Aeries Ideas
3063 results found
Online Enrollment - Number the home language survey questions
Please number the Online Enrollment questions, 1-4, so that formatting in multiple columns does not make it ambiguous.
4 votes -
Import Data to Aeries - Match Staff ID on Human Resources ID
Many of us have a separate HR program that has it's own unique employee ID number Aeries recognizes as the HRID. It would be awesome if we could use the import process to make mass changes in Aeries for the Staff table matching STF.ID on STF.HRID, similar to the STU table.
4 votes -
Add the Option to "Select All" or "Clear All" on the Suspension Attendance Listing by Student Report
Would like to have a feature added to the Suspension Attendance Listing by Student report. Rather than having to click on every code, please add a "Select All" button or "Clear All" button and the ability to deselect codes if needed.
2 votes -
Flag/Pop-up when Email in Contacts and Parent Portal don't match.
Trying to work on Data Validations and Email Addresses. A secretary wanted to know why Aeries doesn't have a pop-up or something if the parent creates a Portal Account with a different email address than what is in Contacts. And, vice versa, if someone adds or changes an email address in Contacts, why doesn't it say Doesn't Match Portal Account email, or something like that. Specifically if the Contacts page is set to Yes for Parent Portal. Geez, I hope that makes sense.
Thank you!!!11 votesThe new security model will prevent having separate email addresses for the User account and the Contact record
Add STU Fields to Attendance Reports
As we have a variety of attendance options for students currently that vary daily, making attendance calls depends on knowing if the student is on campus that particular day. Our district keeps that data in STU.U12, and it would be extremely helpful to be able to pull up on attendance reports.
Student safety dictates that we begin with students who should be on campus, but are not. Currently we are expending a great deal of time cross referencing lists or using KEEP queries to run absence list by attendance hybrid type (we have 8 possible...)
2 votes -
Aeries API - Expose Asset Management
Would be helpful to import and sync assets with other applications/data-sources.
4 votes -
Discipline Dashboard - Add Mass Create Intervention Records
Like mass creating intervention records from the analytics dashboard, it would be great to be able to mass add and intervention from the assertive discipline dashboard.
5 votes -
Demographics - Auto Populate Birth Country based on Birth State
When birth state typed into Aeries Web is a US state, would like birth country to auto-populate to US.
9 votes -
Course Request Entry in Portal - Add option to Filter by Department
Please allow Course Request Entry for portal to be filtered by Department.
This is a middle school where they have Dept Code in Courses rather than Subject Areas6 votes -
Add username or parent name to Data Confirmation Log
It would be great, for auditing purposes, to add a username or parent name field in the Data Confirmation Log table.
Right now we can only see table name and date/time of the update, but not WHO updated it during PDC.
20 votes -
Allow for neater printing using CSS print styles
Currently when trying to print pages in Aeries the generated page leaves a lot to be desired. If your development framework allows it, adding CSS print styles could make those all pages much more readable and formattable when hard copies are printed out. You currently do this for "@media screen" in your CSS files but it would be great if this was added to printed pages as well.
3 votes -
3 votes
Special Programs- Add record counter to current programs
Many users get confused and think there aren't any current programs under the special programs table. I would like to suggest adding a record counter on the current programs dropdown (similar to the program history dropdown). This would be an indicator they have a current record.
6 votes -
Global Messages - support multiple languages
The ability to post the message in other languages, the same way you we add multiple languages for Data Confirmation.
3 votes -
Add Aeries Ideas to the base of each Aeries Page
In order to improve the use of Aeries Ideas it would be great to:
1. Add a link on the footer of each Aeries page to "Improve this page"When the user clicks the "Improve this page", it pre-fills the area it is going to be tagged to and allows the user to enter free-form text and screenshot the issue area.
This way it reduces the barrior of filling out the correct category and allows it to be completed without leaving what they are doing.
It would be ideal if Aeries would auto sso-auth the request, so they do not…
9 votes -
Prevent Primary Keys from being added to Custom Table Definition
Prevent Primary Keys from being added to CTF table in Define Custom Tables
1 vote -
Add Crs Filter to Scheduling Reverse Verification Listing Report
On Print Scheduling Reverse Verification Listing Report add a filter right underneath Select Courses to be used if not all. Since Courses are Districtwide most Districts have hundreds of courses.
1 vote -
Add Red Flags to the Foster Details page
Foster Details page - add ability to use the Red Flags.
6 votes -
Allow parents to access Video SSRs in the Portal
ETS is now making personalized video SSRs available (for a fee) to Districts. They would like to be able to have the parents access them in the Parent Portal, similar to how they can access the printed Score Reports (SSR)
23 votes -
Add Correspondence Language code to Online Enrollment
Add a question for the parent to indicate the Correspondence Language - we have a high number of Spanish speaking families and this would be helpful have in the Online Enrollment program.
24 votes
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