Teacher Portal Grade Screen: alphabetical student sort
After some of the updates that were put in place at the beginning of the 2020 school year, the order of student names on the Teacher Portal Grade Screen changed from a straight alphabetical list of the students in that period to a list organized first by section, then alphabetical by student.
This new order makes it awkward for many of our teacher to enter Citizenship, Work Habits & Comments by student, as they are used to seeing their period roster listed alphabetically and not split by section. They need to scan multiple 'sub-lists' on the page to find a particular student.
Our teachers would like to see it go back to a straight alphabetical by period listing (regardless of how many sections are in the period),
OR be able to click on the column name ("Student Name") to have the page sort based on student name, regardless of section (similar to how you can sort by columns on the Attendance Screen).