Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Google Integration - Sync Name Changes
Currently, google integration is not recognizing student name/gender changes which requires manual correction in Google Classroom. It would be great if Google Integration could sync name changes. Thanks!
14 votes -
Query - Allow Saved Queries to be shared or copied to other Schools
It would be great if you could save a query to more than one school or if the system allowed you to copy a query to one or more schools to save time. This would allow the same queries to be created at the District level and shared to school sites.
69 votes -
Attendance Management - Mass Add Attendance Notes Without Absence
Currently, the Attendance Management screen can add absences with or without notes, but you cannot do the inverse and add only notes without an absence code. Since we are using notes to track engagement, this means that clerks have a difficult time adding notes for classes.
22 votes -
Copy grades to history should overwrite instead of creating a duplicate
At the middle school, after grades are completed, our office staff would click on copy grades to history to update transcript.
Oftentimes, they would click on the button again and the transcripts end up with duplicate grades with the header that says "work in progress."
When this happens, we would reach out to support for a SQL query that we can run to clear the history.
Is it possible for this function to be disabled after it's run the first time? Or if it's run the second time, could it overwrite instead of create a duplicate one?2 votes -
Master Schedule- Add a Next and Previous button for quicker navigation
Can we get a Next and Previous buttons added to the Master Schedule screen?
There are times when it's necessary to review Sections & being able to click through them would be much easier than having to print the Class Load Analysis & enter each section number individually.
17 votes -
Google Classroom/Aeries Gradebook Sync - Sync with Missing in Google Classroom Grades
Please add the code "M" for missing so if there is an "M" in the blank, it shows red and calculates as a zero in the overall percentage and also shows in the missing assignment sections on Aeries.
Also add the functionality to sync the missing assignments in Google Classwork to populate corresponding assignments in Aeries with the "M" code during the Import process.
This way we can eliminate the need to check the "Is Grading Complete?" button in order to get accurate overall percentages and grades and missing assignments to show up. Please consider this. Teachers really need this!
3 votes -
Staff Data Verification Report
It would be helpful to have an easy way for staff to verify their contact information at the start of the school year to make sure we have accurate emergency contact information, demographic information, etc.
9 votes -
Grading Periods - Display Grading Period colors to the Gradebook Dashboard.
Grading Periods - Display Grading Period colors to the Gradebook Dashboard.
6 votes -
Data Confirmation - Restricting Individual Portal Accounts
It would be nice to have the option to restrict an individual parent portal account from all things parent portal related - including Data Confirmation.
Currently, restricting the contact still gives them access to Data Confirmation. The reason a contact would get restricted is because they can't play nice with the other parent & constantly try to delete the other parents information.
Using the Secondary Student Data restriction punishes both parents. I can see where that might be needed based on the type of code for the restriction - like overdue lunch bills, etc. But the parent that's cooperating gets…
43 votes -
Special Education Page - Add ability to attach IEP document
Would like to have a place in the Special Education page General Tab where we can attach an IEP at a glace for the teachers to access. Similar to Student Documents.
5 votes -
Weekly Engagement Report - Include Class Calendar Filter
On the weekly engagement report, flex periods and section numbers are listed, but most of us use the combination of flex period and class calendar to identify sections. If the class calendar could be included in the filter box, this interface would be much more user friendly!
1 vote -
Demographics - Allow LAC.USS to be Required on Demographics Page
If the LAC.USS field is defined as a required field on the LAC table, make the ability for the requirement to translate over to the STU table where the field displays. Many of my districts are missing this field and they fill in this data on the Demographics page, NOT the Language Assessment page. I made the field required on the LAC but it doesn't translate over as required on STU.
5 votes -
Teacher Attendance - Add an "All Other Students Are Absent" Button
With positive attendance we have to mark present students and then it would be nice for the balance to be marked absent. Especially now marking many students absent but then present later for asynchronous work. It would eliminate a lot of clicking each period.
6 votes -
Allow Teacher App to work on a Chromebook device
Would like the Teacher App to be compatible on a Chromebook device. Currently, when searching for Districts, which uses GPS, it gets stuck searching and continuously spins.
2 votes -
Google Classroom to Aeries Integration Error Report Notification Email
I would like the ability to get a notification email on the [Google Apps Integration] page similar to what is available on the [Google Staff Integration] page.
This notification email could contain stats on:
How many students were added, and which adds failed. How many grades were brought back into Aeries, and how many failed. How many teachers have a connected Google Classroom and Gradebook.(The below can be setup for the staff integration)
{Notification Email Address}
This is the email that will be used to report error messages as well the results of the nightly sync process.2 votes -
Class Calendars and Flex Periods - Set the Schedule by Grade Level
It would be really nice to allow Class Calendar and Flex period setup by grade level for schools that run different schedules by grade. Right now, on the Classes page, All Flex periods display in the "show available periods" view. It would be nice to only have the flex periods applicable to that student display on that page.
1 vote -
Attendance Percent by Period Report
We are seeking a report to identify attendance percent by period. This would be useful to have the ability to utilize for all students/teachers/groups. Currently, we can pull absences by period, however determining present percent based on dates of class meeting and so many schedules is not something that someone not versed in SQL can easily access.
13 votes -
Multi-School Section that holds students from different schools.
It'd be cool to have a section that spans across the district(since courses are already) which can hold different students from different schools in one section owned by either the homeschool of the teacher or the district.
This way teachers who teach one section/curriculum to a group of students across the district can all be linked together for third party integration purposes.
Another great reason is for distance learners who are across the district under specific teachers. They all have the same "class" under the same teacher but have to be from different schools and the master schedule has to…
1 vote -
Adjust Transcript terms and Grad Status calculations for Quarter/Hexmester credits/marks
Adjust transcript terms, transcripts and grad status calculations to support quarters or hexmesters.
4 votes -
Google Meet Attendance
Google meet generates attendance reports for every period. We should ask Aeries to integrate these reports to take roll.
1 vote
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