Aeries Ideas
3052 results found
Allow Teacher App to work on a Chromebook device
Would like the Teacher App to be compatible on a Chromebook device. Currently, when searching for Districts, which uses GPS, it gets stuck searching and continuously spins.
2 votes -
Google Classroom to Aeries Integration Error Report Notification Email
I would like the ability to get a notification email on the [Google Apps Integration] page similar to what is available on the [Google Staff Integration] page.
This notification email could contain stats on:
How many students were added, and which adds failed. How many grades were brought back into Aeries, and how many failed. How many teachers have a connected Google Classroom and Gradebook.(The below can be setup for the staff integration)
{Notification Email Address}
This is the email that will be used to report error messages as well the results of the nightly sync process.2 votes -
Contact Tracing Form - COVID-19
Our area schools ( potentially the state ) are being required to conduct contact tracing for staff and students for COVID-19. This would also be helpful for future outbreaks of other transmittable illnesses ( such as Whooping Cough and Chicken pox ).
What is needed:
Column 1 - STF / STU searchable to add patient(s) zero
Column 2 - Contacts they potentially came in contact with
Column 3 - Ability to check mark if the contacts in Column 2 were exhibiting symptomsOn the page it would also have incident details:
-- Location / School
-- Reported by
-- Selection…5 votes -
Allow Student Groups to be shared to Security Groups
Where there is an option to share a Student Group to a specific user in STF, allow sharing to a security group.
Example, share all pre-enrolled students group to Secretaries.11 votes -
Add options to Discipline Incident form to suppress inactives/pre-enrolled students
Discipline Incident form - this form shows the active and inactive students incidents which can be confusing. If you are looking at today's incidents and an inactive student that has transferred to another school site received an incident they display on the form. Can an option be added so that you can select to see ONLY active students?
12 votes -
Sign/certify binaries for Aeries updates in addition to existing password protection.
Sign update binaries for additional security in knowing updates sent from Aeries have not been tampered with since compiled.
4 votes -
In Assets, be able to remove the recycled items from the available items
In Assets, I want to be able to remove the recycled items from the available items but still retain the information
14 votes -
Add AP and SAT II Validation to UC/CSU Eligibility
Please add additional validation to include AP tests and SAT II tests to the College Entrance Tests page, the Calculate College Entrance Requirements function, and the UC/CSU Eligibility Reports.
12 votes -
Class Schedule API endpoint
Please add the ability to pull the student course schedule directly from the API. I would like to be able to get periods, class titles, and and teacher names.
4 votes -
Teacher Portal - New Attendance Report with Selectable Date-Range
Teachers should be able to select a date range to look at attendance metrics for a student. This is very helpful for teachers working with students who have attendance goals.
We need to see how many full days absent in total, how many period absences in total, how many period lates in total total, how many period tardies in total, how many period truancies in total and overall attendance rate for a specified time period. We should be able to print out this date range information in a format that is understandable to parents and other adults in English and/or…
5 votes -
District Assets - Separate Types of Assets
Right now our technology assets are in the same pool with textbooks assets. It would be better if they were split so librarians can only have access to textbooks instead of technology assets as well.
2 votes -
Seating Chart Options are Inconsistent
From trainers: When you print the Seating Chart from the Attendance by Photo, there are many print options. When you navigate to the Reports tab, the options for printing a Seating Chart are not the same. Options for printing should be consistent.
There also needs to be an option on which chart to print if there are more than one for a section. Currently it is only looking at the Default and sometimes teachers have multiple for same period.3 votes -
Late Assignments % of total score
Allow teachers to set flags on assignments that they create. Some teachers will create the following
1 Day Late which is worth 90% of total score
2 Day Late which is worth 60% of total score
3 Day Late which is worth 50% of total score
This way if a teacher enters the actual score, the student will see what he/she would have received had it not been marked late. It makes kids and parents see the potential of the student if a little time management is used. It is a common feature in other SIS and it would be…2 votes -
Add more filter options to the Attendance Dashboard
For the he Attendance dashboard and Discipline dashboards (the ones not found in Aeries Analytics). He would like to be able to add more filter options to these dashboards? Maybe include grade level and enrollment by student program (SP and/or AttPrg1,AttPrg2).
7 votes -
Students with Good Attendance Report - Add Query Tag
Please add a query tag for Students with Good Attendance report like Client had.
13 votes -
Add a Print Button on the Block Schedule Calendar
Districts have asked trainers to have the ability to print the block schedule calender. Could a print icon be added to this page?
2 votes -
Custom Reports - needs to support custom tables
Requesting a program enhancement for the custom report builder in Aeries to support custom tables.
10 votes -
Teacher Emails for Team Teaching
Adding the capability to include two email addresses in a Teacher Data Record. This would primarily help teachers participating in a team teaching setup. This would ensure that all teachers within the record are included in all communications/updates not just the one email address included.
1 vote -
Language Assessment - Add Additional Follow Up Date and Code Fields
CDE requires that we monitor reclassified students for 4 years after reclassification. At our district we monitor students twice per year for a total of 8 follow-ups. We'd like Aeries programmers to add 2 more entry fields in language assessment so that we can record the monitoring information in the language screen.
1 vote -
To be able to print saved query letters from the report screen on demographics.
Would like to print a saved query letter from student screen instead of having to do it from the query page.
2 votes
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