Please add Actual Courses for Placeholder Courses i.e. (Edgenuity, APex or Indepdendent Study) for non Alternative Ed. Scheduling
Would like to see a solution for High Schools who offer online courses (i.e. Edgenuity, APEX) and or use placeholder courses. Currently, High Schools are unable to know the exact course that students are taking via Edgenuity program, which makes it highly problematic to schedule, figure out their graduation status, keep tabs on progress via grading, transcribing.
In looking at current Aeries features there are 2 current functions that get close to providing a solution. The first one is Alternative Ed. Scheduling, however I was told that this feature would not work in a regular comprehensive, as it would throw off some other functions. Note, that this could solve the issue as the "actual course" is able to be listed. The second option is the "Course Composite" feature that is available (see pic Course Composite 1) and could potentially work if the "actual course" function would also be included (see pictures Course Composite No Actual Course & Actual Course Feature). Lastly, the Grades by Teacher becomes rather complicated under this feature. For instance I added 6 students with 13 courses and the list of grades/students quickly grew out of hand (see Course Composite Grades by Teacher).