Portal documents organization
Make it easier to organize / edit portal documents. Right now, the icons are large and difficult to drag and drop. Being able to select multiple docs to move to a folder would be great. Having an easy way to identify district files vs school specific files would be helpful too.
Aaron Lindsay commented
It would be wonderful if there were some logic using the DCV table to show only the school you are currently in and all the documents associated with that school, not every school document. Maybe using DCV.SCL field.
rrice commented
Also being able to minimize the group. Only show the title of the group and then the ability to maximize the group to see all the files within that group.
Veronica Hoyle Kent commented
It would be great if schools only had to view their school-specific documents and any District Level documents. Our school admins spend so much time scrolling through other schools' documents and they can actually delete another school's document by accident (also another feature - don't allow deletion of another school's docs). It would also be good if there was a "hide" or "archive" feature to let schools hide docs no longer in use since deleting a doc seems to delete parent acknowledgments as well. Currently, there are dozens of documents to scroll through making this a laborious process for school staff.