Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
New Participation Summary Report
We need a report to track the number of students actively participating in Distance Learning each day versus those not participating.
4 votes -
Mass Add Attendance Note - Add Comment
When mass updating the attendance notes, it would be helpful if the comment field could also be mass updated to capture any specific notes for the day. Currently, I can select a note to mass update and even type in the comment field, but the comment does not populate to all of the student records.
7 votes -
Contacts - ParentSquare Issue
Our District and Parents are struggling with ParentSquare.
The biggest pain-point is ParentSquare contact syncing from Aeries Contacts.
ParentSquare’s ‘hidden’ logic will deny updates/changes if their is a matching phone or email for multiple contacts. Parents ( and our offices ) call confused since the data is in Aeries Contacts for a single student and looks correct. They have limited ability to self-solve this problem, since they are trying to jump through pages comparing each student record in a family.What we would like to see
Aeries Contacts - Ability for a parent to edit contacts for all of…
5 votes -
Add Search Filter to Permissions Table
Rather than asking our users to do a CTRL+F to locate a permission table from the long list of permissions, consider adding a search filter so that the customer can quickly navigate to the table and apply the permissions.
15 votes -
View assignment scores from all students in linked gradebook
Please allow more integrating between linked gradebooks, so that teachers can see scores from ALL students on a particular assignment.
This helps with gauging understanding on a particular assignment, and entering late work from multiple class periods, and would allow uploading all grades for an assignment at once.
1 vote -
CALPADS - School Selection by User instead of District-Wide
When you have an Aeries district with multiple CDS codes, there are multiple people running the CALPADS extracts. The "Save" button changes the default selection for everyone! Every time an extract is run it changes the default schools for everyone else, and our CALPADS administrator has to deal with errors when they accidently leave a school checked that isn't theirs in the first place.
8 votes -
Teacher Portal - Option to Limit Available Schools without using the STJ record
Would like an option to not use STJ records when determining available schools for teacher logins. Create a way to limit available schools to TCH records, or Primary School, or SSM for Flex. Early on, STJ records may not have been updated for the new year and often reflect prior-year's school, giving teachers a school choice that they should not have in the current year.
3 votes -
One Roster & API - Alt Ed Scheduling Shows Wrong Course
When using the alt ed scheduling features (which I love) the students' classes are being exported through the API and One Roster files as the generic Alt Ed Course that I created instead of course that it has been updated to. We need them to reflect the real course instead of the placeholder so that curriculum and assessment vendors that use these files can assign the correct content.
6 votes -
Global Messages - Add Start Date
Add a start date to preload global messages
4 votes -
Teacher Attendance - Please Include Section Number
We have created AM/PM/DL sections to fit into our Blended Distance Learning model. Each teacher has an AM section (only AM kids) PM section (Only PM kids) DL section (all kids) and we have used specific numbers to indicate which one is which. Great idea except the Section number doesn't show on the Teacher's Attendance page.
5 votes -
Mass Update ATT Codes - Allow Update From Blank
For Distance Learning Attendance in the functionality of the Mass Update ATT Codes screen - Please allow us to make the change FROM a "blank" code to [any code].
6 votes -
Update STU.PG field and Student Emergency Card Report
The STU.PG field is not needed and difficult to maintain, please consider removing it and replacing this functionality with the following:
Since districts are entering Parent information in CON, that table should house this information and Parents/gGuardians should not be populated in two different fields and tables.
Consider using the CON.CD field to identify the parent/guardian and adding a XRF to the field for CALPADS reporting. Contacts identified with the mapped code will be reported to CALPADS.
- Update the Student Emergency Card to no longer pull the STU.PG field and add an option in the report pull the identified code…
27 votes -
Red Flag on the College Entrance Requirements page
Allow Counselors to have access to red flags on the College Entrance Requirement page. Currently they need update permissions to the CER table.
15 votes -
Allow attendance to be submitted by Section
We have an unusual situation at our middle school where staff are primary teachers a limited number of sections per day, but moderate for other teachers at other times. This means that there are situations where a teacher's section might meet on M/W/F but they moderate on Tu/Th for a section that meets on Tu/Th/F. On Fridays, both sections show up for both teachers during that period on the attendance page. If one teacher takes attendance and submits, it's submitted for BOTH sections.
It would be REALLY GREAT for teachers to be able to select the section for which they…4 votes -
Teacher Attendance Notifications - Add ability to disable or change the frequency of alerts
The "Attendance has been updated" notifications that display while teachers take attendance may cover the attendance check boxes and while scrolling the page. This may commonly affect touch screen devices while being used in a positive attendance school. Adding the ability to either disable the notifications or display one alert over each other would help.
1 vote -
Parent Portal Document Upload - Limit document size and file type
Need to allowing limiting the document types and size of documents parents can upload in the Parent Portal. Similar to the Backpack upload limit and restricted file types in Portal Options.
8 votes -
Aeries API - make Student SMS field available (STU.MPH)
The SMS field for Students (STU.MPH) is available through the OneRoster extract that you create for me, but it isn't mapped in the OneRoster files through the API. It would be great if this could also be mapped in the API One Roster files.
3 votes -
Student Documents Enhancements
Add a warning to the Student Documents when overwriting a document.
Or add the ability to restore/retrieve a deleted/overwritten document.4 votes -
Class Calendars - Make Calendars Printable
Please make the new class calendars printable. This will be so helpful for us when trying to see the big picture and also while duplicating calendars within a district.
6 votes -
Gradebook - Scores by Class - Attendance Flags
Attendance flags also display on the Scores by Class page. Blue triangles will display in the upper right corner of the score field if the student had an attendance code on either the Assigned Date or Due Date of the assignment. Moving the mouse over the blue square will display the absence information for the student.
Is there any possible way to change the blue flags to only pull "A - Unverified Absence"? Getting this request from a teacher because her entire gradebook is showing blue flags.
6 votes
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