Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Activities and Awards - Auto populate Grade Level
Is it possible for you to add the student grade to populate automatically when we add a new record under Activities and Awards?
2 votes -
Data Confirmation - Allow Supplemental and Custom Tables
Allow the use of the supplemental and custom tables to be used in Parent Data Confirmation, similar to how it works in the Online Enrollment system.
29 votes -
Student Profile - Show Assets
We would like an option to show district asset on student profile page, similar to financial, to provide a snapshot of what assets are checked out.
11 votes -
Online Enrollment - Limit Selection of Schools on "Other District Enrollment"
It would help to limit Online Enrollment - "Other District Enrollment" page to a selection in the setup instead of all schools in our district. i.e., exclude the Inactive school, summer schools, and schools the public does not need to choose from.
1 vote -
Allow parents to upload student photos
Allow for the ability for parents to upload a student picture. This is useful for new incoming 9th graders since there won't be a picture day this year. There are alternatives, like creating a student document and requesting it that way, but there isn't a way to restrict file size/type/etc. A feature could be added that would allow for auto-resizing etc. that would be a benefit to a lot of districts this coming year.
4 votes -
Data Confirmation - Add a "Next Student" Button
It is unclear for some of our families that they need to complete Data Confirmation for each student. Please add a "Next Student" button after completing data confirmation.
50 votes -
504 Plans: Allow parents to sign the 504 electronically.
Currently the 504 plan Stakeholders sign a printed report. Requesting a feature to allow Stakeholders to sign the 504 plan electronically.
109 votes -
Online Enrollment - Upload Confirmation Upon Completion
We would like the parents to be able to upload their signed Data Confirmation form, but if they click "finish and submit" there is no option for them to go back and upload. If they log back in they are only able to view the final Data Confirmation form. Is there any way to keep the review tabs at the top available and then add a "log out" button at the end next to "finish and submit"? It could then make it possible for parents to go back and upload before logging out. Thanks!
9 votes -
Update Links for Online Resource Center - Add District Level Support
Add support for adding links at the district level and add the ability to push them to school sites.
7 votes -
Add option to disable the Elective? Field on Courses
Add an option to disable the Electives? dropdown on the Courses page under the California Specific tab, CSU/UC Entrance fields when a user enters an Elective in the Subject Area field. We feel this would prevent users from putting the Elective in both the Subject Area field and Elective field which causes CALPADS errors during reporting.
2 votes -
Data Confirmation - Add Migrant Questions
I'd like a Migrant Screen added to the Data confirmation, please. The 2-3 Migrant questions are the same throughout the state and this would save parents and staff so much time. It could resemble the residency screen.
42 votes -
Contacts - Have Fields Line Up With Each Other
Right now, CON LW (Lives with), ERH (Ed rights holder), and CD (code) display either directly under the contact name IF there's no address, or under the relationship IF there is an address. For consistency, it would be really nice to be able to scan down a page of contacts for information without having to read each line horizontally as well as vertically.
8 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminMinott Opdyke (Quality Control, Aeries Software) responded
Hello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system. Stay tuned!
Alternative Ed. Scheduling Report and Query
Alternative Ed. Scheduling - Need a report or Query that will print the placeholder course name (MST.CN) as the title but also list the course information that was updated on the student's schedule (SEC.CN).
14 votes -
Master Schedule, Split Term field needs to be locked down.
Master Schedule, Split Term (MST.DY) field needs to give a warning when changes are made and SEC/CAR records exist. Or the field should be read only like PD, BL, SM, TN and CN.
1 vote -
PFT Results Import for Spring 2020
PFT Results files have been released for Spring 2020 testing. Import process needs to be updated for SPRG20
2 votes -
Parent Data Confirmation: add option to disallow parent changing Authorizations after PDC complete
After a parent completes Parent Data Confirmation, they can change their Authorizations, which means that reports or queries of Authorization records can become out-of-date. The customer would like an option to not allow parents to change Authorizations after PDC is complete as removing a response could cause a NULL record.
40 votes -
Allow Teacher and User Account Name Changes on Staff page
Allow Admin users to edit the Teacher and User record Last Name and First Name information from the Staff Page. This would make it possible to do a name change in one place instead of having to go to three different places to do it
4 votes -
STU.SP field - Allow more than one character
We would like the STU.SP field to allow 2 characters instead of one.
1 vote -
District Assets Items - Add Inactive Tag
I would like to request an Active/Inactive field for any asset in the DRI table so when an asset is "Active" it can be checked out, and when an Asset is "Inactive" it cannot be checked out.
18 votes -
Emulate Parent Account from the Student Profile
It would be nice if everywhere a parent account is listed (like Profile) it were possible to click the "emulate" button.
Right now the workflow is "Grab a student ID, then copy it, then search it in Manage Parent/Student Accounts, then emulate."
26 votes
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