Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Please add Custom Labels to Query
I would like to create customized Query labels in Aeries Web. They are only available in Aeries Client.
46 votes -
Copy Scheduling Results to SEC & MST - give a more descriptive warning message.
On the Copy Scheduling Results to SEC & MST give a more descriptive warning message. We direct them to look at School Options for terms to be added, when most of the time it is actually a SMS section that is missing a term value in SMS.SM.
3 votes -
Please add a Scheduling Letter to Parents from their current schedules (SEC/MST tables).
The only letters currently available are from the Course Requests (SSS table).
12 votes -
Please add a new report for CA Partnership Academies Annual Report (CAPAAR)
The CA Partnership Academies Annual Report (CAPAAR) determines the amount of qualified students in the CPA program.
1 vote -
Allow customers to map OE - Online Enrollment Student email to STU.SPE
Be able to have a Student Email from OE be stored in STU.SPE so we can have a personal email and a District email.
4 votes -
Scheduling Letter Text Editor does not support other languages.
Scheduling Letter Text Editor -
The letter doesn't seem to be holding onto English and Spanish. When you change the language to 01 it overwrites the English letter.7 votes -
Students with No Course Requests report should honor Keep/Skip
The Students with No Course Requests report needs to honor a Keep/Skip query.
23 votes -
Allow students or parents to print bar codes from the portal accounts
Allow student ID and bar codes to be printed from student or parent portal accounts.
1 vote -
Special Ed. Class List needs to be available to Teachers
The Special Education Class List report is not available for teachers. Please allow teachers to run this report.
8 votes -
Add option to update Sibling address
Please add an option to update Address History and STU demographic Address for Siblings when the address is updated for a student with siblings.
36 votes -
Student Room/Section Listing - Add Course Option
The student room/section listing report shows 1 student per row, and then all the rooms or section numbers horizontally across that row. We need a report that will show all the course numbers horizontally across that row, or the course names. Also when run by Section option the attendance period is not on the report.
Please create the same type of report, but instead of the room number or section number, please add a radio button to request that it run the course number and/or course title.4 votes -
Asset Letter to Parents: provide option to sort by student's name
The Asset Letter to Parents prints in order alphabetically by the parent/contacts's first name, then last name. Please add the option to sort alphabetically by the student's name (last name, then first name).
2 votes -
Add Other Immunizations to the Immunization Record Report
Currently, "Other" immunizations are not included on the Immunizations report (print button on Immunizations page). This would be helpful so that when records are sent to another school, the full history of immunizations can be included. Please add Other Immunizations to the Immunization Record Report
28 votes -
Create Substitute Teacher Accounts: add option to hide the Staff ID
On the Create Substitute Teacher Accounts page, when the Info Sheet is printed, it includes the Staff ID for the teacher who needs a substitute. The Info Sheet is handed to the person who is the substitute. The Staff ID is considered confidential by some schools, who would like an option to not print the Staff ID.
11 votes -
Create Cumulative Enrollment For the Entire Year by Site Report
Please create a report that shows cumulative enrollment for the entire year by site.
11 votes -
Hide Teacher Names While Showing Course Requests
Please give us the option to hide teachers while showing course requests on the parent and student portals. The teachers change frequently while we are building the master schedule so we would like to show course requests without the teacher names.
8 votes -
Show Scheduling Results with the Option to Hide Teacher Names
We would like the ability to show scheduling results in the Family Portal and Mobile Portal but have the option to hide teachers' names.
9 votes -
Single Step Option to Hide Class and Teacher Information
Please create a single step option to hide Class, Class Scheduling, Gradebook, and Teacher information from the Parent and Student Portals, Mobile Portal, and from Aeries Communications. Including a date range when this restriction is in effect would be preferable.
137 votes -
Student Search - Display the Family Key number on the Student Search.
Student Search - Display the Family Key number on the Student Search.
5 votes -
Student Locator Cards: add printing of Scheduling Group (STU.SG)
Add the ability to print the Scheduling Group (STU.SG) field on the Student Locator Cards. The customer is using the STU.SG field to group AM vs. PM students.
4 votes
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