Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Colleges - Mass Add Record
Please add a Mass Add Record option for the Colleges page
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Behavioral Emergency - Add Alert Message
It would be nice to have a popup reminder or message in red when deleting saying other records attached to the incident. We have had cases where staff enter for the wrong student, go back and delete, but the BER was not deleted. As much as we tell them, they are very busy and sometimes the details are overwhelming.
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Update Scheduling Process Dashboard D1
D1 needs to be relabeled to "Scheduling" Mass Change Sections.
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Standards Based Grades - Separate the "Explanation of Marks" on different Report Card types.
It would be great to be able to separate and indicate which Explanation of Marks show up on which Report Card template. For example, when building a report card for SPED, we only want to show in the Explanation of Mark legend, the explanation of marks that apply to the SPED standards.
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Transcripts - Add a Print Option to Ignore Off Grade Courses
Our Counselors want certain middle school courses on the high school transcript but only during June and not throughout the entire year. It would be great if we could create a new transcript definition to include those classes from the Off Grade Courses table. We would need a way to identify courses to stay on the transcript always and courses we want to print as an alternative transcript definition choice.
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Report to Print all Standards Based Templates
Can there be an Admin report to print all standards based report card templates at once instead of individually? Or maybe give a check list of which templates to print on one report?
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Grade Reporting and Transcripts - Support Inactive Valid Marks.
We wanted to remove the + and - (B+, B-, C+...) grades going forward. We cannot do it because the Valid Marks for the current year are used to determine the cumulative GPA. Grades in previous years that had the + and - were being excluded from the calculations. We had to add them back. If the system would support inactivating valid marks, we could leave them there for calculation purposes, but no one could use them going forward.
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Query Change to MST/SMS Days of the Week Fields
Query Change to the MST/SMS DY field needs to update the MST/SMS days of the week fields (MM, MT, MW, MR and MF). The MST.DY and individual days of the week fields need to stay in sync.
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Class Calendars - Copy Calendar Permissions
Attendance Clerks need to be able to copy Class Calendars. Only admin Aeries users can do that currently. Possible add box for 'Administer' (special permissions) on CCL?
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Scheduling Master Schedule Board - Add Filters for Courses and/or Teachers
Allow the ability to tag (isolate) specific teachers or courses for reviewing with each other. This would particularly be helpful when analyzing period coverage or reassigning periods/teacher within a specific subject or department.
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Standard Based Grades Input by Teacher - Add a filter teacher option
As of now, pre-teachers who have multiple classes assigned to them have no class filtering capabilities when entering grades. The pre-teachers drop-down list in the 'View by Student' list is never-ending and hard to navigate. Also, when they select 'View by Standard' they see all students for that grade level standard.
Given that many of our 'prep-teachers' serve multiple classes/grades it would be ideal for them to have the option to either select by teacher or class. Similar to what Aeries admins are able to do when viewing 'Standard Based Grades by Teacher'.
By being able to select a teacher/class…
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Custom Tables - Add options to display information on Profile page
Add options to Custom tables to be able to display information on the student Profile page.
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Send Email "Add Recipients" - Include options to select case manager, counselor, administrator
For teachers, when they use the Add Recipients feature in Send emails and their student has an IEP or a 504 plan, it will be useful to have the option to also select the student's Case Manager, Administrator or Counselor, so they can be included on certain communications to student/parent.
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Financials - Add Additional Asset Details
Display additional information like Asset number and barcode of the asset when you pull it in from Student Assets - similar to Fees.
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Transcript Code Translations does not work correctly on 3-Column Transcripts
From Trainers: You are unable to apply a code translation in the 3-Column transcript so that you can identify and distinguish between AP and IB classes. It works on the 1-Column Transcript, only
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Import From Google - Override Aeries
I'm wondering if the Import From Google feature on the Gradebook Dashboard can be set up in such a way that whatever scores are in Google Classroom ALWAYS override what is in Aeries. It doesn't do that at present, and entering marks for late assignments becomes very time-consuming.
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Copy grades to history should overwrite instead of creating a duplicate
At the middle school, after grades are completed, our office staff would click on copy grades to history to update transcript.
Oftentimes, they would click on the button again and the transcripts end up with duplicate grades with the header that says "work in progress."
When this happens, we would reach out to support for a SQL query that we can run to clear the history.
Is it possible for this function to be disabled after it's run the first time? Or if it's run the second time, could it overwrite instead of create a duplicate one?2 votes -
Flex Scheduling - Allow Sections to be Linked for a Class
Flex Scheduling is wonderful. What would make it even more wonderful would be to allow us to link sections that together make up a class - and then being able to customize that class name would be the icing on the cake. :)
We have to create separate sections for classes that meet at different times on different days, but for teachers / gradebooks / grades / schedule viewing it would be REALLY useful to let us link certain sections together so they can be managed as a whole instead of having to tweak a field on each of three…
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Allow Teacher App to work on a Chromebook device
Would like the Teacher App to be compatible on a Chromebook device. Currently, when searching for Districts, which uses GPS, it gets stuck searching and continuously spins.
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Google Classroom to Aeries Integration Error Report Notification Email
I would like the ability to get a notification email on the [Google Apps Integration] page similar to what is available on the [Google Staff Integration] page.
This notification email could contain stats on:
How many students were added, and which adds failed. How many grades were brought back into Aeries, and how many failed. How many teachers have a connected Google Classroom and Gradebook.(The below can be setup for the staff integration)
{Notification Email Address}
This is the email that will be used to report error messages as well the results of the nightly sync process.2 votes
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