Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Grade Mark Verification Listing - Add page break on Teacher
Printing a signature line adds a page break by teacher to the report. Not selecting to add a signature line will print the teacher on the same page without a break. Please add a page break on teacher regardless of adding a signature line to the report.
6 votes -
Weekly Instructional Minutes - Please add a Mass Certify and Save button
On the new Weekly Instructional Minutes certification screen it would be great if you could add two fuctions.
Mass Check all as Full - 99.9% of the time teachers are selecting Full, so it would be great if there was a way to do that in mass. Then if a teacher needed to change one to Other, they could manually do so.
Instead of having to click the "Save and Certify" button for each section for each week, it would be nice if there was a "Save and Certify All" button that would complete all sections that were displayed, that…
1 vote -
Report to Print all Standards Based Templates
Can there be an Admin report to print all standards based report card templates at once instead of individually? Or maybe give a check list of which templates to print on one report?
2 votes -
Standards Based Template - Add Template Name
When printing standards based templates can the file name please be the name of the template? I constantly get asked for blank templates.
1 vote -
Grade Reporting and Transcripts - Support Inactive Valid Marks.
We wanted to remove the + and - (B+, B-, C+...) grades going forward. We cannot do it because the Valid Marks for the current year are used to determine the cumulative GPA. Grades in previous years that had the + and - were being excluded from the calculations. We had to add them back. If the system would support inactivating valid marks, we could leave them there for calculation purposes, but no one could use them going forward.
2 votes -
Student ID Card - Option to Add a Watermark Background
On Student ID cards add option for a background watermark or image.
3 votes -
Counseling - Put the Copy button at the top of page
When students have many counseling records, it would be nice if the copy button was at the top so we don't have to scroll to the bottom to find it.
9 votes -
Teacher App Attendance Page - Add additional STU fields to display from Portal Options
Teacher App Attendance page: Would like an option to show the additional STU fields identified from the Portal Option settings and have them display in the app on the Attendance Page to match how it displays on the Teacher Portal. Additionally, the teacher would like to have the option to sort by the additional STU fields, just like in the desktop version of the portal.
4 votes -
Parent Contacts - ParentSquare
We have families turning on notifications for other emergency contacts ( example neighbors ).
It would be amazing if the emergency contact could get access to either accept the record, update their unique record, or remove their unique notification preference for the student not in their family.
Maybe a work flow to send an email to the contact saying: "You have been added to as an emergency contact for "John Smith" at "Eagle High School" . If this is an error, please click here to remove your record ( one-time link that expires after ~7 days ).
8 votes -
Google Classroom - Option to Hide Access Code
We would like to request for a way to hide the google classroom access code on Aeries parent/student portal. This is to prevent parents and non-students from accessing a teacher's Google Classroom without their permission.
7 votes -
Standards Based Grades - Option to Hide/Display Standards on Report Card
We are doing SBG report cards. We would like to have the option to hide any standards on the report card (M1) for any standards that do not apply to a term.
1 vote -
Query Change to MST/SMS Days of the Week Fields
Query Change to the MST/SMS DY field needs to update the MST/SMS days of the week fields (MM, MT, MW, MR and MF). The MST.DY and individual days of the week fields need to stay in sync.
2 votes -
Standards Based Report Card and Teacher Name Printed
For Standards Based Grades in an Elementary with no Master Schedule, if there is a teacher change have the Standards Based Report Card look at STN.T1 instead of STU.CU so the current teacher is always printed.
1 vote -
Query Letter Text Editor - Add ability for letter translations
In Query Letter Text Editor we are hoping that you could set up the letter like Attendance or Suspension letters, where you can add the translation letter to the English letter so that when they print a letter to all students in the school, they can have all of them in alphabetical order, regardless of whether they are English or Spanish. As of now, they have to run the English letter they created, then run the Spanish letter. Two separate letters.
In addition allow other languages and their writing systems to be used like Punjabi.7 votes -
Class Calendars - Copy Calendar Permissions
Attendance Clerks need to be able to copy Class Calendars. Only admin Aeries users can do that currently. Possible add box for 'Administer' (special permissions) on CCL?
2 votes -
Scheduling Master Schedule Board - Add Filters for Courses and/or Teachers
Allow the ability to tag (isolate) specific teachers or courses for reviewing with each other. This would particularly be helpful when analyzing period coverage or reassigning periods/teacher within a specific subject or department.
2 votes -
Allow to add additional Requirement tabs for planning to meet Academy requirements
Similar to the UC/CSU Tabs, allow for creating Academy requirements which would show progress towards meeting the Academy requirements. We have 5 Academies presently.
4 votes -
Standard Based Grades Input by Teacher - Add a filter teacher option
As of now, pre-teachers who have multiple classes assigned to them have no class filtering capabilities when entering grades. The pre-teachers drop-down list in the 'View by Student' list is never-ending and hard to navigate. Also, when they select 'View by Standard' they see all students for that grade level standard.
Given that many of our 'prep-teachers' serve multiple classes/grades it would be ideal for them to have the option to either select by teacher or class. Similar to what Aeries admins are able to do when viewing 'Standard Based Grades by Teacher'.
By being able to select a teacher/class…
2 votes -
Class Roster for Teachers
Add an option to allow a teacher to print the class roster of any teacher at their school.
10 votes -
Gradebook Progress Report - Display School Name
Add an option to print the school name on the Gradebook Progress reports in the same manner as it is available to print on the gradebook summary report.
4 votes
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