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3063 results found

  1. Ability to associate alternate course requests to a specific course in the SSS table

    Find a better way to automatically associate an alternate course request to a specific course w/ out having to add one at a time to a student's Course requests.

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  2. Add a way to distinguish pre-enrolled students for next school year

    We are thinking of a way to distinguish which pre-enroll students are for the current year and which are for the next school year. I know we can add a color border for all pre-enrolled but if we can do separate colors for the different years.

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  3. Add the ability for the Alternate Courses (ACR) to print on the Course Request Listing

    Add the ability for the Alternate Courses (ACR) to print on the Course Request Listing. Currently only the primary Courses (SSS) print on the report

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  4. Aeries Analytics - Update LCAP Dashboards

    Provide a method for customers to update LCAP Dashboards. For example, update the list of unverified absence codes for the All Day Unexcused Absence Count indicator.

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  5. Flex Scheduling - SMS Builder Teacher Selection

    In Flex Scheduling, when using SMS Builder is there a way for the drop down for Teacher selection to only reflect the staff at the school level rather than the district level.

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  6. Rule 44425-0060 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "21", "22", "23", "41", "55", "56", or "61", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "00".

    Rule 44425-0060 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "21", "22", "23", "41", "55", "56", or "61", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "00".
    Even if the ADS location is not 00 it needs to become 00 in the PEIMS extract for these listed codes.

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  7. Add a Mass Delete option to the Scheduling Exclusions on the SED Page and as a Scheduling Option:

    Add a Mass Delete option to the Scheduling Exclusions on the SED Page and as a Scheduling Option:  A mass delete of SED records may be helpful.  This would need options for the type of record to delete (teacher, period, student or all) and grade level to delete since students in the incoming grade level would have teacher and period records that would not apply to the new school.

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  8. Create a Report that Lists Students with Scheduling Exclusions

    A report to list all students with SED records would be helpful. Since the SED table is copied from year-to-year, and copied from a feeder school, SED records may need to be changed or deleted.

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  9. Print Students With Disability Indicator Field report with SSID import

    Can the email generated when the SSID report is complete include a report of all STU.ID and STU.CID numbers, with a SWD indicator = "Y". We could then forward the report to our Pupil Services department so they can be aware of new students with IEP's

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  10. When blanking out the SMS - option to not delete FTF

    If a client is using Flex Scheduling for the first time, and they create the FTF and CCL data, then they Blank out the SMS table, they lose all of their work. When blanking out the SMS table, should there be an option to NOT delete the FTF table?

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  11. Scheduling Page Setup Processes

    On the Scheduling Setup page, the new option in the initializing of the SMS table confuses the order to use these options:
    Do Nothing with the SMS Table, but Copy Flex Periods (FTF)
    Blank out the SMS Table
    Copy current master schedule (MST) table to the new SMS table.

    Blanking out the SMS table does not copy the FTF table, but it does warn that the FTF table for next year will be deleted. Should blanking out the SMS table have an option to NOT delete the FTF table? Or, should the training be done to blank out the SMS…

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  12. Update Verbiage on the Scheduling Setup Page

    This verbiage needs to be modified to explain the process more correctly:

    On the Scheduling Setup page, if you select Blank out the SSS Table and Do Nothing with the SMS Table, when you click on the Initialize Scheduling button, the Confirm message asks: Are you sure you want to initialize SSS and SMS using the above options?  The SMS table should not be part of this question.

    Same thing if you select Do Nothing with the SSS Table and Blank out the SMS Table, part of the Confirm message asks: Are you sure you want to initialize SSS and…

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  13. My Tasks - Ability to add Links

    It would be great if we were able to add links in My Tasks on the home screen. This would allow us to add a link to a daily workflow document or other types of documents we need quick access to.

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  14. EM2, display Teacher name for ELM w/o MST schools in EM2

    Display Teacher name for students in a ELM w/o MST school.

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  15. Allow easier updating of Gradebook Grade Range values

    Currently, gradebook grade range values are taken from the TCH LO/HI or SSI LO/HI values and cannot be updated once a gradebook is created. Please allow these to be updated when changing TCH LO/HI or SSI LO/HI. Also allow the Copy Gradebook process to copy the grade range to the new gradebook.

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  16. Allow for a set of pre-defined Text Replacement statements to run against CALPADS file after every extract

    Many districts have special situations that require that they change data in files after the files are created before the data goes up to CALPADS. Having those "Replacement" statements saved in Aeries and automatically run would save a ton of time and make things more flexible. Each Replacement Statement should be able to be associated with specific files.

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  17. Create an Import Process for ASVAB

    The CA Dept of Ed is beginning to ask for ASVAB information. They are evaluating it for possible future use in CCI's. Can Aeries create an import routine to import this information into the TST (Test Scores) or CTS (College Test Scores) tables?

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    If schools have electronic files with ASVAB scores from both 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, it would help speed up the process if you could send them to us so the developers can use them to create an import process. Please open a support ticket, and reference this Aeries Idea #43174887.

  18. Disable Data Confirmation on Pre-enrolled Records

    We would like an option to disable data confirmation, but allow course requests entry for pre-enrolled students.

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  19. Financials - Order Management Pending Status

    On the Order Management page, we would like to see an enhancement of some sort or an automated process to help clean up the students that show up as pending. The only way thus far for us to remove them, is to manually emulate each and every student.

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  20. Include in our nightly Import from SEIS, Sped Student Test Settings and Accommodations

    We would like to have included in our nightly download from SEIS into Aeries the sped students test accommodations (3rd tab)

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    2 comments  ·  Test Scores  ·  Admin →
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