Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Display the Student Local ID more prominently when the student information bar is collapsed
Can the student's local ID be added to the Tool Tip or the gray bar behind the student's name so it is always easily visible? Rhonda Dominguez - 123456 or Rhonda Dominguez (123456).
Right now the Tool Tip repeats the student's name. The local id could replace the student's name in the tool tip...after all, we had to hover over the student's name to see the tip.
4 votes -
Standards Based Grades with Two Teachers
Currently in Standards Based Grades, if there are two teachers in a job share or team teaching situation, only the primary teacher has access to data entry on the Grades page, even though both or all staff ID numbers have been entered on that Teacher record or MST section record. This includes emulation.
26 votes -
All Tables and Reports in Aeries to use Student ID instead of SN
It would be so helpful for all tables to use the student ID as the unique identifier instead of School Code/Student Number. This would avoid the need to query the STU table to obtain the ID number.
48 votes -
Aeries Query - Add Message if Results exceed the record return limitation
The Aeries query has a record return limitation of 100000. It would be nice if the end user gets a warning message if their query result exceeds the record limitation. This will make the user aware that not all the records are showing up in the outcome of the query.
7 votes -
Custom Tables - Add options to display information on Profile page
Add options to Custom tables to be able to display information on the student Profile page.
2 votes -
Intervention Plan - Print Student Strengths Prior Interventions and Actions
When printing the Intervention Plan, please add options to print the Students Strengths, Prior Interventions and Goal Actions information.
9 votes -
Student Emergency Cards - Display Student Name on Side
For our emergency cards, we keep them in a file folder that is turned sideways. On our previous cards, there was a place for the student's name and the teacher so when we flipped through the cards we could quickly pull out the correct card.
Can this information be added to the side so that we can continue to print out the emergency card via Aeries.3 votes -
Allow Scheduling Exclusions Prior to Initializing Scheduling
It would be great to add certain scheduling exclusions prior to initializing scheduling (ie ensure two students should never be scheduled together or making sure a student never takes a class a certain period etc.) Certain items like these come up throughout the year and not just when scheduling is occurring.
8 votes -
New Report for Special Ed Information and Teacher Credentials-CALPADS
Using Special Education information and credential information, create class lists with Primary and secondary disabilities for courses where instructional strategy = 700 (special education). This would be helpful for CALPADS assignment monitoring requirements.
5 votes -
Job Assignments
Update current staff assignment codes to current CALPADS codes and delete codes that have been retired. Once a job class is selected for Admin, Pupil Services or itinerant, only allow CALPADS valid codes in drop down of non-classroom based job codes. It would also be great to have a report to identify staff records with incomplete CALPADS records.
3 votes -
Change Query to ATT should update ATL
Can we make a change query to ATT update ATL for audit tracking. Currently a change query to ATT will not update ATL and will not show on the attendance log.
1 voteKevin Praeger responded
Currently in Aeries, change queries may bypass any kind of business logic. This will not be the case in the next generation of Aeries however.
Class Rosters - Add Custom Captions when printing STU User fields
On the Class Roster Report for Teachers - print the Custom Caption for the STU fields when they are selected to print.
1 vote -
The CON.AN (Attendance Notification) field in Contacts t should default to No.
The CON.AN (Attendance Notification) field in Contacts defaults to blank. It should default to No.
3 votesConsidered for Feature Modernization ·AdminMinott Opdyke (Quality Control, Aeries Software) responded
Hello! Thank you for this idea. We are making plans to include it in the Aeries NextGen system. Stay tuned!
Student ID Card Report - Add Option to not display Student Date of Birth
We would like the option to not include the student's birthdate on the Student ID Card report.
4 votes -
Need an API developed to get APEX grades to connect with Aeries grade books.
interface with Apex Learning ( to be able to import grades from Apex into Aeries Gradebook.
4 votes -
Staff - Inactivate corresponding table records when a Staff record is Tagged Inactive
When a Staff (STF) record is tagged to be Inactive, also tag the corresponding staff related tables, Teacher table record and security account to also become Inactive. Also do not display on Teacher/Staff lists to copy to and from. Also needed is the staff section and staff scheduling master to become inactive with a warning that there may no longer be an active Primary Teacher.
50 votes -
Allow non-teachers the ability to create and manage Gradebook Templates
Currently in order to modify gradebook templates, the user must be a teacher tied to a section in order to manage and create gradebook templates.
9 votes -
Teacher Class Attendance - Add section number to course title.
In Teacher portal on the class attendance page, include the section number next to the course title.
1 vote -
Attendance Letter Count - ability to choose the Letter ID
I would like the ability to select which Letter ID affects the Letter Count instead of it being the "Absent" / "Tardy" letter by default.
5 votes -
Standard Based Grades Report Cards in other languages
SBG Report Cards - Allow printing Languages other than English, like Chinese or Korean.
31 votes
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