Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Scheduling Course Request Tally report should display 10 grade levels
The Scheduling Course Request Tally report displays a maximum of nine grade levels, but a TK - 8 school has ten grade levels, so the TK grade is left off the report.
1 vote -
Custom Table support for Staff
Currently custom tables in Aeries can be student-related only. Please expand custom tables to support tables linked to the STF (Staff) table.
29 votes -
Authorizations - Allow Filtering
It would be nice to allow certain authorizations to be hidden - particularly ones that we've stopped using so don't pertain to students in the current school year. Either hide automatically based on status in the Code Table, or have checkboxes to hide/grey out, with the option to "show hidden" or "side hidden" .
3 votes -
Authorizations - Allow Sorting
It would be nice to allow the Authorizations page to be sorted by the different columns.
8 votes -
Update Links for Online Resource Center - Allow Editing of Sort
It would be nice if the read-only sort order field could either be edited or if it would automatically renumber when a link is deleted.
2 votes -
Security Permissions Field Highlighting
Add web programming where the Security Fields change to a different color to highlight that the Group/User has customized Security permissions (example: STU Table and the EL team only has access to Update Language Fluency, but read access to everything else)
1 vote -
Hashing passwords in config files
Currently the passwords in our config files are plain text. I would like to see something more secure for our environment and others.
1 vote -
Absence Codes - Ability to Inactivate/Retire Codes
Because it is not recommended to delete codes for historical purposes, it would be great to have the ability to Inactivate/Retire Absence Codes. Especially with the current pandemic we may want to temporarily not use a code based on the type of learning occurring. It is easy to remove a code for teachers to access but office staff who have User accounts should have the ability to not see codes the district does not want them using. The Classroom Attendance pages needs to honor Inactive tags on Absence Codes.
60 votes -
Sign/certify binaries for Aeries updates in addition to existing password protection.
Sign update binaries for additional security in knowing updates sent from Aeries have not been tampered with since compiled.
4 votes -
Mobile App - Allow the display of a field from a Custom table
Allow the ability to display a field from a custom table in the Mobile App.
2 votes -
MST Board: add more section information, especially scheduling-related
Add scheduling-related section information (for example, Scheduling Group) to the sections on the MST Board.
6 votes -
Data Confirmation - Make an Address Changes Audit page
Make the process of changing a student's address in the data confirmation process be set up similar to the military and residence survey audit screens. This would lessen the risk of the notification emails being lost in all the other confirmation emails.
74 votes -
Custom registration grade range for AIR Online Enrollment
We would like to request an option to set a custom registration grade range for AIR Online Enrollment. One of our Tk-8 Schools (Telesis) is a permit only school for grades TK-6. Parents are enrolling online with school Telesis and having to be informed that they cannot attend this school without getting a permit etc. Being able to set the grade range to 7-8 for this school without changing the school options would be helpful.
Thank you!10 votes -
Data Confirmation email notifications
Data confirmation - would like the option to select when emails should be sent to office staff for the data that was changed.
15 votes -
Read only view of Online Enrollment Import Page
Allow a way to give users Read-Only view of the Import Page for Online Enrollment in Web
23 votes -
Gradebook Summary - Add Vertical lines to separate the columns.
While every other row is grey on reports, there is no separation of columns. This makes it difficult to pinpoint certain data points. Please add vertical lines to separate columns.
6 votes -
Class Schedule API endpoint
Please add the ability to pull the student course schedule directly from the API. I would like to be able to get periods, class titles, and and teacher names.
4 votes -
Standards - Enable MT2 Without Requiring MT1 = 1
Allow other Mark Types besides STN.MT1 to have a STN.MT2
3 votes -
Integrate Microsoft Team Assignments and Scores into Gradebook
We would like to be able to integrate Microsoft Teams Assignments and Scores into Aeries Gradebook.
6 votes -
No Show Manager - Add IEP Indicator
The new No Show Manager is great, but it would be nice to have an IEP indicator on there so we can skip No Showing students with IEP's.
3 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminMinott Opdyke (Quality Control, Aeries Software) responded
Hello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system.
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