Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Vision - Add a Pass/Fail field for Far and Near
Add a Pass/Fail field for Far and Near Tests on Vision page.
27 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminJan Tokorcheck (Lead Business Analyst, Aeries Software) responded
This idea has been analyzed to be included in future modernization efforts for the Medical component of Aeries. However, there is no decision yet as to when it might appear on our roadmap.
Add red flag visibility to the Teacher Class Attendance page
If a Red Flag is added for a student, have it display on the teacher's Class Attendance page for each student, by highlighting the Perm ID or another area in red, similar to the SSA Date functionality.
10 votes -
Assertive Discipline - Display Date of Disposition field in record selector
When you first tab to Assertive Discipline page, you view entered records from previous referrals and you see in the blue bar area stating "Select a Record to View Details". At this point you can see "Date", "Violation", and "Action". I would also like to see the "Disposition Date". This would allow me to see if student has been issued detention (or other action taken) and for what date. When a student has multiple records that she/he has been assigned a discipline action for, and I need to assign another action for a new offense, this would eliminate me having…
6 votes -
Authorizations Page - Add Filter Options
Please add filter options to the Authorizations Page so we may sort by Date and/or Open Authorizations or Permissions Granted.
11 votes -
Attendance Management for Elementary Schools - Display Teacher Name
It would be very helpful to be able to see the teacher's names when in Attendance Management in an Elementary school.
8 votes -
National Student Clearinghouse Report
Please add a report or fields in Aeries for National Student Clearinghouse information for more accurate reporting.
28 votes -
Teacher Resource Center - Display Elementary and Secondary Information based on School Type
When clicking on the information widget in gradebook an elementary teacher is taken to documentation links for the secondary gradebook. This is confusing for them since they use standards based grades and their gradebooks are set up differently. Documentation should only be available for the appropriate grade level/type of database.
The same fix needs to be applied to the ? widget. Elementary teachers should only see documentation for Standards Based Grades and Elementary Gradebooks.
1 vote -
Transcript Code Translations does not work correctly on 3-Column Transcripts
From Trainers: You are unable to apply a code translation in the 3-Column transcript so that you can identify and distinguish between AP and IB classes. It works on the 1-Column Transcript, only
2 votes -
Import From Google - Override Aeries
I'm wondering if the Import From Google feature on the Gradebook Dashboard can be set up in such a way that whatever scores are in Google Classroom ALWAYS override what is in Aeries. It doesn't do that at present, and entering marks for late assignments becomes very time-consuming.
2 votes -
Attendance Reports honor keep/skip and option to exclude preschool students
Attendance Reports:
- Daily Enrollment by Month (CSR)
- Monthly Attendance Summary
Report options needed (would be great for all attendance reports):
1) Add option to skip Pre-school students
2) Have reports honor KEEP and SKIPS.11 votes -
Update Student Demographics page for Parent/Guardian names and phone numbers
In CALPADS the parent guardian names are split into two fields, Partent/Guardian #1 / Parent/Guardian #2. Some of our students have same parents and this would help with the name entry. The Father's work and Mother's work field headers also need to be updated to Parent/Guardian #1 and Parent/Guardian #2 for the same reason. Family key could then be matched based on the name and phone number in the Parent/Guardian #1 fields.
42 votes -
Attendance Note Sort Order
It would be helpful if we could have options to sort on the period or ATN.CD. This would be a big help for our Attendance Clerks now that we are allowing teachers to submit notes for SB 98 attendance accounting.
1 vote -
Immunizations Page - Auto Tab after Date Entered
Once an immunization date is entered and accepted, have the system auto tab over to the next box like Client used to do.
28 votes -
College/Career Indicator CCI Measure C
On the College/Career Indicator-CCI Page for Measure C, have the courses that are being considered appear in the box below, if possible.
5 votes -
Master Schedule Section Numbers
With all the cohort groups and scheduling requirements and creating new sections, we are running into section numbers that are 5 digits. However, the locators show only 4 digits. Can we have the locators show the whole section number. When the table allows 5 digits, the locator should show all the digits.
1 vote -
OneRoster - Option for Staff in Sections
It would be great if one of the options presented for staff in sections could be "oneroster."
If a staff member has been added to a section for online zoom moderation/attendance or for contact tracing in person, those staff don't necessarily need to be added to oneroster exports for curriculum access. It would be nice to not have those extra staff added to rosters.
1 vote -
Staff - Inactivating a Staff record
This is a request that when we inactivate staff to also have the ability to inactivate the "Next Year Status" on the Teacher record.
5 votes -
The Grade Report Exception Listing does not support Secondary Standard Based Grade Reporting (GRS).
The Grade Report Exception Listing does not support Secondary Standard Based Grade Reporting (GRS).
1 vote -
LTEL Import - Add option to import ALL codes for district students
Currently LTEL Import process only imports/updates the LAC record fields for students with AtRisk or LTEL codes. Please add an option to also update the LTEL fields in Aeries for EL status students who are listed in the LTEL Import file.
37 votes -
Online Enrollment Import Page - Add a Comment Box to Enrollment List
It would be great if a comment box could be added next to each enrollment record on the Online Enrollment list of pending enrollments to import. Frequently, we have parents who enroll in Kinder who are not age-eligible. It would be great if a comment could be added to make sure to alert the staff using the import page to verify correct grade prior to import.
42 votes
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