Aeries Ideas
25 results found
District Assets and Query
District Assets - Create a relationship with DRA and STF so when using a query with these two tables at school level data is returned. Currently it only returns data at District level
4 votes -
Field Level access restriction for District Assets
Add field-level permissions or allow certain users to access only one or part of the data in the District Assets Table. This would allow us to give access to add instruments for our music department and we would then be able to make sure they can not get access to Technology department. Without Field-level permissions, anyone with access has the keys to the kingdom.
4 votes -
District Resource Assignments - Track who checks in/out devices
In the DRA table we would like to have checked in by and check out by fields. At some small schools, devices are checked out by teachers, office staff, or district techs. We would like to be able to keep track of who checked out/in devices. If it could autofill with a user ID that would be even better.
3 votes -
Student Asset check-in - Additional viewable information
After checking in an Asset, you need to be able to quickly view more information on the checked in DRA record. We code and update condition to “Fee assessed” and need to be alerted if we have to go to clear Financial Transaction too
1 vote -
District Assets - Increased functionality on Mass Add Checked-Out Items to Financials
Add increased filters and variables for use when Mass Adding checked-out items to Financials.
Currently, you can only apply by DRI Title, but it would be helpful to be able to filter by DRT.TY for grouping.
Example of why this is helpful: Chromebooks remain checked out to students for multiple years, but books are not. Currently, I have to scroll through entire list and one-by-one click all Chromebook models instead of being able to exclude all DRT.TY = TCB.
Additionally, having other variables to filter by like DRA.CC, DRA.CD or DRA.DD for selection would be helpful to only push certain…
1 vote -
Delete unpaid fees, from old student, associated with an asset upon new check out
If there is a current, unpaid fee associated with an asset, for being lost, stolen, or not returned, that fee should be deleted, or marked as paid if the device is subsequently checked out to another student.
1 vote -
Assets scheduling
It would really make life easier to update Quick Asset Information Lookup page so that, if an item is checked out to a student, their schedule is displayed. Hopping back and forth between the lookup page and the student schedule page is a real pain, particularly when you're using a mobile device - and a mobile device is exactly what you would use when you're trying to track down wandering Chromebooks.
4 votes -
To remove or be able to hide inactive/retired names from the Staff Assets page
On the Staff Assets page to either no longer show inactive/retired Staff in the list or have the option to hide the inactive/retired staff names from the list
1 vote -
District Assets - Resources/Assets Page
No where to Tag for Damaged, Lost or Paid under the Condition tab
2 votes -
Condition and Code fields - Option to sync between Items and Assignments
DRA.CC and DRA.CD should sync with DRI and vice versa for currently checked out devices. If a condition is added to an assigned asset.
3 votes -
Default to Off - Student Asset Detail
On the Student Asset Detail screen, have the option to "Show Only Assets Still Checked Out" set to blank. Currently there is always a check mark in that box.
4 votes -
District Assets unified check in for both teachers and students
Can you implement just One check in for both Staff & Student. This will eliminate errors on textbooks when we are unable to determine if it is student and staff.
8 votes -
Student Demographics - Add Student Asset Detail
Add another line to the top of the Demographics page and add the most recent Student Asset Detail for quick access to District Assets information.
5 votes -
ability to check out district asset by serial number
District asset check out page current asks for barcode. We would like to be able to check out an asset by the barcode
6 votes -
District Assets- Add option to mass delete assets.
In District Assets add an option to be able to mass delete assets.
22 votes -
District Assets - Add filter by Type
Add the ability to filter districts assets by Type on the District Asset/Resources page. This would limit our librarians to just the textbook assets instead of the whole table.
15 votes -
District Assets - Already Paid for Warning
When a student has lost and paid for an asset but then the asset is found and turned in, there should be a notice that lets us know the item was paid for in case a refund to the student is appropriate.
6 votes -
District Assets Items - Add Inactive Tag
I would like to request an Active/Inactive field for any asset in the DRI table so when an asset is "Active" it can be checked out, and when an Asset is "Inactive" it cannot be checked out.
18 votes -
Student Profile - Show Assets
We would like an option to show district asset on student profile page, similar to financial, to provide a snapshot of what assets are checked out.
11 votes -
District Assets - Add a Warning popup to indicate Item is already checked out
I feel it would be helpful if when checking out a district asset to either student or teacher that a warning would pop up that lets you know that this item has already been checked out to another person.
15 votes
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