Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
1 vote
Attendance - Disable data entry on periods where the student has no classes
On the Attendance page, please disable the period columns from data entry when the student does not have classes that meet during that period. Currently, no dashes display but an absence code can still be entered and saved.
6 votes -
Allow Assignments imported into Gradebook to default certain options as unselected
Allow assignments imported from Google to default the options Visible to Portal and Score Visible to Portal as unchecked. Once the teacher selects Grading Complete then the assignment can become visible to Portal and Score Visible to Portal.
1 vote -
Teacher Attendance - Allow teachers to sort their students by first name.
In Zoom, it list participants by first name (alphabetically) and not by last name. So, for ease of taking attendance, allow students to be sorted by first name, as well.
8 votes -
Send Email "Add Recipients" - Include options to select case manager, counselor, administrator
For teachers, when they use the Add Recipients feature in Send emails and their student has an IEP or a 504 plan, it will be useful to have the option to also select the student's Case Manager, Administrator or Counselor, so they can be included on certain communications to student/parent.
2 votes -
Initialize New SBG Grading Cycle for One Section for Elem w/MST
I would like to request an option be added to the Initialize New Standards Based Grading Cycle table where users can update for one section for schools set up as Elem w/MST, similar to how the Initialize New Grade Reporting Cycle is set up. Currently we are only allowed to create/update SBG for one student at a time and it would be nice to update an entire section of students when needed.
5 votes -
504 plan initial effective date
I would like to request that a date field be added to the 504 plan details page to show the Initial 504 Effective Date indicating when a student began receiving 504 services and have that date print on the 504 plan for when students have amendments to their plan during the same school year or upon renewing the plan each year.
26 votes -
Timeout - Start counting by how long user is Inactive on a page
Hello can the timeout go off of how many minutes you are inactive on a page, versus how long you have been on a page? I could be clicking away adding data and editing and the timeout popup comes on when the whole time I was very active on the page.
15 votes -
Financials - Option to Remove Charge
When an asset is returned, it needs to give the option of taking the asset charge out of Financials like it currently does in fees.
6 votes -
Financials - Add Additional Asset Details
Display additional information like Asset number and barcode of the asset when you pull it in from Student Assets - similar to Fees.
2 votes -
Multi-School Attendance for Elementary with Master Schedule Schools
It would be helpful to have the Multi School Attendance process available for Elementary Schools with a Master Schedule.
7 votes -
Code Descriptions on Custom Reports
Print the description of a code instead of the code value on custom reports
7 votes -
Classroom Attendance - Allow sorting of Name column
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we've had to separate our students into A and B groups for when they return to campus. Now, when we (in the office) go into Classroom Attendance they are grouped as A and B. It would be nice to be able to sort the class by name but it is not available.
3 votes -
Student Display between District and School
When viewing a student at district level, and we switch to the student's school, it does not remain on the same student. Can it be fixed so that when we switch to the student's school, the same student is still on screen? I do district wide search for a student, find them, add the fee, have to change to their school to print the fee letter, and the student changes each time.
6 votes -
Support the Follett/Destiny API for pulling Fines and Pushing Payments
Destiny has an API that would allow Aeries to pull Fine data from their system and store it in Aeries Financials.
21 votes -
Default to District School in Special Programs
In Special Programs the student's enrollment will be followed in Aeries for CALPADS reporting if the school is populated with the District. So making the PGM.SC default to populate itself to the District instead of the school the student is currently enrolled in would save a lot of time on data clean up while reporting to CALPADS.
49 votes -
Would like the ability to email Grade Report Cards to parent emails
Would like the ability to email Grade Report Cards to parent emails.
36 votes -
Attendance Management: mass add period absence codes for a date range
On the Attendance Management page, absence codes can be added for multiple periods for one date. Please add the ability to add these absence codes over a date range.
16 votes -
Online Enrollment - Make Primary Contact and Educational Rights Fields Required
We are working on Data Validations and have a ton of missing Primary contact and educational rights boxes not checked for parents and guardians. Can there be a way in Online Enrollment to make these fields require? This would save so much time.
90 votes -
Data Validation - Assertive Discipline missing Victim and/or Witness
Create a data validation definition when an Assertive Discipline code contains any of the "Bully/Harass*" codes and is missing a victim or witness.
11 votes
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