SINF - Contact Analysis Flowchart
The current Contact Analysis Flowchart seems to hinder accurately reporting student demographics information to CALPADS.
We would like step 1 to consider IF District Settings have any defined Guardian code(s).
IF Guardian codes have been established, reported contacts should be limited to Contact records using those codes.
IF a particular student does not have any contacts with a CON.CD matching one of the defined Guardian codes, then that student shouldn't have any contacts extracted due to not having the required information entered.
(potentially an option could be added to allow districts to FALL back to the CON.OR scheme -- though it likely shouldn't be encouraged)
Limiting the reported contacts to only those with a defined Guardian code allows the district to accurately report parent/guardian information as entered.
Having an alternate scheme complicates how to reason about what is being entered and can cover up mis-entry.
** The SINF data is extracted and loaded into CALPADS as a BATCH, so IT IS VERY difficult to find information that is not reported as expected! **
Chris Holloway commented
Further, the flowchart algorithm currently includes "has portal access" as a determiner for being included as a reported contact. We have had a case when a grandmother that does not live with the student, but had portal access was included in the SINF as a guardian. We do not believe that simply having been granted portal access should qualify as being a reportable guardian to CALPADS.
Chris Holloway commented
Additional thoughts now that CALPADS has switched to the SINF file format with multiple guardian fields.
The education level is required for reported guardians. The reported education level is then used as a factor for determining socio-economic disadvantaged status. When multiple guardians are reported, if one of the guardians have the 15 - Decline status ... then the student will automatically not qualify. However, IF only one guardian is reported then ONLY that guardian's ed level would be required.
The flowchart based algorithm can include unexpected/undesired contacts as part of the reported guardians. This can cause SINF submission errors and worse - possibly incorrect socio-economic status determination.