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  1. Can we make our Queries lists personal?

    Right now if anyone on my campus creates a query it shows up on my list. Queries created by the nurse are of no use to me and vice versa. Having her queries on my list takes up space and makes the process of finding my queries longer.

    Another way of doing this could be to add additional filtering options to filter for the current user, or favorite queries.

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  2. College Articulations - Allow more Courses

    Please update the College Articulation table in Aeries to process multiple course numbers. Currently, it is only looking for a single course #. We have districts who are using multiple course numbers per school year: e.g., HR7131 = Fall, HR7132 = Spring, or HR7130 = 1 Semester Course. Also, we have combined courses (up to 4 course numbers) that requires students to complete before they earn the college credit. Please allow up to 4 possible course #’s.

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  3. Transcript Definition -- Option to Hide Contact Information

    Alternative Ed schools need to have a way of “hiding” the student address on the transcript printout.

    Probation is concerned about the safety of having students’ home address and other demographics printed with the transcripts.

    Specifically would like to add to the demographics section of the transcript definition:
    Hide Parent Name
    Hide Parent Address
    Hide Student Birthdate

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  4. Weight assignments that are categorized as rubric

    Teachers at my site would like to be able to weight different assignments in Aeries- so an assignment that students worked on for three days could be worth more than a ten minute homework assignment, or a test could be worth more than a quiz. This is currently not possible with rubric assignment, Aeries can only calculate a straight average of all rubric assignments.

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  5. Mobile App - Show student's SSID on the Demographics/Profile page

    Would be handy for state testing to have quick access to SSID in the app rather than having to go to the Full Portal to view it.

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  6. Integration for TOPSpro

    We have to report to CASAS the hours of attendance for Adult Ed. Would like to request that an import process be available to import the Adult Ed Attendance from Aeries into the TOPSpro program.

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  7. Attendance Reporting Periods - Difficult to create different instructional programs

    The Attendance Reporting Periods table was designed specifically to mirror how TSDS sets up the ReportingPeriodExtension. Separate sets of records for each Instructional Program Type are required. Aeries can make this easier by allowing the user to copy existing Attendance Reporting Period data into a new track, like we do on the Calendar page.

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  8. 41 votes

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  9. Ability for Rubric scores to import from Google into the Aeries Gradebook

    The aeries/google integration does not work properly with "rubric" grades (which is what we use in order to use a 4 point system). We would like the assignments and scores to port over from classroom to aeries seamlessly. Right now we have to open aeries and change EVERY assignment, EVERY time we do an import, to a rubric assignment.

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  10. Withdrawal Form - Expand Footer Text

    Footer for Withdrawal Form - we would like to increase the number of characters allowed in the footer of withdrawal form in order for our district to be able to add our Ed Code that refers to defaced or unreturned school supplies. We would like to add specifically because of the increase of checked out student ipads and technology supplies.

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  11. Students Data Confirmation Status Report formatting issues

    When printing the Students Data Confirmation Status Report there seems to be a big footer. It is only allowing for 25 lines per page so its moving the students onto the next page however the next page is another teacher.

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  12. Make Student Photos available for Custom Report building or Query Report/Labels

    We would like the ability to create custom reports with the picture as an available report item. Or, have the ability to add a student photo to a Query Letter/Report. Same functionality would be great for creating labels too (if we could customize the size of labels).

    Example attached of a "Field Trip Report" that we used to run with Picture, medical alert and emerg. contacts. Would like to create something similar.

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  13. Parent Square Health Screening API

    ParentSquare now has a Health Screening API:

    Please add the ability to 'sync' data in to Aeries so it can be viewed by our staff ( probably will require a permission for health clerks/ attendance clerks ).

    The goal would be our staff does not need to look at static reports / another portal to get student information.

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  14. Master Schedule Error Report - section does not have a Primary Teacher

    Create a master schedule error report, or create a default data validation to identify sections that do not have a primary teacher associated with them.

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  15. 5 votes

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  16. Add Schedule Group on the Student Information Bar

    Display the Scheduling Group field so we can see if they are Hybrid, In-person or DL so we can see it when we are doing attendance or other tasks. Adding this to the Student Information bar, General tab, would be a solution that would make it appear on every page in Aeries.

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  17. Disable Section number Hyperlink on TCH table / SMS tab if teacher has no READ permissions to SMS

    On the Teacher Page, Disable Section number Hyperlink on SMS tab if teacher has no READ permissions to SMS.

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  18. Add support for 5 digit section numbers

    Please add support for 5 digit section numbers. Currently the max is 9999 and some districts have a need to add sections past this number.

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  19. Missing Distance Learning Attendance Information Report takes too long to process

    When running the Print Missing Distance Learning Attendance Information report for multiple or all teachers for more than 1-2 weeks, it is taking an extremely long tine to process and locks up the workstation. The Missing Distance Learning Attendance Information Report should be changed to a Long-Running Process, especially when trying to process for multiple weeks & multiple teachers.

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  20. Print Custom Reports from District Level.

    It would be nice to be able to run custom reports from the district level. We are currently having to run custom reports from each site and then have to merge them into one sheet.

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