Update Code Table Show All Values and Descriptions
When a staff people go into the Update Code Table screen they only see what was added by the district and a list of the existing codes in use on the right column (without any descriptions).
It would be better to display all code values on the screen and those that are hard-coded have a lock icon, are dimmed, or something showing they cannot be edited.
If that is enabled, allow a filter to hide those hard coded codes as an option displaying only the district added codes.
This prevents the need to go to the reports screen and run a report for the specific table if someone doesn't know the code values and/or descriptions.
Jacquelynne Heiman commented
When the fixed codes get updated in aeries, notify admin users of the changes and ask if they'd like to update any corresponding codes in the COD table.
How I imagine this working is to have a notification in aeries for admin users when the fixed codes get updated. The notification may say something like:
" { code here } description has been updated. Would you like to update the description in the COD table as well?"
The notification would have yes/no buttons to allow the user to make a choice.
If yes, then the user would be redirected to the page where the COD table codes are defined. The codes in question would appear in edit mode with the updates applied. The user would just need to go through and confirm or deny the changes.
We could also add a confirm all or deny all button as well.