Aeries Ideas
3004 results found
address change and related field updates
When address change is done and it is not in our streets table, the grid code, residence school, next school and next residence school need to blank out. We pre-enroll students who are matriculating to middle schools from grade 5 to 6. Pre-enrolled records are created in February. The cascading data change should also happen on the pre-enroll record.
reference ticket #362108
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Save Option for SSID Match Operations
Could a save option be added to the SSID Match Operations? When working with hundreds of New SSIDs it's nearly impossible to finish the process in one seating. There are times when I accidentally click on another page and when I go back to SSID Match Operations I have to start over. There are also the issues of not having enough time to complete the process or timing out and having to start over rather than where you left off.
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NSLP Online Survey Provided by USDA
The USDA has a new online survey for the free and reduced lunch application.
If something like this could be added to Aeries, that would be a great benefit to our school district. My understanding is that the online survey needs to filter into an SIS system. We currently use the Income survey on our parent data confirmation, but that seems inadequate.
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Parent Data Confirmation - Homeless questionnaire
It would be great if the email address of the homeless liaison could be set up to automatically email the homeless liaison if a parent clicked on one of the options that indicated they/their family may be in a situation that could be considered homelessness.
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Print School Leave Date on Transcript if Student Is an End of Year Leaver
If a student leaves at the end of a school year, the leave date does not print on the transcript. This is an issue for current and future enrollment verification purposes.
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Update Code Table Sort Feature
Enhance Sort field on the Update Code Table Page to work for all tables and fields and honor the Sort field if a sort order is present.
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Incomplete Grade determined by an Incomplete Assignment score
Is there a way to make a rule in Aeries that would allow us to enter an I (Incomplete) into the missing summative assessment assignment, with the result being that students and parents would immediately see an I (incomplete) rather than a letter grade for that class in Aeries until they complete that assignment?
Basically, if an I is entered as an assignment, can it make an I as the cumulative grade that parents and students see?
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Demographics Address Alerts
Enhance the Alert messages displayed on Demographics when Address changes are made and Decision Insite is enabled to give more detail. and more of a user friendly response.
Currently if a Low or Medium GeoCode Confidence happens the message only says "Address cannot be precisely located"4 votes -
Master Schedule - Default View
I would love this page to default to show ALL ACTIVE sections. Our section list defaults to show ONLY ONE - the lowest section number, which happens to be inactive. It is irritating that in order to view all sections, I have to first erase the default number that appears in the search bod, and then click "Go" - see screenshot.
Additionally, I would love it if all the inactive sections were hidden by default (with a clickable box to show them if desired). Showing all inactive sections can get very confusing because we have many inactive sections with the…
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Aeries Financials - Need to support Refund transactions from LivingTree
Aeries Financials - Need to support Refund transactions from LivingTree
4 votesHello, I wanted to let you know that development is starting on this item and it will be shipped when testing is completed.
CCI Indicator Summary
State Course code 9374 needs to be added to the CCI Indicator Summary - Measure G for Military Science
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Security: Please Allow User Access to the "Query Change Button" ONLY and NOT the "Query Change Command" to Prevent "Accidental" Mass Update
Ticket #346128: We have just recently learned about the "Query Change Command" and what impact it would have should a User be given that permission, in addition to the Mass Update permission to a Table.
What Has Been Done: We followed the information provided to us and read through the article from AERIES support. We then replicated it using one of our users. We could not find a way to get the CHANGE BUTTON to appear without the CHANGE QUERY COMMAND permission, which would be the ideal solution for us. With your guidance, would it be possible please to make…
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Medical Log Start/End time - add the ability to sort the drop down menu by AM or PM/ only allow for selections during valid school hours.
Districts are asking for the ability to sort the start/end times. The drop down menu begins at 12:00 AM
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Staff End Date and Time
Substitute and Non Primary Section Staff End Date should go into effect at midnight of the end date populated not midnight of the prior day or allow the ability to set a specified time with the end date
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Create better logic for scheduling students with empty periods
Some of our students (especially seniors) are not taking a full load of classes. We have used placeholder courses (Unscheduled) as they must have a class in each period - however in the SMS board and scheduling process - those courses are being seen as any other course and getting placed in the middle of the day.
I'd like to see a placeholder that the Avoid Gaps in Schedule box will recognize and follow and be able to have a better logic system in terms of only allowing those at the start or end of their regularly scheduled courses.
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Subtotals and report totals added to the Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis Report.
Can we please get subtotals and report totals added to the Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis Report. This would greatly improve quality of life and usability of data for schools with non-ADA TK, multiple tracks etc.
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Remove attendance by Photo - OLD for all Flex schools
The Attendance by Photo - OLD module does not function when using Flex scheduling. Please make it possible to remove from the teacher portal via Security/portal permissions or when Flex is utilized, automatically disable Attendance by Photo - OLD as it does not work and does not need to appear on the navigation pane.
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Special Education - Basic Information
Add the ability to display the school name selected in search, instead of the lowest school code when multiples exist with the same CDS code
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SSA date from a previous district
Need the ability to input an Assertive Discipline record that can be tagged as a violation at a previous school...used solely to track an SSA violation from a previous district. At our court school and some other schools, teachers need to know if a student has had a SSA violation from a previous district, but we don't want to input it manually as it could be confusing as to why they have an SSA date that doesn't match any Assertive Discipline records at the current school. We also don't want to input an Assertive Discipline record since the violation did…
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Increase the font on the Standards Based Report Card
Please increase the font on the Standards Based Report Card
when we print the standard based report card the font is small4 votes
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