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  1. Keep/Skip Query Notification Message

    When a Keep/Skip Query is performed the notification message informing student records are being skipped only appears at the top of the page. Enhance the product so that the message is viewable when the user scrolls down the page in a color that stands out to the user.

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  2. Medication Schedule Page

    The entries are in a random order. Not alphabetically, not by time. It's just completely random.

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    4 comments  ·  Medical  ·  Admin →
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  3. Special Education Import- Adjust for 23/24 Redesign

    Special Education Import- Adjust for 23/24 Redesign"

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  4. CALPADS Data Audit Error for TK Students

    Enhance the CALPADS Data Audit report to exclude TK students from this specific error: “STU.LF = TBD Could not determine if a student is enrolled more than 90 days.”

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  5. District Assets and Query

    District Assets - Create a relationship with DRA and STF so when using a query with these two tables at school level data is returned. Currently it only returns data at District level

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  6. Substitute Teachers - Access to Primary Teachers' Attendance Records to Avoid Recreating Rosters

    Can you give access to the primary teachers Attendance by photo and attendance by photo old for substitutes? Currently a substitute teacher needs to create their own Attendance By Photo - old roster. Makes it hard for a sub to recreate 6 periods for students they do not even know.

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  7. Career Pathway Object on the Activities & Awards page for Texas Databases

    Remove the Career Pathway column on the Activities & Awards page for TX databases

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  8. CALPADS SPRG ODS orphaned records -All other eligibility orphaned Program records not being deleted that no longer exist

    Compare CALPADS SPRG ODS records against Aeries and delete all other program records that exist in the ODS file but no longer exist in Aeries. These are records that become orphaned after being added to Aeries, uploaded to CALPADS, then deleted from Aeries and no longer exist. Previously, participation records, FRE and Homeless records were handled separately. This idea will capture all other Eligibility Programs not already being deleted when they no longer exist.

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  9. CALPADS SPRG ODS orphaned records - Program 191 Homeless

    Compare CALPADS SPRG ODS records against Aeries and delete program code 191 Homeless records that exist in the ODS file but no longer exist in Aeries.

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  10. College Articulation - Credit Hours Criteria Needed for Transcript TTP

    When we add College Articulations(CCC) on transcripts as Things to Print (TTP), Aeries uses the following CCC fields as a criteria to enable printing:
    CCC.RPT - Required Mark Points (1,2,3,4)
    CCC.FGO - Required on Final Grade Only (y/n)
    CCC.RCC - Required Credit Comp (e.g. 5.00)

    We would like an additional requirement criteria for Credit Hours used to enable printing. This would look for a minimum value in the HIS.CH (Credit Hours) field.

    Currently all of our students that receive a minimum mark in an articulated class have College articulation printing on their transcript. However, there are some additional requirements that…

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    3 comments  ·  Transcripts  ·  Admin →
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  11. Quick Print Option

    When using Quick Print on a page, Suppress the All Rights Reserved verbiage from printing.

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  12. Grading Snapshot Aeries Mobile API

    Enhance the product to support Grading Snapshot report card history in the mobile app.

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  13. Calculate ELPI by student and load level into Aeries

    The CA School Dashboard just started reporting the ELPI again based on a new calculation.

    Current ELPI Tech Guide:

    Previous ELPI Tech Guide:

    -What we would like is for the ELPI to be calculated by-student and for each English Learner student's ELPI level to be loaded into the LAC table, Field: LAC.U3

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    2 comments  ·  Language  ·  Admin →
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  14. Academic Plan - Only display tagged courses in Course list

    Honor the tagged courses in Academic Plan Course Options whether a student searches by specific Subject or All Courses. Currently, the tagged courses only show when they select a specific subject area.

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  15. Parent Portal Error

    Attendance Audit Errors and Course Attendance Audit Errors should not appear for parents/students on the portal.

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  16. New UI: Suggestions for adjustments

    Please give any feedback for adjustments you'd like to see in the new UI, that are not already requested in other UV Ideas.

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  17. Medical - Food Allergies

    Create a section next to medical problems where staff can enter the students food allergies. This will help the kitchen staff quickly identify students with food allergies.

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  18. Mass Approve Academic Plan

    Add ability to mass approve academic plan to a group of students.

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  19. Enhance Immunization Requirements Logic for More Accurate Evaluation of 12th Grade Students

    Enhance Immunization Requirements Logic for Accurate Evaluation of 12th Grade Students

    Current logic The combination of the student's age being outside the VAC range and their next grade being above the high school grade level leads the system to conclude that they meet the immunization requirements, even though no vaccines are recorded.

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  20. Enrollment by Teacher Report

    Enhancement: Allow the Enrollment by Teacher Report to be run by date.

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