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  1. Filter on Colleges when Requesting Colleges to Print

    From Trainers: When on the College Request page when you click the Print Transcripts and are choosing a college - you must scroll through the entire list! Please add indexing or a filter option on this process.

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  2. Student Groups Dynamic Groups Inactive and Pre-enrolled

    Allow the use of inactive students in dynamic student group queries. We would like to use the STU table to dynamically query pre-enrolled students for groups for messaging purposes. Currently student groups only contain active students

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  3. Student Demographics - Add a new field for "Apartment #"

    Student Demographics - Separate the Apartment Number from the address field, give it its own field. The new field will prevent discrepancies on data entry for unit/apartment numbers.

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  4. Security - User School Access - Inactive School Indicator

    Please make the User School Access page show which schools are inactive by changing the font to red or yellow.

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  5. Security - User School Access - Freeze Row Header

    Please make the User School Access page have the top row header frozen/sticky when you scroll down so you know which school to check as you are going down.

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  6. Gradebook assignment wording inconsistency

    The assignment settings have inconsistent labeling. One area says Visible to Parents, at the Assignment by class page. And the other says Visible to Portal, once you click Edit on the assignment.

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    1 comment  ·  Gradebook  ·  Admin →
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  7. Teacher Attendance - Highlight the Attendance row when selected

    In Aeries Gradebook, when you click on a student's name, or hover over the entire row of that student is highlighted/made darker.

    Is there any way that that could happen in Attendance? When you hover on a student of when you click on an "Absent", and "N", or even "D", there is no change in the color of that student's row.

    I know that for me, it is easier to keep the marks for a particular student specifically for that student if his/her row is highlighted.

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  8. Families recording the correct pronunciation of name

    Families recording their name in the parent portal so teachers or staff can hear the correct pronunciation of the student's name in the SIS.

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  9. Weekly Engagement Report - Admin Log

    It would be nice if there was a screen where staff could check to see if teachers have run their Weekly Engagement Report like there is a screen to see if they have certified their Instructional Minutes. This wouldn't verify accuracy of the report, but at least office staff could confirm if the teachers had at least run the report and the date/time of the last time it was run.

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  10. Financials Reports

    We need canned reports pulling from the order management page, in order to see how many students have purchased each class and how many spots are still open and also see the names of the students signed up for each course. I am attaching a sample of what we need.

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  11. Financials - Allow a Partial Cancellation

    In Financials, on the order management, order details, there is no way to do a partial cancellation - it would be nice to be able to do a partial cancellation and not have to cancel the entire order and the customer would need to sign up again.

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  12. Courses - Filter Options for the Course Page

    It would be great to have the ability to filter by grade range, subject area, etc.

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  13. Address History Verification - Add Recheck Date

    We would like the ability to turn on the following options such as:

    -- Residence type: Lease / non-lease
    -- Recheck Date: ( Specific date OR annual )


    Our office staff is required to re-check the residence verification for families who are leasing a home.

    If the Address Modification Reason pop-up had the ability to add a re-check date, it would help our staff query and track who they need to follow up with.

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  14. Allow a district decide which reports to secure.

    Will Aeries lock the Transcripts the same way the ADA reports are locked from being altered after being printed to PDF.

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  15. Gradebook - Allow teachers to choose whether options are remembered when adding assignments

    Aeries recently amended the Add Assignment table in teachers gradebooks where Aeries remembers the last assignment added by the teacher, as far as category, number correct possible and points possible. Teachers are requesting the ability to opt out of this feature where the number correct possible and points possible defaults back to 0 and the category defaults back to the top instead of remembering their last entry when adding assignments into their gradebook.

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  16. Attendance Letters to Parents - Option to Print Date for Period Absences

    Attendance Letters to Parent - Add option to print date for period absences like it does for all day code.

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  17. Security - Allow Staff to Reset Password

    Under Security

    Hello, too many of the tickets I receive from staff are requests to reset their password. Students and Parents can click on "Forgot Password" so it would be nice if staff could have the same option.

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  18. Print ID Cards - add the ability to add suicide hotline and crisis phone numbers

    Print ID Cards - add the ability to add suicide hotline and crisis numbers in accordance with a new state law.
    Any public or private school (including higher education and K-12) that issues pupil identification cards must have printed on at least one side of the card the telephone number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-273-8255 and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-8255.

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  19. Bell Schedule - Copy to Multiple Days

    It would be helpful in some situations, such as when schools may fluctuate between schedules due to the pandemic, to be able to quickly copy a single bell schedule to multiple days at once instead of having to set the schedule one day at a time. Being able to multi-select days by either control-click, checkbox, or some kind of "copy to all subsequent regular days of same name" (so all following mondays, or tuesdays, etc as the currently selected day) would be great.

    Thank you!

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  20. Bell Scheduler page should display flex period bell schedules

    The Bell Scheduler page used to display the bell schedule for the day a schedule was assigned to. Now that we're using flex scheduling, there is NO way I can see to actually see the entire bell schedule for any given bell schedule.

    The Bell Scheduler page lists the schedules and lists all flex periods, and allows you to assign a schedule to a day, but doesn't let you see what the schedule is that you're assigning. Showing all flex periods available gives us a bottom left corner total instructional time of 1557 minutes because of overlaps.

    The Flex Periods…

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