No Show Form - defaulting date when previously E155
Have the No Show Form default to the previous year's last day of school date for students that ended the previous year in the current school as active instead of the configured No Show Default date.
This behavior would align with the No Show Guidelines chart, since these students would have an E155 submitted.

Chris Holloway commented
The current No Show / SWR editing logic in Demographics REALLY sets us up for failure!
The SWR needs to be taken into consideration as well. The proposed logic for defaulting a useful SLD still stands. The 160 code (likely anything other than 470) will corrupt the prior year ENR record and force the LD to be the SLD.
We have a few hundred corrupted ENR records due to either bad defaulted SWD values or the use of 160 as the SWR with a SLD in the current year.
The No Show manager really needs to help staff avoid these obvious errors!
Chris Holloway commented
This is a problem for us this year as well. Having to go manually clean up the defaulted No Show dates for the students that had been continuously enrolled to be the last day of the previous year.
Thought of a slightly simpler logic check for the No Show manager:
IF the school start date is in a previous school Year (this implies continuous enrollment) use the last day of the previous school year
IF the school start date is in the current school Year, use the default No Show date