Aeries Ideas
3057 results found
Academic Plan Counselor summary limited to the Current Year
The other thing that Counselors have commented to me is that the Summary would be more useful if the numbers in each column could apply to a time period (e.g. one year). Our Counselors would like our student/Families to review/revise their Academic Plan EACH YEAR before scheduling. It would be helpful for them if the Columns Approved, Pending Submission, Pending Approval, & No Action could be limited to a certain time period (like the current Academic Year). Easpecially for the No Action column – they want to be able to identify students who have not viewed/edited their AP for the…
6 votes -
Update Google Classroom Access Codes during the nightly sync.
Aeries doesn't update join codes for Google Classroom when a teacher changes it. Update Google Classroom Access Codes during the nightly sync.
1 vote -
Print Student/Parent Envelope - add option to exclude Inactive students
The Print Student/Parent Envelope report prints including Inactive students when you select print all students. Need an option to exclude Inactive Students
8 votes -
Residence Survey Audit and Special Programs Record
When the Residence Survey is completed through Online Enrollment, if a special programs record is triggered it should also go to the Residence Survey Audit. This is an easier way for designated staff to review data that is time sensitive.
13 votes -
Missing Attendance - Add Different time stamps for Attendance Submission
Our elementary schools are set up with AM and PM sessions. Each teacher has two teacher records, one for AM and one for PM. When taking attendance, both sessions are time-stamped with the same AM time-stamp. For security issues, our office staff needs to know when the teacher has taken attendance for the PM session.
6 votes -
Restrict the capacity of E-mail text EML.TXT
Teachers are sending emails with large images in the message and they are taking up too much space in our database. We would like to reduce the capacity of the field or restrict the ability to add images.
1 vote -
Print Service Learning Log - One Student
Needed for Scholarship Applications
1 vote -
Choose not to send Intervention Email
Would like to have a feature added to Intervention. I would like the ability to disable the email notification to the user when an Intervention record is created by the user
2 votes -
Allow student's to have access to their ID Card in the mobile app and online
Add the ability for the Student ID Card to display on the home page or the student demographic page in the mobile app and also within the parent/student portal.
20 votes -
Add Count to Class Calendar - Flex
Add a count to the bottom of the Class Calendar so that visually we can view how many days are selected in the calendar
3 votes -
Grades by Teacher - separate multiple sections with headers
Separate sections in Grades by Teacher the same as Attendance by Teacher
3 votes -
LCAP Dashboards - Gender Sub Groups
Allow more Gender Sub Group options on LCAP Dashboards
8 votes -
Analytics Query Extended Field - Add Period Absences
Add period absences in the Analytics LCAP dashboard so they can show in the Student Extended fields query.
Right now, it has all day absences, but not period.
2 votes -
Move TTP to Top of Transcript
At the request of our Board Members to show the PUSD Pathway a student is graduating from on the Transcript, we are using the Transcript Definition, TTP, Demographics, STU.U7, to identify the PUSD Pathway a student is participating in. Because it shows up at the very bottom of the TTP box, and often gets lost in the long list of Test scores, we are requesting the ability to show some TTP options at the TOP of the Transcript, near the Comment area. Thank you for your consideration.
1 vote -
Improve Functionality of Teacher Attendance Mass Apply
Here are three changes that would improve the usability of the new Mass Apply feature for attendance:
1) Having the menu hidden by default is a nuisance for a teacher who has to use it 7 times a day. There should be an option to have the filter open by default. Perhaps a checkbox?
2) The filter should remember the last setting used. For example if a teacher is filtering for a specific cohort that corresponds with a day the week, they would only have to set the filter up once at the start of the day instead of 7…5 votes -
Class page - Issue Credit button in an Alternative Ed school
The "Issue Credits" button on the Classes page in an Alternative Ed school does not refresh when a course is changed.
2 votes -
CCI Indicators - Display to Parents and Students
CCI indicator page does not display to parent/students in the Parent /Student Portal even when Read permissions are granted.
8 votes -
Please include a Tribal Foster Youth Survey to Online Enrollment and Data Confirmation.
It would be very helpful to have this in online enrollment and data confirmation and then to have a Survey Audit screen like the Military and Residence survey audits.
20 votes -
Teacher Portal Grades - Option to Show Students by Section of Alphabetically
Grade Reporting > Grades: Is there a way to visually differentiate it using section headings?
From the teacher:
Since our students were split into AM/PM/DL sections, the "Grades" tool in Aeries no longer lists the students in alphabetical order. They appear to be sorted by section but the page isn't split up in any way (screenshot below). This is challenging for entering grades manually because the student listings no longer line up in ECHO/Aeries and we have to carefully search for each student in order to enter their grade. We are still able to enter grades but I don't think…1 vote -
Records Request - Make Letter Text Editable
Records Request Log - We would like the option to edit the text of the records request letter that gets printed from the Records Request Manager page. We want to remove the sentence that says - "please do not send the cumulative file unless specified". It is confusing to some schools.
10 votes
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