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  1. Online Enrollment / Data Confirmation - Fillable Forms

    I made all my documents fillable PDF forms and uploaded them to Aeries portal documents; however, Online Enrollment and Data Confirmation in the document section instead of having the parent download the document and then re-upload the document, (which takes up more time), it would benefit the parent/guardian to make this section a little more user friendly and more efficient if the parents can just click on the PDF form, fill it out, and electronically sign or type in their name.

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  2. Attendance Verification Worksheet - Option to Sort by Teacher

    Please add teacher information to the "Attendance Verification Worksheet" and have a way to sort by teacher.

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  3. Query - Ability for Descriptions on STU.RS and STU.ITD Fields

    The RS and ITD do not garner a description when running a query. Would like the ability to do so. So that we may be able to see the school's name as opposed to the numerical information the query gives out.

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  4. Data Confirmation - Honor Contact Linking

    In Parent Data Confirmation, change Father and Mother work phones to say Parent 1 and Parent 2 phone. Not everyone has the traditional Father /Mother structure. If Contact Linking is enabled, use that data.

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  5. Course Attendance Record Report

    Please bring over the Course Attendance Record report from Aeries CS. Below is an example of the report.

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  6. Attendance Management Mass Add Verification Pop-Up

    When Mass Add button is clicked, please display a verification pop-up before processing the request.

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  7. Teacher Attendance - Option to Alphabetize Students Rather Than Split By Section

    Due to distance learning, students have been split into scheduled groupings. In teacher attendance, these sections also split the students into alphabetized groupings rather than having all students listed alphabetically. Having an option to take attendance alphabetically instead of by section would make it easier for teachers to take attendance.

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  8. Create Substitute Teacher Accounts From API

    It would be useful to use the API to automatically create substitute teacher accounts based on the data in our substitute system. We could then email the sub their login credentials. This would greatly support subs during distance learning.

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  9. Portal Document Upload and Student Pictures

    Due to COVID-19 pandemic state restrictions, our district will not be operating on a normal basis at the beginning of our school year. Due to this, we were wondering if there was a way to include student pictures in the Portal Documents Request function or if you have a better suggestion as to how we can have parents submit their child(ren)'s picture to be linked in their Aeries student record.

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  10. Custom Reports - support Excel formatting

    Please consider adding an option to remove additional lines, per student record, when delivering a Custom Report in Excel format. For example, when a Custom Report is generated in PDF format, it seems to place test dates on a line just below the score; when generating the report in Excel format, it seems to do this as well.

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  11. Google Categories into Aeries Gradebook Categories

    For Aeries Gradebook, enable the ability to import "Categories" from the Google Classroom.

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  12. Allow the ROP Extract for AIM to be run by a user with "Administer" permissions instead of needing to be an "Admin".

    Allow the ROP Extract for AIM to be run by a user with "Administer" permissions instead of needing to be an "Admin".

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  13. Attendance Pages and Block Schedule Calendar - Lock Header when scrolling

    When scrolling on the Block Schedule Calendar page lock the Headers in place.

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  14. Gradebook Progress by Standard Report - Include Explanation of Marks

    Hi, Will you please consider including the Explanation of Marks on the Gradebook SBG Progress Reports, like it shows on SBG Report Cards? Thanks!

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  15. Data Confirmation - Allow Parents to Add Med History Without Update Existing

    We don't want them to change prior med history entries but they cannot add new ones unless they have update. Is there anyway to only allow Read and Insert so they cannot update past med history. The Med History sections disappears from PDC when you only have Read, Insert.

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  16. Custom Tables - Add a document upload feature

    Add a document upload feature to use with a Custom Table.

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  17. Add MST.SG (Scheduling Group) to MST Classes tab on Courses page

    The MST Classes tab on the Courses page lists sections of the course being viewed, and includes a line of data for each section. Please add MST.SG (Scheduling Group) to the section data.

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  18. Master Schedule - Add Section Name

    It would be useful to us to be able to have a "Section Name" field that could display in certain places, instead of section numbers or flex period + class calendar. This would be super helpful for teachers using gradebook, especially now that Flex Scheduling makes it so much harder for students and teachers to read their schedules. and (at least for us) gradebook so often needs to have multiple sections attached to a single class.
    Also, for co-taught sections, it would be really great to have a "Teacher Display Name" field that would default to the primary teacher name,…

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  19. Automatically Remove Google Classroom link from sections removed from a Gradebook.

    For gradebooks that are linked to Google Classroom, the Google Classroom link is not automatically removed from the class section when the gradebook is deleted or the section is removed from a gradebook. It would be awesome if this were automatic, or a message box popped up asking if they want to remove the link from the section.

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  20. Website Links do not show on the Classes page in Portal

    Google Classroom links and other classroom websites show up in Class Summary and the Portal Home page, but do not currently show on the Classes page. Request to add the Website links to the Classes page.

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