Aeries Ideas
3058 results found
Google Import/Gradebook Import Assignment based on Term Date
It would be so great if Aeries had a way of "Import from Google" only those assignment dates that have been assigned based on a specific Date. We are just starting the Term and there are already 51 assignments but only 1 is for this term.
Add additional filters to determine what assignments are imported.4 votes -
Online Enrollment/PDC - Other District Enrollment - Add "Has your student been retained?" Field
Add question "Has your student been retained?" on Other District Enrollment area in Online Enrollment and Parent Data Confirmation.
6 votes -
Hide Current Info from Students and Parents during Grading Window- Extended!
I think the feature in Portal Options- "Hide Current Info from Students and Parents during Grading Window" should have the option to be extended and not only be during the window but also have a manual date option. The rationale is so that we can close the teachers grading window and then finalize the reporting process. We always have changes that are submitted after the window closes, before we upload the report cards into RCH and the way it is now, parents/students can view the grades before we finalize. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! :)5 votes -
Auto populate last updated username and date timestamp info for Medical Log, Medical Notes, Medications, and Counseling
Auto populate the username and date time stamp to include modified by and modified when, in fields where the initials/or name need to be selected from a dropdown: Example, Medical log, Medical Notes, Medications, Counseling. Some areas like Attendance notes, Contacts and Discipline Records already have some of these features.
13 votes -
Query Envelope - Print return address on envelopes
Add option to print return address on envelopes for districts or schools which do not have printed envelopes
5 votes -
Staff - User Account Read Access
Currently only an Administrator Account is able to view User Account basic information from the Staff table. It would be helpful if we could assign Read permissions to this information. This would allow sites to know who has active accounts without any details to those account permissions.
1 vote -
Student Attendance Report - Make it a PDF - Currently is Quick Print only
The attendance report that is printed from the Student Attendance page is a Quick Print, and is not easily saved as a PDF. Would like to be able to electronically store and send attendance without having to print and scan. Making this a regular report that can go to PDF as a download option would be great.
11 votes -
Standards Based Progress Dashboard for Non-Rubric Gradebooks
Add a report or dashboard that shows the current grade percentage and/or trend for each student and each standard to meet SMART Goals.
2 votes -
Change field in CCGI Extract for A-G match
Currently the extract takes CRS.E1 which is the CSU a-g subject area. Because there are some courses that count for different subject areas for the CSUs and UCs (such as Earth Science), please consider extracting field CRS.U1 instead. We want to keep the different subject areas for those classes because it affects the College Entrance Req and Academic Plan screens.
8 votes -
Portal option to NOT allow user to create a portal account if email address is NOT in Contacts
We've had problems with kids creating "parent" accounts, linking friends, etc. The option to not allow account creation using emails that are not entered in any of their Aeries contacts.
9 votes -
Teacher course request recommendation
Create a system to automate teacher recommendation for selected course requests and display the teacher recommendation on appropriate forms: Course Requests; Academic Plan
10 votes -
Online Enrollment Import - Implement Auto-Scroll To Top of Page for "Find Matches" Button
When clicking on the "Find Matches" button on a very long list of "Pending Import" records, the "Find Matches" window that appears in the foreground always appears at the top of the page, with the pending import records grayed out in the background, HOWEVER, the window remains at the bottom of the page where the record is listed.
This has been confusing for our users who do not realize they have to scroll back up to the top of the page to see the "Find Matches" window with some users thinking the application is broken since they do not immediately…
2 votes -
Option to quick Delete a term in Transcript
Currently when posting credits in Transcript for students enrolling from another districts and a data entry error occurs you can only delete on line at time. I would be nice to delete an entire term/semester in one click for those time when you find "one' at time is too time consuming.
14 votes -
Emails to Parents Do Not Display Well on a Phone
The Gradebook Assignment by Student and Gradebook Missing Assignments emails to parents do not format well when viewed on a phone - column headers wrap and columns run together.
4 votes -
Load State Learning Standards - Allow Import of all Content Standards
Enhance the Load State Standards function to import all of the Content Standards (ex. Computer Science, Health Education, Arts, etc)
9 votes -
SINF - Contact Analysis Flowchart
The current Contact Analysis Flowchart seems to hinder accurately reporting student demographics information to CALPADS.
We would like step 1 to consider IF District Settings have any defined Guardian code(s).
IF Guardian codes have been established, reported contacts should be limited to Contact records using those codes.
IF a particular student does not have any contacts with a CON.CD matching one of the defined Guardian codes, then that student shouldn't have any contacts extracted due to not having the required information entered.
(potentially an option could be added to allow districts to FALL back to the CON.OR scheme -- though…5 votes -
Link personal school calendar to Aeries Calendar
It would be great if we had the ability to link our personal school calendar to the Aeries Calendar this way we only have to input information on one calendar versus multiple. I do not use the Aeries calendar as I would have to make double the entries, but it would be nice to have everything on the dashboard.
3 votes -
Contacts - Display Contact Order # on Card
Since the contact order (CON.OR) will be vital for CALPADS primary guardian reporting, it would be nice to have the contact # displayed on the info card in the Contacts page (possibly upper right hand corner).
SINCE any contacts marked as a RED FLAG are displayed at the top, it is difficult to see which contact would the primary, secondary without editing each contact record.
Data entry of the newly required Parent Education level at the contacts level means that our staff will need to review every student's contact information over the next few months to verify that the Parent/guardian…
9 votes -
Add Interventions to the API
Add Interventions to the Aeries API with full Read, Insert, Update, Delete support.
7 votes -
504 Plan: Plan Facilitator field - show only permitted staff names
The 504 Plan Facilitator field currently shows all Staff in the district. Please allow the ability to Inactivate/Retire staff in the Update Code Table in order to show only staff names who are authorized to be a Plan Facilitator or change the design to add Plan Facilitators directly in Update Code Table.
7 votes
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