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3057 results found

  1. API - Include Support for Standards Based Grades

    Include API support for the Standards Based Grades (SBG) table.

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  2. Attendance notes for engagement penalty

    There is not a great option to identify which students are at penalty for "engagement" which we are recording in the attendance notes columns. Please consider options including how we might 1) identify that a student might be at penalty and 2) run reports to identify infractions. If you allow teachers to select a box at the top of the column to indicate that activity type was prescribed that day, an unmarked box would indicate penalty and would help be pulled into a count of non-engagement. We have the ability to pinpoint significant attendance issues but not engagement issues. Please…

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  3. Waitlist Opening Notification

    Could Aeries send and email to the person who added a student to a wait list when that section falls below full? Or some other sort of alert to counselors when sections with waitlists have openings?

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  4. Summary of Students by Teacher and Period Report does not honor KEEP

    From Trainers: With districts using Scheduling Groups and Use Codes to identify various cohorts, the Summary of Students by Teacher and Period Report needs to honor a KEEP so that the report can be used for mid year scheduling.

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  5. Add the PRI table to Analytics

    This request comes from Analytics training. Customers using PreReferral to Interventions and Interventions in Aeries for monitoring student success, need the PRI table in Analytics so that they can use Analytics to provide intervention courses. Hanford is using our program and trying to move away from another vendor but needs this table added.

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  6. Link Siblings to Asset Information

    Could you add a feature, field, where you can link an asset to siblings. For example, we would like to know which students (siblings) are assigned/linked to asset Hotspot 201. Since Hotspots are assigned one per family or more than one if needed.

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  7. Update the field label for LAC.USS to include TK

    Please update the field label LAC.USS from K-12 to TK-12 US School Date. We have errors because schools don't know to include TK.

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  8. Analytics - Add ability to Track Suspension Rate

    Would like a way to use Analytics to be able to track and create dashboards of student suspension and expulsion rates.

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  9. Online Enrollment Import Page - Add a "Verified" field

    A "verified" check box and/or comment field on Online Enrollment Import Page (before importing) would be useful to keep track of enrollments who have completed the document uploads and the enrollment information correctly and the student is ready to be imported to Aeries.

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  10. Standards Based Grades - Separate the "Explanation of Marks" on different Report Card types.

    It would be great to be able to separate and indicate which Explanation of Marks show up on which Report Card template. For example, when building a report card for SPED, we only want to show in the Explanation of Mark legend, the explanation of marks that apply to the SPED standards.

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  11. When schedule changes are made to IEP students, check for % of Special Day qualifying classes and update program code (STU.SP)

    Students who have over 50% of classes categorized as SPED classes require a change in their Programs code for attendance apportionment. When counselors make changes, or new enrollees fall in that category, the ability to update program code and attendance enrollment would be great.

    As it is now we rely on manual spot checks periodically to maintain accuracy of program codes.

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  12. Credential Type codes need to be updated to align with CDE credential types

    Hard-coded Credential Type codes listed in Aeries STC.TY need to be updated to align with the CDE Credential Type codes and descriptions.

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  13. GATE page - Add a Second Score Field

    Add a second Score field to the GATE page.

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  14. District Attendance Letters - Allow uploading a school logo

    Add an option to upload a district or school logo to the District Letter Editor The logo needs to print above the formatted address information.

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  15. Teacher Gradebook Rounding Options

    Would like Gradebook Rounding options available for teachers:
    --the actual percentage to the thousandths place
    --a rounded percentage to the tenths place
    --a whole number grade that resulted from either rounding or not

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  16. Increase the Max for the Days Past Due Date To Include

    Increase the Max for the Days Past Due Date To Include scores in the Google Classroom Sync. Right now the max is 21 but our teachers accept work through the end of progress period. Currently the max is 21 days and 0 equals unlimited. It would be nice to have a higher max value so we could tune it to fit our District's needs.

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  17. Allow Contacts to be Defined at the Family Level

    If parent/guardian is updated on sibling, parent/guardian gets updated on all siblings.

    Use case: Staff at school site only have access to update contacts at their school site. A contact (ie. Parent/Guardian) is on a sibling record at another school site and we would like to keep the data (,, email, address, all phone #'s) sync'd.

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  18. Making Schoology rubrics work with SBG

    Many schools use Schoology now, and while Aeries allows you to grade multiple standards in one assignment with individual scores, in Schoology - you can only add one rubric per assignment and then each row gets added together. So if you have a 4pt rubric with 3 rows it will send Aeries 12 points for that assignment. This not only doesn't line up with most people's rubric configurations in Aeries but it also muddles the scores for each standard into one final score so students and teachers can't track progress on individual skills. I did ask Schoology to see if…

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  19. Transcripts - Add a Print Option to Ignore Off Grade Courses

    Our Counselors want certain middle school courses on the high school transcript but only during June and not throughout the entire year. It would be great if we could create a new transcript definition to include those classes from the Off Grade Courses table. We would need a way to identify courses to stay on the transcript always and courses we want to print as an alternative transcript definition choice.

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  20. Populate the email address on the LostPassword page after hitting Next

    When you type your email into the Lost Password page and then click Next to reset, you have to type your email in again on the next page. It would be useful for parents who are checking their email on their phone for the code but signing in on a computer or kiosk if the email was already populated in the input box.

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