Records Access Log - Make Reason field a dropdown
Please enhance the RAL to where the Reason field can be in the code table & specific codes be given for a drop down list for the user to choose from. It would make it easier to be able to have entries consistent with the same types of reasons without different spellings.
For example, my district uses it extensively for tracking student movement in & out of the district, when IDT's have been given, when a student has been promoted mid year, among other things.
When I query the RAL to compile an Enter/Leave report for the board, I get "New Enrollee", "New Enrolle", "New Enroll", "New Enrollment", "New Student", "Returned" - I want New Enrollee. For transfers within the district I get "Transferred", "Transfer In", "Transfer To", "Transfer to", Transfer to:" - I want Transfer To.
Having all those different entries makes it difficult when sifting through the information in Excel.
It would also be a nice enhancement to have set widths for the Circumstances & Records Accessed fields, but let them grow in height. When looking at the screen & there's a lot of information in either of these fields, the Reason field ends up all scrunched up.
Also, moving the "Add New Record" to the top of the entry area instead of the bottom would be nice, when there's a lot of records & a new one needs to be added, you currently have to scroll all the way to the bottom.