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  1. ability to check out district asset by serial number

    District asset check out page current asks for barcode. We would like to be able to check out an asset by the barcode

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  2. Allow Dynamic Groups to be Dynamic by 2+ Factors that talk to one another

    For example, I would love to be able to provide a dynamic student group that is narrowed by Counselor and any students assigned to that Counselor who are in the Independent Study program. This way, anytime a student leaves the program, they will be removed from the group, but the group will always be limited to students assigned to that individual Counselor.

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  3. Push Student Groups

    Please add the ability to push student groups from the district level out to the school sites. For example, I want to create an Dynamic group for Foster Youth and push that to the sites to view their students. I want to do the same for IEP students, 504 students, Homeless Students & Chronic Absent students - all Dynamic Groups. It's a little ridiculous to have to create the same group at each school site & then have that group reflect in the District list.

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  4. Scheduling Course Request letters via email

    Would love the ability to send the scheduling course request letters through the SIS via email to primary contact and students. Currently they can be printed as PDF and handed out to students but with so many students working remotely the ability to send these via email en masse through the SIS so that students/parents get their individual letter would be amazing!

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  5. We need a Special Ed ODS reconciliation

    Now that Special Ed is reported directly to CALPADS from our Special ed reporting system it would be helpful to be able to import back to Aeries FROM CALPADS using the Special Ed ODS download and have that populate/update the CSE file.

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  6. Sort Columns and Query the Online Enrollment Import Page

    Add option to sort the columns on the Online Enrollment (AIR) Import Results page to better clean up data. Also adding the option to Query the AIR import Page to better assess online enrollment data.

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  7. Allow you to filter Daily Medical Log by active/inactive status

    When viewing the Daily Medical Logs at the district, it shows Pre-enrolled students in addition to current/active students which duplicates Log entries (even though only one record exists). Would be nice if we could toggle whether we want to only view active student records. District nurses are monitoring logs and this makes it hard to get accurate log data.

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  8. Analytics - Watch List - Add ability to filter by Subgroup

    Currently a watchlist can only be filtered by School and Grade. It would nice to be able to have watchlists that could be filtered by Supgroup. That way we could have a watchlist of regular ed students and a seperate watchlist for SPED students. Since SPED students are already being serviced through an IEP team we would like to be able to have our regular ed intervention team be able to more easily use the watchlist without having to check whether they have an IEP or not first.

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  9. Add ability to track NCAA Eligibility

    Add options to track NCAA eligibility. In addition chart a way to view the student's progress to meet NCAA eligibility

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  10. Add the Test Settings (STS) table to Define Required Fields

    Add the Test Settings (STS) table to the Define Required Fields page. This would allow the Start Date and the End Date fields to be required.

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  11. Referrals To Intervention page, Prior Interventions code issues

    Referrals To Intervention page, the Prior Interventions codes displayed when adding a new record are not honoring the COD inactive tag for IPI.CD or the COD Sort Order.

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  12. I wish that I could click a student's icon on the take attendance screen, then click the back button and return to the SAME class period.

    Here is my typical workflow: I'm finished taking attendance for 1st period and I want to check attendance totals for each student who was absent. I click the attendance icon next to their name, review the information, then click the Back button in the browser to return to the class list. However, this returns me to the currently scheduled period and not the period I was just viewing (frequently sixth period after the end of the instructional day). This makes it super painful to go through a list of students and review each ones profile or attendance info. I have…

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  13. "Student with Consecutive Absences" and "Class List by Section" report is truncating long students names

    "Students with Consecutive Absences" and the "Class List by Section" report - add an option to print Landscape or allow the full name to be printed by word-wrapping long student names. Currently, long student names are truncating.

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  14. Aeries Financials - allow mass deleting of fees

    Mass delete fees that are not paid by certain dates OR fees with expiration dates. The ability to mass add a fee, such as chromebook insurance is great, but we need a way to limit the window for purchase so students only have 3 weeks to buy then have it be self deleted or marked inactive. WHY? become some fees do have limited windows to purchase and would help sites maintain a clean fee list and not frighten parents who see "oh no i owe money for X" when they log into pay a book late fee.

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  15. Query - Grade Descriptions (GR?) do not display for grades below 0

    Query - STU Grade level descriptions do not display in Query for students in Kinder, TK and PS when using "GR?" in the query.  

    Query needs to be adjusted to look at COD.AC = STU.GR in the Get_Description function.

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  16. Student ID Card- Add Sort by Teacher option

    Adding the option to sort by teacher.

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  17. Send Text Messages for Gradebook Assignments by Student

    It has been requested by parents to receive their child's weekly grade updates from AERIES ("Gradebook Assignments by Student" Report) via text message instead of by e-mail. Currently, there is no option to make this happen, the only choice is to print them, save as a PDF, or e-mail it to parents.

    Can text message be added to the list of options to notify parents? I know it is available in the communications tab, but it would be very helpful to have it in the report options as well.

    Possibly send via ParentSquare.

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  18. Add a Column / Feature for "Recommended Fields"

    Form: RequiredFields.aspx

    We would like items to be highlighted, but not required for submitting.

    1. Add a column (or multiple columns ) and option for "Recommended Fields"
    2. Add a optional box-color option(s).
    3. Add the ability to display a support text to the highlight on that page ( ex. Purple Highlight Means "Recommended for ParentSquare Sync" )


    *** Background **

    We are trying to improve our Contact data for ParentSquare.

    While we would like to have 100% of fields filled out for every contact, it is not a reality. For example an email is not needed for a doctors office. Requiring…

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  19. Gradebook Summary Report - Add Ability to run from Admin Portal under View All Reports

    Currently you can only run the Gradebook Summary by Student report from the admin portal with a teacher selection option. It would be extremely helpful to administrators if they could run the Gradebook Summary Report that is available in the Teacher Portal to review the current status of a teacher's entire class/gradebook.

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  20. Course Requests Entry for students and parents

    We would like the ability to limit students ability to add the same course multiple times during the course requests entry process. I checked the box to not allow an Alternate Course Request that has already been selected as a primary or alternate request but this does not work the way I thought it would. We have some students that will pick Art 6 times and we would like to prevent that from happening.
    Thank you for your consideration.

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