.
3 votes -
TX Ed-Fi Section Entity
Ed-Fi Section entity not pulling master schedule class type when course class type is Null resulting in Fatal Error 30090-0007
5 votes -
Excuse Assignments imported from Google Classroom
As of 12/23, teachers are able to excuse students from Assignments in Google Classroom, however when the scores are imported to Aeries, those assignments aren't marked as NA.
Please convert excused assignments in Google Classroom to NA in Aeries Gradebook so that teachers don't have to do this manually.
6 votes -
Add New CDE Attendance Recovery to Aeries to be reported to CALPADS and included in reports for P2/Annua Attendance Reporting
I am currently on a CDE webinar and they are discussing a new way to have attendance recovery which must be tracked separately from Reg School Day ADA and Saturday School. It was also stated that this would be reported to CALPADS to contribute to an Alternate Absenteeism Rate and be included in P2/Annual Attendance reporting. How will Aeries build this to keep it separate from Saturday School and allow for accounting for multiple days to make up the daily minute allowance? This Attendance Recovery will also be capped at 10 days per student. Can Aeries also include that when…
10 votes -
Display Pathway on Academic Plan
Adding a field that displays a student's pathway and has a link to a student's pathway will provide the counseling team with the information needed to monitor progress on the pathway and ensure the academic plan is configured to support a student's progress within the pathway.
5 votes -
Printing Standards Based Grades Report Card
Update Report Layout Logic to Check Only Configured Grade Levels for the Current School
4 votes -
Gradebook Assignment Types display in Portal
Gradebook Details - Add a District Option to display the Gradebook Assignment Types Formative and Summative to the Student and Parent Portals
4 votes -
Gain and Loss Report Duplicates
Gain and Loss Report Duplicates - Currently some students may display duplicates on this report due to sections being counted on dates before they are active and causing double entries on dates when only one section should be active.
5 votes -
Update ATT - New Option
Create a new option for the Update ATT function to not update unverified period absences.
14 votes -
Golden State Seal Merit (GSSM) Report enhanced to work with Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking
The Golden State Seal Merit (GSSM) report is not rendering By Counselor correctly when this option is selected for Flex Schools using Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking (STU.CNS). The report currently only extracts from the Counselor field (STU.CU). To improve functionality and accuracy, we propose an enhancement to the report so that the Counselor name is pulled from the STU.CNS field in this case.
In the meantime, the following workaround can be implemented:
Add the Counselors to the TCH table.
Assign the Counselor's teacher numbers (TCH.TN) to the STU.CU field.
This can be accomplished via a CHANGE query or the…2 votes
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