Aeries Ideas
3063 results found
Option to remove "overall" score from standards gradebook
Would like to seen an option to remove the "overall" score from the standards gradebook. For districts fully implementing the Marzano philosophy of grading, each standard should stand on its own and not be "averaged" into an overall mark/grade.
3 votes -
Grades Report Mark Listing Report for Teachers
Teachers need access to a report that pulls their students' marks so they don't have to pull up each student individually. Teachers are working to have conversations with students about how they can pass for the year. In Texas you can fail the first semester but still get credit for the year if you first semester and second semester grades average out to a 70 or better. Teachers are trying to locate which students failed but have a chance to average pass as well as which students are failing. They also meet with students to let them know what they…
7 votes -
Scheduling Setup Verbiage
If Scheduling Setup option is set for Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year, then when adding a new Flex Period or a new Class Calendar, the default Academic Year should be the next Academic Year.
2 votes -
7 votes
Option to Import Student Pictures from Google Drive
It would be great if Aeries had an option to import pictures from Google Drive, not just a local computer drive.
2 votes -
Online Enrollment - Log Deletion
It would be helpful to see a date and user account that deleted an Online Enrollment record. Thank you.
34 votes -
Add Filter to Classes Page for Flex Periods
Add a filter to the Classes page for Flex Periods. If there's 10+ Flex Periods, the filter is needed for managing the Classes page when scheduling a student.
30 votes -
Gradebook Assignments By Student Report-Filtering Option for Category Grade vs. Overall Grade
I would like to request a filtering option be added to the Gradebook Assignments by Student report under the options tab to be able to target students who are below/above a specified percentage in any Category versus just the overall grade in the gradebook.
3 votes -
Import Course Requests - Include pre-enrolled
Import Course Requests from Academic Plan should have an option to include pre-enrolled students.
17 votes -
Import Data to Aeries - Delete Templates
Please create a simple way on the Aeries front-end to delete Import templates created on the 'Import Data to Aeries' page
3 votes -
Scheduling Course Request Letter to Parents Sort Order
The Scheduling Course Request Letter to Parents needs to sort the Courses printed by Course Name. Currently there is no consistent sort order.
3 votes -
Portal Options Scheduling: add TK grade level to Date Ranges for Course Requests
Add the TK grade to the Date Ranges on the Scheduling tab in Portal Options, to support scheduling for TK grade students using the Portal. This request was specifically made for use in Summer School scheduling.
11 votes -
Alternate Course Requests - Allow adding multiple courses
As as an Admin user I'd like to see the ability to add several alternate course request just as it is for regular requests. Having to add one at a time is too time consuming so hoping this might be an easy fix.
11 votes -
Please take off the Days with Truancies
We would love to have the Days with Truancies taken off of the Parent Portal. Parents are so confused by this and the word Truancy makes the parents think the student is in trouble. We are constantly fielding calls about this. It's information that the parent doesn't need to have.
7 votes -
Things that Should be shown on every screen & every tab
No matter what page or tab we're on, we should be able to see the Student's entire name (middle included), ID number and learning platform (remote or in-person). It should all be right at the top next to the students name.
2 votes -
The Copy students to summer school should show the summer term and preference in the course requests page at the summer school
My summer school is offering 2 terms and each term has an am and pm. Even though the summer course requests are still ordered by the course#, at least you can still see the term and am/pm preference this student is assigned to. Once you copy students to summer school, their course requests in the summer school do not show their summer
term or am/pm preference. My summer admin will need to have 2 browser windows open for each of their summer students. One browser in the regular school to view the summer course requests for the summer term and…4 votes -
Assertive Discipline - Add a Field in Disposition to track name of admin making decisions
We have a referrer field on the assertive discipline record, but there is no place to put who was the counselor/principal/etc that made the administrative decision.
OUSD tracks this information on a paper sheet filled out by the teacher, and completed by the admin. However, we have no place in Aeries to assign the admin that completed the record. We would have to go back to the paper to find out which admin made the decision on the dispositions.13 votes -
Classes: add View Only Current Term option to Edit Mode
On the Classes page in Edit Mode, add a View Only Current Term option.
3 votes -
Add Color Coding to Class Calendar table
Similar to the ABS table, add color coding feature so that multiple calendars and mulitple years can easily be identified.
15 votes -
Sort Class Calendars
Add Sort to the Headers on the Class Calendar table for ease of use.
13 votes
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