Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Seating Chart Options are Inconsistent
From trainers: When you print the Seating Chart from the Attendance by Photo, there are many print options. When you navigate to the Reports tab, the options for printing a Seating Chart are not the same. Options for printing should be consistent.
There also needs to be an option on which chart to print if there are more than one for a section. Currently it is only looking at the Default and sometimes teachers have multiple for same period.3 votes -
Ability to connect the calendar to a Google calendar
Ability to connect the calendar to a Google calendar (like Google classroom)
6 votes -
Teacher Portal - Add Multiple "Meeting" Links to Classes
Add multiple "Meeting" links to to Aeries Teacher Portal in their Classes. With multiple cohorts, it requires different meeting times and links and it would be beneficial to have two more more links available to post.
2 votes -
Remove Leave Dates when Re-enrolling Students
From trainers: When a student is being re-enrolled and copied from the Inactive School, clear the Leave Date values (STU.LD, STU.SWR, STU.SLD, STU.SNS, STU.EOY, STU.ENS, STU.HSG, STU.DG) from the inactive record during the copy over process.
2 votes -
Remove the Mass Change Period Absences from the Navigation Pane
This is located as a tab in the Att Management page. We have had the ATT Management page for over a year now and it is the "go to" page for attendance. There's no need to have it in both places. In addition, the ATT Management page has far more robust functionality.
1 vote -
Add the REQ Code on the Grad Status Report
From a training and trainer: The REQ code displays on the Grad Status page, but when you print the report, it's not displayed. Please consider adding the code value with each subject as it displays on the page.
1 vote -
Add a Print Button on the Block Schedule Calendar
Districts have asked trainers to have the ability to print the block schedule calender. Could a print icon be added to this page?
2 votes -
Pop-up Message if Data Not Saved
Display pop-up message if user tries to go to another student or another screen while still in edit mode.
4 votes -
Records Release DNR viewing for Teachers
Allow Teachers to be able to see Contact information in the portal and to email students and parents for students that have a DNR (Records Release) tagged on Demographics. Currently with the STU.DNR flag in place, both parents, students, and teachers are restricted from viewing this information. Teachers should be able to see this information.
7 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminMinott Opdyke (Quality Control, Aeries Software) responded
Hello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system. Stay tuned!
Allow a co-teachers name to appear in View MST
Allow a co-teacher's name to display in "View MST" in the class schedule screen or on the Master Schedule Listing when sections are tagged with a teacher in TN2.
Also, is it possible to include in "View MST" in the class schedule screen the Ind. Study sections tag, again so the counselors can readily identify which sections are Ind. Study?9 votes -
SMS Text Confirmation Option for Portal Acct Creation
When creating an account some parents have issues with the email confirmation process. It would be great if there was an option for Text Message Confirmation instead of email.
21 votes -
Discipline - Prompt to Complete the BER
When students are involved in a suspendable offense, it frequently involved staff intervention. It would be great if there could be a prompt asking if there was a physical restraint or timeout needed once the incident is entered so that the incident and any behavior report are connected.
10 votes -
District Assets - Add filter by Type
Add the ability to filter districts assets by Type on the District Asset/Resources page. This would limit our librarians to just the textbook assets instead of the whole table.
15 votes -
Show the Permissions to Access a Report on the Report Screen
It would be great to know right away what permissions to assign a user to be able to print a report instead of having to go search the knowledgebase every time someone needs access to a new report. If you could possibly add a box to the bottom of each report page that shows the security permissions needed, it would be super helpful.
8 votes -
Student Groups - Ability to View Groups by Student
Would like the ability to search a student and have the ability to view which Student Groups the specific student belongs to.
20 votes -
Revise or Create Interface to configure "Forgot Password" email.
The email that is generated from pressing the "Forgot Password" link at the parent portal is being blocked by many domains because of the subject line, "Aeries - Reset Account Password". That subject line looks highly suspicious and we need to be able to edit it to look much more benign, perhaps with “Aeries – Support Request Reply”, instead.
We are asking that Aeries updates the hard-coded subject line or to provide an interface allowing us to configure the subject line and text of any email that the system sends, but at the very least, starting with the Forgot Password…
19 votes -
Locator Card - Add option to display Google Class Access Code
Add an option to the Locator Card to display the Google Class Access Code and Google email address for each period
3 votes -
Security - When Changing a Username in UGN, Also Update the Username in USO and USR
When changing a username, this change does not automatically cascade to the USR and USO tables causing school access having to be reassigned, and user preferences to not follow the user. This is an issue when name changes and in turn the username needs to change.
19 votes -
MST Board- Allow an option to skip inactive sections
Add an option to Skip Inactive classes on the MST Board. We have the Skip TA button, it would be great to add Skip Inactive Classes, we don't always delete inactive sections right away and then the teachers are calling about the inactive ones.
47 votes -
Allow Custom Standards (Learning Targets) at Elementary Schools in the Gradebook
Currently, Custom Standards are only allowed at Secondary Schools. Our elementary teachers develop learning targets for every standard, and would like the ability to record them in the gradebook.
2 votes
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