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2938 results found

  1. Customizing Navigation Pages and Reports

    Enhance Reports navigation to support subcategories

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  2. Update SBG Attendance Totals at District

    Now that Initialize New Standards Based Grading Cycle can be run from district level, please allow Update SBG Attendance Totals to also be run from district level.

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  3. Expand Student Name on transcript report.

    Transcript Student full Name needs to be expanded when printing transcripts. We have students with very long names and this is causing the name to display very small, making illegible. Currently the expansion of student name is only available if you exclude the Perm ID or Birthdate.

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  4. Standards Based Grades - Load Grades From Gradebook Does Not Include Extra Credit Points in Standards Grade Calculation

    The Standards Based Grades > Load Grades from Gradebook calculation does not take Extra Credit Points into account in the following circumstance:
    - Elementary teacher in a school that uses Standards Based Grades
    - Gradebook is Non-rubric
    - Gradebook Assignments are associated with a standard
    - Gradebook has one or more Extra Credit assignments
    - Gradebook Options > Scale/Min/Max Assignment Values in Total Grade is checked and set up

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  5. Schools in numeric order

    List school sites in database drop-down numerically instead of alphabetically.

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  6. Make the missing immunization letter process more like the truancy letter process.

    I would like to see the missing immunization letter updated to the same process as the truancy letters. Instead of having to run the missing immunization report, then use the query tag to run the letters, you just have an immunization letter process similar to running truancy letters. it's an all year process just like truancy and is a lot of work so I think it would be easier for sites. With these features if possible:
    -A report option screen that gives you a field to enter the "due date" of bringing in your shot records instead of having to…

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  7. Online enrollment documents - disable function to add files from previous registrations

    We would like to have the option to disable the function that allows parents to upload files from previous registrations in online enrollment. Parents are selecting residency files from registrations they completed 3 or 4 years ago and we require residency documents to be within the last 6 months. Our offices are having to contact the families to ask them to submit updated documents and then clear out the "bad files" from the Student Documents after importing the student.

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  8. Global Messages - Option to Require User Acknowledgement

    As users can now set their landing page upon login to something other than the home screen, it is possible--even likely--that important messages will go unseen.

    Requesting an option for global messages that would display the message--at full size--the first time the user logs in with an OK or Acknowledged button that must be clicked before the user can move on to the landing page. After being acknowledged, the message would appear in the same way as any other global message.

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  9. Add School Year to Online Enrollment Email to Staff

    Our staff would like to have the school year added to the online enrollment notification emails they receive. The email currently only lists name and grade level, and now that we are accepting pre-enrollments, the sites want to know if the enrollment is for the current year or the next year so they can priortize them correctly.

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  10. Add New CDE Attendance Recovery to Aeries to be reported to CALPADS and included in reports for P2/Annua Attendance Reporting

    I am currently on a CDE webinar and they are discussing a new way to have attendance recovery which must be tracked separately from Reg School Day ADA and Saturday School. It was also stated that this would be reported to CALPADS to contribute to an Alternate Absenteeism Rate and be included in P2/Annual Attendance reporting. How will Aeries build this to keep it separate from Saturday School and allow for accounting for multiple days to make up the daily minute allowance? This Attendance Recovery will also be capped at 10 days per student. Can Aeries also include that when…

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  11. Add the attribute "autocomplete:one-time-code" to the MFA input page

    Because asking Aeries to follow industry standards ( is apparently a "feature request" issue and not a "bug report" issue, I am petitioning Aeries to properly implement this attribute so that the input field for the MFA prompt does not remember past codes entered, as seen in the attached file.

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  12. Primary Teacher - Ability to customize populated tabs

    When a staff member is a primary teacher, it would be helpful if we could customize the prepopulated fields. Example would be a case carrier class where you do not want this course or the teacher reported to CALPADS. There is no way to remove the prepopulated yes.

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  13. Parent Portal - Hide Teacher Number as it is confused with Room#

    On the first day of school, we found that when parents were seeing who their child's teacher is, they are seeing a number along with their teacher name. They mistook the number to be the room number which was a bit of a confusion for them. Can we show just the teacher name and now show the teacher code?

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  14. NSLP Configurations - Days to Run Import

    Enhance this page to provide a warning informing if no days are selected, the process will continue to run everyday. To disable the process from running, the user can select the Disable Scheduled Process button.

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  15. CCGI Data File to honor Transcript Definition option to not include +/-'s

    We need the datafile/extract for CCGI that is generated to not include +/-'s on the grades... Since we do not include +/-'s on student transcripts we need the datafile to not include +/-s. This is causing a course grade letter grade mismatch.

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  16. Gradebook - Assignment Defaults

    I would like the ability to set defaults when creating a new assignment. For example, I would like the date due to be the date on which I am creating the assignment (they are posted on Teams) the date assigned to be the previous day's date and scoring completed to be checked automatically.

    Other teachers might appreciate the ability to always set the due date 2 days in the future or something like that.

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  17. District Attendance Letters - Date/Time to Generate

    Allow the option to specify dates (and time) to generate district attendance letters.

    In our district, we generate letters every other week, on the same day (a total of 16 times per school year). Having the letters auto-generate would be helpful. It would take the task off someone’s desk, having to remember to generate those letters on the specified days.

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  18. Staff - Need a "next year status" option to choose inactive for staff not returning.

    It would be nice to be able to have a "next year status" option to be able to make Staff inactive, like we have been able to do in the Teacher Data page. that way, at the Rollover, Staff can push to inactive with previously entered end dates. Thank you.

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  19. Enrollment Projections Dashboard

    Enrollment Projections - Create a dashboard that pulls enrollment projections by school and by grade. Include a report of the Dashboard details.

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  20. Gradebook - Histogram generation for assignments in gradebook

    Incorporate the option to generate a histogram of the scores for any assignment in gradebook.
    -include ability to specify sub-interval lengths
    -include option to combine linked assignments from linked gradebooks
    -include other neat stuff that you can think of.

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