Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Graduation Status Letter - need to support multiple versions of the letter
Graduation Status Letter - need to support multiple versions of the letter. Currently, only one version can be used.
13 votes -
Courses - College Articulations - Ability to Extend Active Years
We would like the ability to extend the active years for college credits in articulations. When do articulation agreements for a year a time. Rather than having to reenter all of the information new every year that we have an articulation agreement for a particular course it would be a huge time saver to be able to just change the ending year.
9 votes -
Student Emergency Card: include a date selector for the Medical Information
On the Student Emergency Card, an option to allow Medical Information to be included since a selected date.
2 votes -
Custom Triggers in Aeries
Allow DBAs to create custom SQL triggers that can be controlled similar to how Data Validations operates.
2 votes -
Online Enrollment Import- Add option to search IDN District Student Lookup records
Add an option to the Online Enrollment Import page to be able to search IDN records in addition to STU records.
4 votes -
Please add Actual Courses for Placeholder Courses i.e. (Edgenuity, APex or Indepdendent Study) for non Alternative Ed. Scheduling
Would like to see a solution for High Schools who offer online courses (i.e. Edgenuity, APEX) and or use placeholder courses. Currently, High Schools are unable to know the exact course that students are taking via Edgenuity program, which makes it highly problematic to schedule, figure out their graduation status, keep tabs on progress via grading, transcribing.
In looking at current Aeries features there are 2 current functions that get close to providing a solution. The first one is Alternative Ed. Scheduling, however I was told that this feature would not work in a regular comprehensive, as it would throw…
39 votes -
Allow teachers to run 'Print Students with Absences" report for their students.
Allow teachers to run 'Print Students with Absences" report for their students.
7 votes -
Interventions - Display to Parent
Interventions page currently defaults on for display to parent. Would like an option to select to not show option on page or an option to default this as off.
30 votes -
Add a signature line editor to the class roster reports
Add a signature line editor to the class roster reports
2 votes -
One Roster mapping update
Currently in the User file for the student role the SMS field is not mapped. It would be great if this could be mapped to the STU.MPH field that is available on the demographic screen.
2 votes -
Google Classroom - Add Option for Parents to be Auto-Added as Google Classroom Guardians
It is possible with the Google Classroom API to assign a guardian invite linking a parent email to a student email.
We would like the ability to Always create this linking ( district level ) to link from PWA.Em email accounts and CON.EM
API is used in Google Gam with the command: gam create guardianinvite
10 votes -
Aeries Analytics ability to pin specific dashboards to a user's home page for easy access
Having the ability for users to pin specific dashboards to the user's home page in Aeries would be a great way to present data at their fingertips.
18 votes -
Allow Hiding of Class Ranking by Grade Level
The trend in education is to no longer report class rank on the transcript. Our district would like to slowly remove this option from the transcript starting with the current 9th graders. Currently Aeries does not offer a grade level option in the ranking system. We would like to see Aeries add this grade level to the ranking option. This would allow us to slowly eliminate over the next four years.
5 votes -
Send Emails - Does not send duplicate email for siblings with the same contact email.
The Send Emails form does not allow sending emails to the same email address for siblings. When both students are selected, only 1 email is sent.
6 votes -
New Field on Special Programs Page
Special Programs page - add a custom user field in when code 190 - Foster Program is selected: need a Y/ N field to tag students who have been certified on the statewide match list
4 votes -
Update Code Table Show All Values and Descriptions
When a staff people go into the Update Code Table screen they only see what was added by the district and a list of the existing codes in use on the right column (without any descriptions).
It would be better to display all code values on the screen and those that are hard-coded have a lock icon, are dimmed, or something showing they cannot be edited.
If that is enabled, allow a filter to hide those hard coded codes as an option displaying only the district added codes.
This prevents the need to go to the reports screen and run…6 votes -
6 votes
On the Class Summary page, the Attendance "Past 5 Days" column, shows attendance for gradebooks in the Future Terms section.
The Student Profile, Class Summary section displays attendance recorded for future terms when it has not.
4 votes -
Create a Medical Formatted Text Document
Our district uses health care plans for students that have previously been printed and placed in a teacher's inbox. With virtual learning, we see a need to have a place in Aeries where we can create a document in Medical that includes formatted text and possible check boxes so the appropriate teachers/staff have access to the information.
This will help promote paper-less documents,
allows for immediate access for up-to-date medical/health information
for the nurses and allows the information to be placed in 1 area rather than having to provide information to each individual teacher.Some students may require multiple health…
17 votes -
Emulate teacher/user accounts without an Admin Account
Please add a security permission that will allow Users to emulate teacher accounts without having an Admin account. We have IT support staff where this would be useful but we don't want to give them full access to Admin.
31 votes
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